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#146314782Thursday, September 18, 2014 6:44 PM GMT

Which doesn't involve Russia. Currently, Scotland and the United Kingdom are having a possible separation, and if it comes true, it could have overreaching effects on most of Europe. [1] The slow rise of Europe's economy could falter into nothing. [2] The EU will likely be -the UK if the vote succeeds. [3] Ukraine will likely experience more fighting, in between being a part of Russia and remaining free. [4] Scotland's economy will likely disintegrate into nothing. [5] Britain's economy will take a huge whack to the face. So following this... [1] Canada is split. One part becomes part of France [possibly] and the other remaining entirely Canadian. [2] China may suffer from increased rebellions against communism. [3] Catalonia might separate from Spain entirely, becoming it's own nation. [4] Likely increased independence activity from Belgium, but unlikely that they'd actually split. [5] Kurdistan may seperate, and wreak havoc on ISIS plans. Russia will likely stay out of any conflict involving Ukraine, prefering to wait and see. Maybe supply the rebels with weaponry and training. China's revolutions would have far reaching effects, destroying any communist stability. Cuba would suffer from even more unstability, and America would likely have a hand in destroying it entirely. Vietnam would have a bloody civil war on their hands, and Laos would maybe come under peer pressure. This is where I imagine the first front, in China. US operations to destroy the top dog and let the chain of command crumble. Then, ISIS. Due to a weakened Europe, it would entirely be on US to defeat ISIS [or almost entirely US, canada would probably pitch in a bit too]. Of course, with Kurdistan out of the way, and almost a global 'no you are a bad person' to ISIS, they would be severely weakened. Committing a full force should end the war very quickly. This is where I imagine the second front, in the Middle East. What would happen after the war? Europe will likely have receded into another depression, communism would mostly be stamped out, and the face of the Earth will completely change. Seperation divides the world more and more, and the US becomes the last global power.[although i'm pretty sure it's already the last global power, but w/e] What happens to Ukraine, I don't honestly know. Due to other problems, they probably fell to the rebels. The Middle East will be more stable than it was before, probably being heavily governed by the US. China, I'm not certain. It would remain in US hands, due to it probably going bananas. Probably with a bit of shaping up, it may become it's own country in it's own time. The US would likely experience a go get 'em feeling, with a boost to the economy. Oil prices will sky rocket due to the war with the ISIS, and then plummet as US gains control, making it cheaper then it was before. China would probably suck resources out of the US, but with time, could be changed for the better. Canada would likely be utterly divided, with a population boost to the left side. They'd be weakened and would likely experience a slightly better version of what Britain is going through. Africa would largely be unaffected. Think this is an okayish idea?
#146315132Thursday, September 18, 2014 6:53 PM GMT

I like it. You actually incorporated details that are going on around us and predicted a scenario that could theoretically happen. I might join if you did make this, though fighting roleplays aren't really my thing.
#146316403Thursday, September 18, 2014 7:19 PM GMT

England said that if they did become independent they would need their own currency. That was just to scare them out of saying yes maybe.
Top 100 Poster
#146316692Thursday, September 18, 2014 7:25 PM GMT

[1] Canada is split. One part becomes part of France [possibly] and the other remaining entirely Canadian. And that is where the entire plot died.
#146316769Thursday, September 18, 2014 7:26 PM GMT

It's entirely possible.
Top 100 Poster
#146316841Thursday, September 18, 2014 7:28 PM GMT

It's entirely possible. A stable, democratic countries with friendly relationship with many, many countries is going to get swallowed up by France overnight without any repercussions, all because Scotland became independent? What?
#146316996Thursday, September 18, 2014 7:31 PM GMT

It's not exactly stable. See Quiet Revolution. Public support is mixed, however it would definitely provide a 'hey we can actually do this' and may rally up more french canadians. I never said it was going to happen, Quebec becoming part of France. I said possibly. Doesn't have too, I honestly don't care about Quebec through the entirity of the plot. It existing is based on the fact that they may have a shot at it, and it would weaken Canada, creating a global power against two other powers with no support, having a semi fair fight.
#146317068Thursday, September 18, 2014 7:32 PM GMT

Which doesn't involve Russia. i...i can't win this for mother russia?
Top 100 Poster
#146317133Thursday, September 18, 2014 7:33 PM GMT

It's not exactly stable. See Quiet Revolution. Public support is mixed, however it would definitely provide a 'hey we can actually do this' and may rally up more french canadians. Quebec isn't "half of the country." And while Scotland becoming independent might push them to try the same thing, an independent Quebec isn't going to become part of France. Besides. There have been referendums for Quebec independence in the past. None of them have gotten a "yes" vote. (Duh?)
#146317616Thursday, September 18, 2014 7:42 PM GMT

'half the country' Whoops. Again, I largely don't care what Quebec does when it becomes independent. It could do whatever it wants, and it won't matter because it weakens Canada. screw complete history, it's written by the victors.
#146323475Thursday, September 18, 2014 9:09 PM GMT

Wait a minute, why does Cuba have to come into this? I was thinking that if Scotland's verdict to break away from the UK is a yes then it is likely that Northern Ireland (Where I'm from) will also want to be independent and to join up with Ireland or be completely by itself.
#146323989Thursday, September 18, 2014 9:16 PM GMT

I think you forgot something. A communist Russian group terrorizes the now seperated scotland, then causing a terrible war.
#146324252Thursday, September 18, 2014 9:19 PM GMT

#146327974Thursday, September 18, 2014 10:11 PM GMT

Cuba exists because it's been an entire sore spot for everyone who has ever seen democracy, and it diverts attention from the main fronts. So, less support gets to the main two battlezones. North Ireland would never actually separate from UK at this moment, due to the fact that everyone who wants North Ireland to become part of Ireland is in Ireland and the UK, not in North Ireland. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-21345997 Even with the Scottish movement, I doubt you'd get more than 25% approval rating in N. Ireland as a whole.
#146328014Thursday, September 18, 2014 10:11 PM GMT

#146333220Thursday, September 18, 2014 11:22 PM GMT

You do realize that the Quebecois Separatists are very low in numbers right? Especially no one who has family that lives in Ontario would accept that, because then they would need a passport to go 30 minutes away from Quebec then come back about 3 hours later. and France doesn't want Quebec. or at least they didn't want it when the revolutionaries took over Quebec City after the Seven Years War because they thought colonies in america were a pain in the azz. also why is 2014 so foked up right now? 2013 was so much more peaceful ,_,
#146355853Friday, September 19, 2014 6:45 AM GMT

Scotland said no. They are still part of the UK. '-'

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