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#145392847Friday, September 05, 2014 7:08 PM GMT

"hey, uh, you wouldn't be concerned if i bought a figure... of a girl, wouldja?" "no... why? what would you do with it?" "oh, nothing. i was just wondering what you'd think since i never do stuff like that, like buying something like that."
#145392953Friday, September 05, 2014 7:10 PM GMT

she know swhat you willl do with ita aa
#145393140Friday, September 05, 2014 7:12 PM GMT

little bit of upskirt?
#145393255Friday, September 05, 2014 7:14 PM GMT

haha nob can't get a girll
#145393334Friday, September 05, 2014 7:15 PM GMT

kinky "When in doubt, blame Fidel!"
#145393336Friday, September 05, 2014 7:15 PM GMT

Ahh, so you ARE buying that Hatsune Miku figure? God, if I were in your shoes I would've bought that no questions asked, haha
#145393423Friday, September 05, 2014 7:17 PM GMT

LadyPoopThrower is coming out with barbies
#145393642Friday, September 05, 2014 7:20 PM GMT

i'll support if u tell me who your waifu is
#145393794Friday, September 05, 2014 7:23 PM GMT

what figure is it and how much is it
#145393972Friday, September 05, 2014 7:26 PM GMT

#145394071Friday, September 05, 2014 7:28 PM GMT

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#145394275Friday, September 05, 2014 7:31 PM GMT

"little bit of upskirt?" holy sht are you a psychic
#145394353Friday, September 05, 2014 7:33 PM GMT

"18 years old and still gotta ask mommy what you can and can't buy HAHAHAHAHAH" i have a very conservative family and don't even get to privilege of having my own room. it will have to wait until i get my own place, i suppose.
#145394502Friday, September 05, 2014 7:35 PM GMT

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#145394637Friday, September 05, 2014 7:37 PM GMT

"My family is too but my parents trust me enough to buy what I want without me asking them or them questioning me" i'm pretty sure they trust me, too, but i have a freaking drill sergeant of a brother-in-law who imposes his strictness on everyone.
#145394688Friday, September 05, 2014 7:38 PM GMT

controlling siblings sound annoying :(
#145394763Friday, September 05, 2014 7:39 PM GMT

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#145394783Friday, September 05, 2014 7:40 PM GMT

this guy pays for the house that's right my father is such a frugal spender (sarcasm) that we never have enough to stand on our own two legs because our house fell into foreclosure yeah and so now my family only ever talks about how grateful we should be
#145394888Friday, September 05, 2014 7:41 PM GMT

it's not like they ever wanna move out, either "hey, paying a cheap optional rent of $200 a month? what a blast! we could do this forrreeevvvveeerrr!" so that's the motivation to get us chillins working so we can afford a place of our own.
#145394931Friday, September 05, 2014 7:42 PM GMT

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#145394996Friday, September 05, 2014 7:43 PM GMT

no, textbased, your 'pathetic loser line' is placed incredibly low on the track, so it's like it doesn't even exist.
#145394998Friday, September 05, 2014 7:43 PM GMT

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