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#145332948Thursday, September 04, 2014 9:00 PM GMT

This is sort of a rant about my local paintball field/store, and other local ones. Business is better than ever, but people are only coming on birthdays, celebrations, etc. But we rarely have any "regular" players, that actually come to enjoy, and get better at the sport. Know what I mean? Based on my observations, paintball is becoming a dying sport. There is only about 5-8 players who come to enjoy the sport regularly. It's hard to find a competitive group of people to play with. I can't go hardcore Major League Paintballer on a group of kids who have payed to celebrate a birthday and have fun. You're probably thinking "shouldn't you be working?". Well yeah, but I like to play too. tl;dr i can't play paintball locally without fighting filthy casuals
#145333478Thursday, September 04, 2014 9:06 PM GMT

The Paintball Field/Store is on the outskirts of a ghetto btw. It's really common for people to blindfire over the bunker, and shoot holding the gun sideways. It's funny.
#145333598Thursday, September 04, 2014 9:08 PM GMT

Lucky, a paintball shop. I work at a cider mill, which is actually pretty cool, but a paintball shop...
#145333681Thursday, September 04, 2014 9:09 PM GMT

what are the rental guns that you guys offer I bet you guys are cheap so you give tipman 98's
#145333706Thursday, September 04, 2014 9:09 PM GMT

"The Paintball Field/Store is on the outskirts of a ghetto btw. It's really common for people to blindfire over the bunker, and shoot holding the gun sideways." Isn't it always blind fire if your mask is foggy? Sideways is for heavy weapons. And regular players must be rich, because it is not cheap.
#145334854Thursday, September 04, 2014 9:22 PM GMT

@giftbox24 We give them Ego's for Speedball. We only give them decently upgraded tippmann 98 platinums for woodsball. Currently, we don't have that many ego's because they are expensive. It's not like most of the other plays aren't using the same tier of gun they are. since most people are casuals who only rent. @Giantsashavor I guess that could be considered blind firing. Paintball terminology is different everywhere you go. "And regular players must be rich, because it is not cheap" I don't want to promote a particular brand, but a Tippmann 98 is a really good cheap gun. That you can get around 130$ on ebay for a used one. About 200$ for a new one, last time I checked. Either way it's not THAT expensive compared to a lot of hobbies.
#145367627Friday, September 05, 2014 3:49 AM GMT

It's not the gun, it's typically the cost of times you need to reload if you run out quick. Like 500 bullets is $40?

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