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#144044661Wednesday, August 20, 2014 2:07 AM GMT

New York, New York City Tuesday 4:56:14 AM "My friend, you and I, must stop this. If you can hear me... Go down to the basement, there is a-" He stops, and screaming is heard in the back ground. The recording goes dead.. Now you're trapped inside a room, its small. It is a closet, so it is small... it is dark inside, black as it could be, you can't see a inch in front of you. There's a crack in the door, allowing you to see outside but it is locked. But is to terrifying to look out there, all of the lights are flickering, they dangle, slowly side to side, it's scary, a beast is roming around the halls, searching for you. To kill you, and feed it to to his species. And you, may only be the last one alive to stop this beast. And if there is anymore of you alive... watch your back.... --- New York, New York City Top Secret Government Lab Wednesday 12:00:02 PM You're still trapped in the closet, all of the sudden, the beast is searching you, he is down the hall, you can hear him, and see him coming down, throwing everything out of the door. He walks out, you can't describe his look, he is covered in black, a mask covering his face. He walks down the hall to the closet that you're in, he removes the lock, and opens it. You're scared, breathing heavily, but silently. You hide in the corner, covering yourself up with a bunch of stuff that smells really badly. He doesn't seem to find you due to an obvious spot to hide in, he goes to the security room, watching cameras, he actives the security, there is trip wires, missile's, guns, and more are being set up everywhere... (Nothing more is written into your Journal.) To be continued. --- Rules. 1. Follow the rules on this forum, if you do not comply. You will be kicked from the role-play, and be known as a Spectator. 2. Follow the ROBLOX Guidelines and every single one of there rules. 3. This is a strict role-play, join at your own risk. 4. Use parentheses when not role-playing. 5. I! May only be the best, if anyways else role-plays as him, welcome to being a spectator. 6. PUT EFFORT INTO CS! I don't want to see crappy ones! 7. I want grammar, its a rule here. 8. No racial slurs, or any of that is permitted here. 9. Do not mind any person who is a troll, they are no good. 10. Please enjoy the role-play, and follow the rules. ---- Character Sheet Name/ Age/ Gender/ Outfit/ Facial/ Biography/ Inventory(No guns.)/ Personality/ Extra/ ---- Enjoy.. and try to survive... if you can..
#144044702Wednesday, August 20, 2014 2:08 AM GMT

a beast is roaming around the halls,*
#144124218Thursday, August 21, 2014 3:26 AM GMT

#144124759Thursday, August 21, 2014 3:34 AM GMT

fuck you op swedish fish + strawberry milk = ultimate swag
#144126996Thursday, August 21, 2014 4:07 AM GMT

#144133876Thursday, August 21, 2014 6:11 AM GMT

Character Sheet Name: Kyle Duncan Age: 18 3/4 Gender: Male Outfit: Looks similar to ROBLOXian. Facial: Beautiful brown eyes, (medium length) curly brown hair. Biography: Grew up with a very wealthy family. Has a dog and two cats. And has a very beautiful girlfriend, Zoe. Inventory: (I carry a small backpack around my back because I was on my way home before all of this) A emergency flashlight with one extra pair of batteries. A two-thirds full bottle of water. A phone with only half a battery, but no charger. A pocket knife. And picture of Zoe and I at Christmas. Personality: Kind of shy, but very brave. Gets jumpscares easily, though. Very intelligent. Extra: I take my roleplaying very seriously. I like the storyline. It's original, and seems interesting. :D
#144134311Thursday, August 21, 2014 6:23 AM GMT

"Extra, I take my roleplaying very seriously. I like the storyline. It's original, and seems interesting. :D" No. It's not. At all. * tl;dr - hiding from slenderman in a closet when he happens to go to the security room and activates all the traps (totally expected). *
#144134411Thursday, August 21, 2014 6:26 AM GMT

@Bunneh >less than 200 forum posts >"oka i taek rolpleyng vry srsly" if you know what i mean
#144134426Thursday, August 21, 2014 6:27 AM GMT

i kno rite? * generic high five *
#144134499Thursday, August 21, 2014 6:29 AM GMT

* generic high five back until i realize im probably not even tall enough to reach your hand * close enough if you know what i mean
#144134732Thursday, August 21, 2014 6:37 AM GMT

