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#142675985Tuesday, August 05, 2014 12:59 PM GMT

1. Q. How have the last couple of days been switching from being a defenseman to the owner of the whole franchise? A. Obviously it's a big change for us and our franchise being that coolcalvie has always been an owner for the Dynamo, but I think it works out for the better. He didn't have that fire in his eyes when he played anymore. He started to get more frustrated dealing with all the ownership problems on top of the captaincy, and it hard to see us lose like that because of these problems. I think that were in a better place right now since we switched it up a bit. 2. Q. What big changes do you expect for Detroit in the next season? A. We need to be more competitive. Day in and day out, every single waking hour of the day we need to be on our feet being aggressive on the attack when it comes to playing. The big problem we had was once we got a good start and looked well in the pre-season, we got too annoyed to keep going once we lost. Everybody in this game loses. I can't sit here and tell you we will go 20-0-0 in one season even if we got a Sidney Crosby like player on our team. So next year we will need to just keep the pressure up cause it only gets harder in our division. 3. Q. Who is one player on your team that has definitely improved as the season went on? A. DiscoBallzz definitely. When we played during the RNHL season, he was a selective scorer. Some games he would put 4 in the net, but others he would be blank on the score sheet. This season he's really exploded onto the charts, and he's really shown that he can be a leader for the team for many years to come. There were times where nobody could hit the net and everybody was about to give up, and then he hit those big goals. It's like he's born to play in the big games in the big moments. He has the John Tavares like character; quiet during the game, but always can get it done when the team needs a boost. 4. Q. Recently, you've gained some prospects from the minors and you love how the way they are playing. What made you turn to the minors to try-out some prospects late in the season? A. Our season is over at this point, and I needed to see who can fit into our system, and who needs to go. I basically said to all the prospects that it's time to show us what you got so we can see where we stand with you guys next season. Two that we got, Salarycapkid and thomassz59, have been phenomenal these last 2 games for us. Salarycapkid really gives relief to the top line so they don't always have the pressure of scoring 3 or 4 goals a game to keep us in it. He really is a calm and composed skater as well. You never see him panic with the ball, and he knows the whole situation 4 or 5 seconds before it happens. thomassz59 I love how flexible he is. He can go from being a playmaking defenseman, to a great goalie within a second. He honestly has shown he can play with the system, and he's also very calm and composed too during the games. You never seem him frustrated or yelling at anyone, and he's got a cannon of a shot from the point. I really look forward to next season when these two will get some big time minutes with our team. 5. Q. One last question before you go, what's your prediction for the next season? A. We can only take it one day at a time. I would love us to win an RHL cup just like any other team, but we got to take it slowly. This off season I would love to sign a big time goalie so we don't have to keep switching in a new goalie every game, so if we can do that. I don't see why we can't be a top team next season. We definitely have a great combination of young rookies and experienced veterans, so to me next year we should turn some heads and make some noise in the playoffs.
#142676002Tuesday, August 05, 2014 1:00 PM GMT

hockey "It's not about the name on the jersey, it's about the badge on the front." ~ David Beckham

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