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#143026210Friday, August 08, 2014 11:27 PM GMT

[Had to repost since I accidentally locked my thread.] There is this forumer. His name is goldfishmemories. He was a complete and utter troll. But he changed. Over the last two months he's made some really good points on some really good threads about ROBLOX's current standpoint. And it got me thinking... Why is the everyday ROBLOX player so worthless? ROBLOX makes you think that they don't give a damn if you're playing or not. But they should. Without the everyday player playing games they would go bankrupt and lose their attraction that lures in businesses and CPM agencies that makes them so valueable. So why do they act like they don't care? Why do they only reward the buying players and big shot developers? It's not fair. Goldfish was on target to me. He realizes that in the situation they're in giving us what we want can be costly. But he also gets another thing; NO ONE IS CREATIVE ANYMORE. Why? Instead of finding one solution they find one excuse and milk it. But people like goldfishmemories find a solution in hours and no one cares enough to even consider it. They'd rather be lazy. But not me. I've played ROBLOX for a little more than six months and I've got to say... the gameplays are great and enough for me to stay, but the bullcrap I deal with out of place leaves me torn. I've been here more than six months and what do I have to show for it? One outfit, four asslooking ticket hats and 10 tickets. I don't know about you, but that isn't very "rewarding," and "satisfying." Why aren't your players getting anything? More importantly, why does that not matter to you? I know a lot of people in the same boat. I've seen them, too. Look around. Join a regular game. All the one year players are barely better off than before. Their inventories are only a few clothes and a couple hats bigger. Items they didn't want at first and probably ended up settling for. Why? You don't earn anything. You buy everything. But I don't think it's right. And goldfishmemories is right. He's the perfect example of someone wanting to make a change and productively thinking it out. Here's my suggestion: give power to your players, ROBLOX. How: Care more! No, really, how: Ok I'll tell you. The player's currency [WNTS WNTS WNTS YOU NOOB WNTS! HA HA!]: Bloxperience ('Cause I can). Got a better name? Say it now!!!!! ... And then post it on this thread. Now... what the heck are you on? I'm on that goldfishmemories high, bro :3 I'll give him some credit; He was the one who inspired me to make this thread. An even better question.... wtf is [Bloxperience]? Your savior, that's what. Bloxperience is a currency that you EARN. What? What? WHAT!? Keep reading. Not a currency that you buy, not a currency that's given to you. It's the currency you deserve. It's a manifestation of your dedication to ROBLOX. Not a manifestation of your money or a manifestation of your allowance. It's what you earn!!! Now... how the hell do you earn it? Good question. QI (Quite Interesting) yes yes. Well one way is the BadgeEx. Another way is the... ? Why are you looking at me like I'm from the moon--Oh. Forgot to tell you what the Badge Exchange was. And on a drafted post, too lol. The Badge Exchange is a new update for players to earn Bloxperience. Basically once you earn a badge, not a player badge, but a ROBLOX badge, you now have the option to earn it again! And again! And againandagainandagainandagain--FOREVER! And once you earn it again you get to exchange the extra badge earnings for an amount of Bloxperience. For example: - I earn my Bloxxer badge. Then I say "I'm bored I'll do it again!" I get another 250 kills and then my badge is highlighted. It has a claim button under it. So I do. I gives me XXXX amount of Bloxperience. Here we're the margins I was thinking of. 1 EX/EXTRA Bloxxer: 1000 BP (I was thinking maybe you can pay $0.99 or use like 10,000 of your account's BP to reset your KOs and WOs to 0 with the actual number being in parentheses next to your reset number so you can continue to make a profit off of re earning your Bloxxer Badge. For example, if I have 256 KOS and 1,000 WOs and I reset my KOs and WOs then they become 0 (256) KOs and 0 (1,000) WOs. If I earn 10 more KOs and WOs then it's 10 (266) KOs and 10 (1,010) WOs. You can make it so the parentheses are only viewable on your private profile page) 1 EX Inviter: 2500 BP 1 EX Homestead: 1500 BP 1 EX Bricksmith: 3500 BP 1 EX Veteran: 1000 BP +25 BP for every Badge and EX Badge you earned that year. You know that sort of thing. But what's another way to earn BP? Well... BCers and/or EX veterans (Anyone who has been on ROBLOX for over two years) can apply to have their places give BP through a script moderation system. Basically what it does is that a script that allows BP to be earned on their place is sent for moderation, is reviewed, and if it approved it becomes effective. HOWEVER, the script is impossible to be edited. Now BCers have an extra way to attract players to their games as well as bigshot developers. Sort of like PP and Clan Points except BP is actually more useful than an ego boost. But... what the heck is BP even useful for? Well I'll tell you what you can't do with BP: - Trading - Replacing R$ - It's not next to tickets or R$ on the layout Well what does it do? It's viewable from your profile. It's located at the top of you profile picture on your profile page and can be optionally hidden from settings. But what else does it do? Well it grants you access to these updates: -- BP section of the Catalog: Df is this? Basically now ROBLOX starts making BP items. My preference is for every regular Catalog Item they release, they also release a BP item from now on. BP Items are basically Items they develop that are completely and utterly worthless when compared to R$ and ticket items. Why? Because they are earned through a system that isn't worth any money. But... they do make ROBLOX money. How? Simple: my newest suggestion (My god it's getting hard to fathom) -- Sponsor Decals and Sponsor Items. Basically from business to person, anyone can pay ROBLOX to make them a Sponsor Decal. The price would probably be around $50-$100. Each BP Item has one or two spots where a Sponsor Decal can/will reside. The Sponsor Decal will come with a special keyword, called a BP Item Tag; like if some business like ArmorGames bought a Sponsor Decal their keyword may be "ArmorGames." A sponsor decal is chosen at random to be put on the hat every time it's bought, the ones that are purchased for a higher price have a bigger chance of appearing on a BP Item. Like if they paid $100 more then they would have a higher chance of appearing on a hat then a sponsor decal that cost $100 less. It's like a contest. Whoever puts in the most money becomes the most famous. ROBLOX can also make BP Items that have a set amount of chance slots that sponsors can take up and the ones in the slots are the only ones chosen from at random whenever someone buys a BP Item. This is essentially paid perma advertising. When the BP Item is bought, the Sponsor Decals on it decide the BP Item Tag that they get. Like if they got an ArmorGames Sponsor Decal on their BP Item and a MaxGames Sponsor Decal on their BP Item then their tags would be in front of the actual Item's name. Let's say there's a package called the "Ad Ninja Suit" with these Sponsor Decals on it. Then it would be specifically called the "ArmorGames MaxGames Ad Ninja Suit." ... But what good are these tags anyways? Are they just for show? Nah... they're quite important. These BP Item Tags have a special ability: whenever you click them you open an offer to earn more BP, which you can do once per day. For example; if XGEN had a tag, clicking it would open an offer like "Play games on XGEN for 30 minutes and gain 7500 BP!" I also thought that maybe on specific slots people can decide which Sponsor Decal they want and specifically pay extra BP to get it. So if you love playing XGEN and ROBLOX, then that tag would be the stuff to you. So to sum it up people and businesses can buy Sponsor Decals that come with their own BP Item Tags that get put into sort of a pool to be randomly selected on every buy. BP items can be used to earn more BP. BP Items have Sponsor Decals and BP Item Tags to use the mesh and the tag as a form of advertisement and encouragement to use external sources. And since it's a pool there is an infinite potential of cashflow from other businesses. The only tricky part would be the creation of the BP Item Tag offers. But what else can it do? -- BP Inventory Category: Now everyone can change their Inventory from regular items to BP Items view (same with changing your character). But you can also sell BP items that you own from your inventory. How? Well first I need to tell you how you buy BP items. Basically there is a set price that you pay in BP to be able to wear the item. But afterwards you can put in more BP to be able to sell the item from your inventory. There are levels: - Selling privileges = x2 original price - 10% discount = x2 selling privileges price - 25% discount = BC and x2 10% discount price So for example, if I wanted to sell a BP hat that costs 1000 BP, I'd need to buy the hat, then use 2000 BP for selling privileges, 4000 BP for 10% off your own price (sell it for 900 BP) and 8000 BP for 25% off (sell it for 750 BP) and I would need BC or higher. If somebody buys the BP Item from your account, they get the discount, and you both get 5 tickets. If they buy from the BC price then they get 5 tickets and you get 10 tickets. Even exBCers can get the BC price for their BP Item. Players can also buy the selling privileges, etc, off of you for the discount. Each time they fill out the purchase you both get the same amount you would have on the first purchase. Anyone can do this. But it'll take a while to get a legitimate shop going on your profile. But it is profitable. -- BP Leaderboard: It's similar to the Player Points and Clan Points leaderboards. Except it's a little bit more rewarding. For example: - Top 1000 = +10 tickets to a weekly stipend - Top 100 = +20 tickets to a weekly stipend + 10 - Top 50 = +30 tickets to a weekly stipend + 30 With this update, giving power to the players actually makes ROBLOX more money. It's pretty great. I can't forget my inspirations, though. So I urge you to read this thread and also support. It's by goldfishmemories and it's called "Inflation is bad." http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=141079669 Support? If nl;er then playerisaboss = true
#143026386Friday, August 08, 2014 11:29 PM GMT