Trust me. I'm very serious for a twelve year old. (LOL NO NOT IN REAL LIFE XD) My first account allies4637 was made a while ago. So technically, I've been playing ROBLOX for like three or four years now. I may no have posted as much as you guys (or gals, I don't know) I do like to take it seriously.
#144134768Thursday, August 21, 2014 6:39 AM GMT

@Bunneh that obvious lie post gave me cancer "I CLAIM THIS THREAD IN THE NAME OF BREADSTICK, CROUTON, AND SALAD!"
#144134858Thursday, August 21, 2014 6:42 AM GMT

At least I use grammar. That's all that matters to me. :l
#144134887Thursday, August 21, 2014 6:43 AM GMT

You can use like, google translate or something for that rofl all you need is a personality "Selling my account for your soul and 99.99!"
#144134927Thursday, August 21, 2014 6:45 AM GMT

I don't believe Google Translate does that...
#144134962Thursday, August 21, 2014 6:47 AM GMT

dont deny my logic you bunneh fgt "Selling my account for your soul and 99.99!"
#144135075Thursday, August 21, 2014 6:51 AM GMT

We can do without potty mouths... jeez...
#144135184Thursday, August 21, 2014 6:56 AM GMT

ladies stop yer bickering. you're both beautiful
#144135240Thursday, August 21, 2014 6:58 AM GMT

Oh, *flips hair* why thank- Wait a second...
#144135812Thursday, August 21, 2014 7:23 AM GMT

*legit hair flip* silly males can't hairflip! "I CLAIM THIS THREAD IN THE NAME OF BREADSTICK, CROUTON, AND SALAD!"
#144136009Thursday, August 21, 2014 7:32 AM GMT

Goodnight, I'm tired. :P
#144141620Thursday, August 21, 2014 12:01 PM GMT

Marked, this looks interesting. Also, do we have to be in 3rd person? I like RPing in 3rd person. :3 Anyways; My CS is: Name: Taylor, if it requires a last name then Ruiz. Age: 17 Gender: Feminine (Oooh, I'm so fancy) Outfit: http://t0.rbxcdn.com/4acea1a56372dbc3ee4b70f341065158 Facial: Brown eyes, a couple small cuts, and a brown bob. Biography: (I'm kind of bad at this, so it's probably gonna be short.) When Taylor was younger, she adventured in the woods. (Well, if her parents let her.) At school she was nicknamed "Goodie Goodie" and she tried to stop them from that. Now that she was 17 she was much stronger (than she was) and she always carried a small knife in her pocket. She was an average girl. She was going to get a job soon, but she ended up in this room. Inventory: Her knife, a cheeseburger from McDonalds, a rock, and a ring. (WHAT HAS IT GOT IT ITS POCKETSES?) Personality: Cheerful and brave (at times.) Though she is open to friends, she is shy, so most of the time she won't talk unless talked to. She is a bit sarcastic sometimes though and sometimes stubborn. Extra: Favorite food: Chicken wings with really mild hot sauce. So I was watching "The Matrix" on a plane today, and you can guess what happened when I started screaming "FLY NEO FLY!"
#144141711Thursday, August 21, 2014 12:04 PM GMT

"silly males can't hairflip!" HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAAHAWHAHA ha my hair is actually long enough for me to do that get shrekt
#144141791Thursday, August 21, 2014 12:06 PM GMT

I used to be able to hairflip all the time. Now I can't because I got my hair cut into a bob. :( So I was watching "The Matrix" on a plane today, and you can guess what happened when I started screaming "FLY NEO FLY!"
#144142081Thursday, August 21, 2014 12:15 PM GMT

Name/ Yugio. H. Hero. (Im bad with names, so i use that.) Age/ 12 Gender/ Male. Outfit/ A creeper sweater with Black and purple pants and black sneakers. Facial/ Blue eyes and 4 missing teeth from having such pulled. Biography/He isnt very powerful, but he can hack anything, and also has a pet fish of an unknown species. Very large. Inventory(No guns.)/ Cell phone (For hacking on the go) Blue shirt, Gold + Pink shirt. Personality/ Cowardice. Extra/Nothing to say. Also, Forum posts mean nothing, a person with a lot of posts could be a S&I spammer. So GET OUT.

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