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#146325724Thursday, September 18, 2014 9:40 PM GMT

Aperture gets ruined so there's no humans around to do science :( Give me 20 years and some shower curtains, I can fix this
#146326563Thursday, September 18, 2014 9:51 PM GMT

I just need to find a salt mine
#146326610Thursday, September 18, 2014 9:52 PM GMT

thanks for not spoiling it?
#146326825Thursday, September 18, 2014 9:55 PM GMT

one thing that confuses me is that glados has atlas and p-body but doesnt use them outside of co-op play in fact at the end of co-op you uncover a room full of humans in cryosleep and she immediately says "look at all the test subjects we can use!" why not just build more sentries like atlas and p-body no need for human test subjects when you have expendable robots that can be rebuilt
#146326837Thursday, September 18, 2014 9:55 PM GMT

@Interactivity Actually, that's not the ending, that's more like the beginning But really, if you didn't want spoilers, why did you click on this thread
#146326899Thursday, September 18, 2014 9:56 PM GMT

@DDude She says she didn't enjoy testing them as much as she enjoyed testing humans I dunno something like that
#146326946Thursday, September 18, 2014 9:56 PM GMT

@nikola i dont even have the game so i wouldnt know lol!!!!
#146327040Thursday, September 18, 2014 9:58 PM GMT

oh yeah i forgot that glados is a robotic psychopath so i doubt she cares if she kills all the test subjects
#146327214Thursday, September 18, 2014 10:00 PM GMT

Why doesn't GLaDOS build a thing that builds infinite test chambers and build herself a suit so she can test herself.
#146327216Thursday, September 18, 2014 10:00 PM GMT

One thing I always wonder though Aperture was a failing company that won shower curtain money and had mostly useless products, since it doesn't look like they ever marketed the AIs or the portals How on earth were they able to build a mile-deep facility out of that I know it's a video game, but still, plot hole

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