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#145477733Saturday, September 06, 2014 6:02 PM GMT

Hello my fellow Congressmen, I am here to talk to you about the upcoming USCP Chief upcoming elections, and will like to confirm your vote for me as the new Chief. I'll be listing some reasons on why I should be USCP Chief below and please talk the time to read this. Now before I give my reasons, let me give a little informatio about myself. I've joined USA about 6-7 Months ago. I've achieved a lot in that time period. I've always tried by best to succed at anything I aimed for. I've impressed all of my superiors and surpassed the people that didn't believe in me; in which they now call me sir. Being called Sir isn't what I reached out for. I reached out for success and to reach my objective. I've always thought about the right and the wrong, thought about what I should do and what I shouldn't do. I've thought about who should I help and who I shouldn't help. Now It's the time I noticed I must help USCP. USCP has lost it's purpose with the removal of it's team at DC, which I promise to work on getting us one; not only at DC but also at LV. I can prove that I can get USCP a team, because I got OMB a team. USCP has gone inactive, and that is the most important part. If USCP isn't active, Congress's safety is at risk. Which is why I'm here to help. I'll be increasing the activity of USCP, and working on the main priorities that everyone expects from USCP. USCP shall once again reach to the top, and mark my words. I never talk my words back. Please take the time to read the reasons below: Reason #1 I'll be changing the activity of USCP. How you ask? great question. All patrols that USCP agents do, will be sent to me in a orderly fashion. I'll be making a system, where you put in information of your patrol. You'll have to put in the exact time and date, a 5-10 Minute video of your patrol, and to see the quality of you doing your job protecting the congressmen, you'll be asked to let that congressmen give me a 1-10 on how you did, and any details that I should know that the agent has done. Any agent who does not send in all patrol logs on the date they patrol, they'll be removed from USCP. - Before going inactive, you'll have to fill up a inactivity notice, with questions you'll have to answer. Example: Why are you going inactive? How long will your inactivity go for? What days can you get on during the week? etc. Reason #2 I'll also be getting us a team at LV and DC. We've recently got our team removed at DC because we got very inactive, but I can promise to get us a team at the New DC which should come out anytime this week, or next week. I'll be talking to the maker of LV to give us a team at LV so we can also protect congress there. Reason #3 I'll be making a brand new Base for USCP which is so far 90% done, and we shall host our first tryout in a while today, and also a HQ. I'll also be making a brand new guide explaining the description of each rank, steps of hosting a tryout, how to send in patrol logs and more. This is just partially of what I'll do when I become USCP Chief. Please let me know if you'll vote for me on the 8th, when elections for USCP Chief are. Reply Aye, if you'll vote for me, and Nay if you'll not vote for me. I'll be awaiting your reply, and I can't wait to ensure your safety. Signed, USCP Future Chief, Ahmedthepro101 P.S So will you say "Ahmedthepro101" On the ballot for USCP Chief? US | Mr. Ahmed USCP Chief

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