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#142569620Monday, August 04, 2014 11:54 AM GMT

Whew... I almost forgot about this. DISCLAIMERS AND STUFF: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=142364727 Prologue: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=142364866 It was a sunny day... Although the OTers couldn't notice it, because all of them were inside the large OT building. More specifically, they were all gathered in the cafeteria because it was lunch time. One OTer sat at the end of a table all by himself. His name was Neongoo51. He was so excited about something that he could barely eat. After forcing his food into his stomach as quickly as he could, he pulled a small box of metal (that appeared to be waterproof, windproof, and nearly indestructable) with a microscope-like thing attached to it. He thought to himself, "Today, I am going to blow every single OTer's mind." Neongoo51 checked and double-checked the contents of the box with the microscope thing. Then, he went to the other end of the table and tapped another OTer, Kalyrian, on his shoulder. Kalyrian nearly didn't react at all, so Neongoo51 tapped his shoulder some more. Kalyrian was now annoyed, and couldn't help but shout "WHAT IS IT, NE-" but was quickly interrupted when Neongoo51 said "Check this out, you won't be disappointed!" Having considered Neongoo51 a friend, he decided to move his way over to Neongoo51's end of the table. Kalyrian looked and squinted through the microscope thing on the box, but was not impressed at all. "What is this? Some sort of bacteria?" he mumbled. "It's not just any micro-organism!" Neongoo51 said with great enthusiasm. "I call this a "micrOTer"!" Kalyrian remained unimpressed. "I mean, it's viritually impossible for a single cellular organism to keep the shape of a humanoid! And it can talk, too!" Neongoo51 continued on. He was deliberately trying to impress Kalyrian, but finally, Kalyrian said "I'm actually trying to eat, so tell me about this later, okay?" and went back to the other end of the table. Neongoo51 didn't want to give up. But knowing that Kalyrian wasn't impressed, he knew that none of the others would be impressed either. He kept looking into the box through the microscope thing, and noticed something. The micrOTer (as Neongoo51 called it) in the box wasn't moving at all. Then, a thought struck his mind. "He was asleep all the time! So THAT's why Kalyrian wasn't impressed!" he said to himself. He looked into the box with the microscope again. Then, he put a headset on, and said "Akrylix!" The micrOTer which was apparently called Akrylix didn't react. "A-kry-lix!" Akrylix moved an inch. Well, more like a half micrometer than an inch. "Wake up, sleepyhead!" Akrylix sprung up from his sleep, and said "MORNING!" in a loud voice. (Even though it was actually in the middle of day.) From the other end of the table, Kalyrian heard someone say "MORNING!". Because everyone else was busy eating and having their usual lunch time conversations, he was the only one who heard it. He was a little confused because he didn't see anyone that he could associate the voice with. Out of curiosity, he went back to the the other end of the table and asked to Neongoo51, "Did you hear someone say "MORNING" just now? Also, why are you wearing that..." Neongoo51 felt a spark of hope, and began with his nonsensical explanations all over again until Kalyrian interrupted him by saying "Yeah, yeah, enough of you and your darn micro-organisms, I'm just wondering if you knew where the voice came from!" Akrylix spoke up again. "HERE!" Kalyrian's mind was blown. "So... That's... Huh." Kalyrian was struggling to find the right words. "Yep, exactly", Neongoo51 responded. Kalyrian quickly recovered from being mindblown. "I hate to admit it, but you've really done something extraordinary this time." More OTers were gathering around the box with the micrOTer in it now, but Neongoo51 wasn't really enjoying the sudden attention that he was getting. "Ooh, can I have one?" one OTer asked. "It looks cute!" another one said. At the end of the day, Neongoo51 was sitting alone in his room, but he was still happy because he had his micrOTer, Akrylix. Though micrOTers were nearly unsentinent, and could not act on their own, they were still great company. Well, for Neongoo51, at least. --[[ Shoot, I accidentally made another post.
#142569676Monday, August 04, 2014 11:55 AM GMT

Mini OT'ers as pets wat
#142570032Monday, August 04, 2014 12:04 PM GMT

tell us more
#142600927Monday, August 04, 2014 7:42 PM GMT

i like this it's a very good sorry neon
#142613306Monday, August 04, 2014 9:50 PM GMT

#142756502Wednesday, August 06, 2014 6:16 AM GMT

Chapter 2 if you care. http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=142755905 --[[ Shoot, I accidentally made another post.
#151283475Sunday, December 07, 2014 7:19 PM GMT

Sometimes, I feel like reading the entire thing all over again. --[[ Shoot, I accidentally made another post.
#151376258Tuesday, December 09, 2014 3:16 AM GMT

... sequel?
#163096784Wednesday, May 27, 2015 9:01 AM GMT

>i never saw this ;_____________________________;
#163100493Wednesday, May 27, 2015 11:25 AM GMT

How was it physically possible for you to miss this if you posted a reply on chapter 4? ``Just wasting some space in your thread´´
#163140236Wednesday, May 27, 2015 10:54 PM GMT

i remember this my friend :)
#163178952Thursday, May 28, 2015 1:13 PM GMT

"How was it physically possible for you to miss this if you posted a reply on chapter 4?" couldn't find earlier chapters

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