tl;dr we want more benefits or something
#143026925Friday, August 08, 2014 11:35 PM GMT

RE: sonikdude1000 Aww. You're only part right now.
#143027042Friday, August 08, 2014 11:36 PM GMT

support, gieves roblox more moniez.
#143027285Friday, August 08, 2014 11:38 PM GMT

support give us all obc lifetime and remove females
#143027361Friday, August 08, 2014 11:39 PM GMT

Everyone is worthless. Just in other peoples visions at least. To me, 90% of S&I is worthless. But in those people's eyes, im worthless. In there friends eyes they are something worthful. It's matter of POV. (Point of view)
#143027750Friday, August 08, 2014 11:43 PM GMT

'Preesh the support! RE: 3Dwolf11 While that holds some truth, it isn't entirely what I meant. I meant more like we play so frequently and fervently and have virtually nothing to show for it. How do you feel about the extra suggestion. Please no WNTS calls.
#143028973Friday, August 08, 2014 11:56 PM GMT

Support! Thanks for the shoutout :3
#143028984Friday, August 08, 2014 11:56 PM GMT

Mostly because they do nothing. What's the value in being a consumer? The amount they pay. ROBLOX is free. The average consumer pays nothing. Why should they get "hats"? Why should they get "points"? All ROBLOX is doing in the suggested system is taking money from other people to advertise for them, and the other people get their money from advertising other people. Why doesn't ROBLOX keep the current advertising system that is, in theory, OPTIMAL? ROBLOX already gave enough power to the consumers. All the ROBLOX games that you play are made by consumers. They're not worthless because they actually do things. conclusion: not profitable is basically a copy of PP's that can be spent on being advertised to and are generated by being advertised to
#143029994Saturday, August 09, 2014 12:06 AM GMT

@tery215 We're being treated like we're worthless even though we aren't. ROBLOX makes $50,000 a day off of traffic. Most of that traffic being from the everyday joes who use the site everyday and a huge chunk of their day. Why? CPM agencies invested in them. They get paid by cost a thousand impressions (aka CPM), not to mention ads. Saying we aren't popular in nonsensical. I personally see generally nothing wrong with this suggestion. These hats are profitable to ROBLOX because they use them to create a cash pool and act as an advertisement and attraction market. And he never said that they didn't keep their "optimal" way of advertising as well. Who said both wasn't an option? Explain to me how this unprofitable. They already get sponsors and this would attract more. I personally think that these hats are kind of like ticket hats in a way. Not as alluring as actual hats, but still worth it. He is very aware it's like PP. You can tell because he used it as a comparison. Who cares? The PP system was flawed in testing and is still in recovery. That's probably why he didn't use it. In conclusion, I don't get the point you're trying to make.
#143035734Saturday, August 09, 2014 1:10 AM GMT

Goldfish, where's that information coming from?
#143038099Saturday, August 09, 2014 1:38 AM GMT

