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#144882604Saturday, August 30, 2014 3:11 PM GMT

It was the year 2014. A science lab located right beside the Interstate 5 was testing on particles that the Large Hadron Collider had created. Some had extraordinary reactions, others were not surprising. But then a accident occurred, and witnesses driving beside the lab "saw it collapse into a round dark nothingness". The cars were sucked in and so was the highway itself. The ground was distorted and then, they fell into a deep, black ocean that they could breath in. They landed on black ground and then, everything that got sucked in was placed in a random spot. The sky was dark. The scientists had created a special black hole, that was like a normal one but did not vaporize things as small as gluons when particles got to the singularity. The people were now living in the singularity. They realized they could live normal here, but with a dark ground and dark sky. After a couple years, they started getting tired. They then figured out that this was not even planet Earth. They started searching for ways of getting back. They had the technology, could they do it? CS Name: Age: Appearance: Biography: Story: (Where you were when you got sucked into the black hole, and what you did when you were there) Weight: Height: Personality: Rules: No spamming. Follow your personality. Killing people for no reason in unacceptable. Enjoy.

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