RE: tery215 That's the problem right there. Your mindset. You think we're lucky to even play this game when they actually need as much players as they can have. I don't feel like this compromises anything. I think it helps everyone. Like goldfishmemories said, everyday players are essential to ROBLOX's survival. And you're basically saying we're lucky to play; which is why they get CPM! If playing is really that important and essential, then don't you think it should be encouraged to do it, too? ROBLOX's "business" survives because of the attraction of it's game; something reading on low as of late. You may think it's unprofitable, but it isn't losing profit. Not to mention the increase in attraction will make it well worth the trouble. This doesn't endanger any aspect of ROBLOX. And I don't think that it's unreasonable. ROBLOX is on the Internet. Internet businesses don't rely solely on customers; they rely on consumers; people who use their product. We're customers of a free product. If it weren't free then there would be no CPM, no business deals, no ads--ROBLOX would shrink and crash. ROBLOX needs players to survive. Even a small decrease would hurt. So even if we don't pay, in this special case, we are worth something. Almost $50,000 a day. So I don't know who put it in your head that we're all worthless without buying; purchases are their profit. The traffic and ads allow them to make profit. And the traffic and ads are from US. All of us! And since most of "us" are everyday kids, then what does that say? Shouldn't they be taken a little bit more seriously. They have some serious power over ROBLOX. But everyone does. This is a game the players made. The staff just allows it to happen and supervises it. Thanks to gold's posts and others, I've come to understand how it works quite well. And I understand why some things can't happen. And be worked out a compromise for everyone. Because you may not see it from your POV, but there is a problem. Be constructive for once. Don't deconstruct ideas that concept needed solutions.
#143038297Saturday, August 09, 2014 1:40 AM GMT

How has ROBLOX become less popular? Where is this information coming from? Maybe it's just made up by goldfish.
#143038398Saturday, August 09, 2014 1:41 AM GMT

Sources: http://www.entrepreneurs-journey.com/4654/how-to-make-money-with-cpm-advertising/ http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=63778211 http://www.worthofweb.com/website-value/roblox.com
#143038630Saturday, August 09, 2014 1:45 AM GMT

@tery215 The actual numbers are confidential, but the evidence is all around you. Most newer account have very small life cycles as their players become impatient. Top games went from thousands of online players to hundreds. Servers from over 50 pages in the top games to around high 30s. It's not too bad, but a noticeable decline. And views like that don't help. Do I really sound unreasonable and incompetent?
#143038822Saturday, August 09, 2014 1:47 AM GMT

#143039125Saturday, August 09, 2014 1:51 AM GMT

Your words are reasonable. What can they do with ROBLOX with no knowledge? Being advertised to by ROBLOX for the hats is profitable and might keep nobs on long enough to have some more fun.
#143039258Saturday, August 09, 2014 1:53 AM GMT

Aw man. You KNOW you got my support! Tery is in Builders' Club. The irony: He tries to deconstruct every argument he finds. Just silly fun :P Don't let me leave you in the buff. YOU'RE GOING THE WRONG WAY!
#143039282Saturday, August 09, 2014 1:53 AM GMT

I really like the idea of Bloxperience, but some of the rewards and the fact that repeating badges over and over doesn't seem exactly right. Just needs a little shaping up, a slightly smaller structure, and it will be the top 10 ideas of Roblox 20xx ~ Do you want to see the Rabbits David? ~
#143040179Saturday, August 09, 2014 2:03 AM GMT

Just sayin Haiii And I hope ROBLOX understands and agrees c: Bye Bye
#143043031Saturday, August 09, 2014 2:34 AM GMT

Thanks for the support! RE: tery215 I can live with that response. Thank you! RE: PokeShadow Lay it on me. What're you thinking? I'm open to changes.
#143044556Saturday, August 09, 2014 2:49 AM GMT

Didn't read the whole thing, but I read enough. Support I will find you, and I will slap you with a chicken...
#143047429Saturday, August 09, 2014 3:18 AM GMT

Thanks for support!
#143053935Saturday, August 09, 2014 4:28 AM GMT

#143086915Saturday, August 09, 2014 3:28 PM GMT


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