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#146384032Friday, September 19, 2014 10:48 PM GMT

"oops you lied" SCOTTISH Labour SCOTTISH Liberal Democrats SCOTTISH Conservatives SCOTTISH National Party Scottish parties won Scottish constituencies.
#146385112Friday, September 19, 2014 11:03 PM GMT

"I did not say that they were. I use them as an example as they and Scotland are alike in regards land." there's a massive difference between a seperatist region (dependant on larger state for a long time) and a country that had always had degrees of sovreignty (australia, new zealand, canada) "Not exactly" scottish health care you knob "The Royal New Zealand Navy, the New Zealand Army, and the New Zealand Air Force, they are not a part of the British armed forces." scottish armed forces you doofus "They use the New Zealand Dollar." the scottish use the pound "I have been a little careless with this point as there was a worldwide recession. But as I said, they weren't in any specific turmoil in the case that they needed a bailout." they are responsible for a large amount of british debt "Though they have signed a declaration of independence." again, scotland "I did in the next line. How would Scotland be in such an economic disaster if we carry the same qualities as NZ" new zealand is a different country. it has a different economy. there is more business in new zealand than there is in scotland. all business in the UK is in london, scotland is based on raw materials "if we voted Yes, with the bonus of a rich oil supply?" too bad those companies who use your oil are based in england "That is as effective as saying that Norway would have struggled because they have half the population of Sweden, who are right next to them." except norway and sweden had similar populations when they seperated and 4 million vs. 9 million people is a much smaller and more manageable difference than 5 million vs. 50 million " SCOTTISH Labour SCOTTISH Liberal Democrats SCOTTISH Conservatives SCOTTISH National Party Scottish parties won Scottish constituencies." how about you follow the link next time doofus the link clearly states that the only parties to win seats in the british election were british parties, and the scots were the ones who voted them in. you really proved me wrong. the only person here with half witted arguments is you
#146419683Saturday, September 20, 2014 12:44 PM GMT

"too bad those companies who use your oil are based in england" We wouldn't get full profits moron, we would get the tax revenues.
#146422556Saturday, September 20, 2014 2:03 PM GMT

"We wouldn't get full profits moron, we would get the tax revenues." i don't think you understand how the economy works. all scotland would get is employee salaries + benefits, which they can then tax. all profit from oil goes to companies in england who get taxed by england
#146520226Sunday, September 21, 2014 6:27 PM GMT

It came from Scottish land, your BP's and your Shell's would sell off the barrels from Scottish land and pay the Scottish tax, you can't just come in to other lands and say that you're taking their raw materials and make a profit off of it. Apart from that. This referendum is over for now. In 2019 we will have another and the 45% will become the majority. VOTE YES
#146523662Sunday, September 21, 2014 7:11 PM GMT

"It came from Scottish land, your BP's and your Shell's would sell off the barrels from Scottish land and pay the Scottish tax," no no no no no you don't know how the economy works "you can't just come in to other lands and say that you're taking their raw materials and make a profit off of it." uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes you can lol "Apart from that. This referendum is over for now. In 2019 we will have another and the 45% will become the majority." uh no you won't. there is no referendum scheduled, and there won't be one. and also, the winner will be no
#146525931Sunday, September 21, 2014 7:40 PM GMT

there is no referendum scheduled, and there won't be one. and also, the winner will be no There will be. Also if we were to have another referendum, that would suggest that the UK government were doing something wrong to provoke another referendum, which would cause a higher yes vote. Also the voters under the age of 55 were majority yes. God bless their souls, the number of people over 55 will infact decrease more than those below the number under 55, therefore, more yes voters in the future. Everything would point to a Yes vote in the future. Also, it's been 3 days and we still have no Devo Max timetable, the UK government have already lied to us.
Top 100 Poster
#146527295Sunday, September 21, 2014 7:57 PM GMT

How certain of yourself with the voters under the voting age. Only 4 voting regions voted yes, and the only region there was a pronounced lead was Glasgow. (Not surprised with the rebellious Irish grandchildren).
#146529867Sunday, September 21, 2014 8:30 PM GMT

"There will be." no there won't be "Also if we were to have another referendum, that would suggest that the UK government were doing something wrong to provoke another referendum, which would cause a higher yes vote." or it suggests that the seperatists can't accept the voice of the people and they lose even more "Also the voters under the age of 55 were majority yes." so the wise people made the smart vote, good "God bless their souls, the number of people over 55 will infact decrease more than those below the number under 55, therefore, more yes voters in the future." uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it doesn't work that way lol. as people get older, they tend to get more conservative. the more the population ages, the more "no" votes "Everything would point to a Yes vote in the future." uhhhh no. aging population = more conservatism, and now that the UK government is giving the scottish government what they want, that means more happy people "Also, it's been 3 days and we still have no Devo Max timetable, the UK government have already lied to us." there wasn't any "lies", you just don't know how government works. things take time, there's negotiations remember that the devo max timetable has to work with everyone, and it was all dependant on the result of the election. any good government takes their time rather than screwing this up early
#146530529Sunday, September 21, 2014 8:38 PM GMT

"That is as effective as saying that Norway would have struggled because they have half the population of Sweden, who are right next to them." The difference is that Norway and Sweden have usually been separate nations except from a few periods of history like the Kalmar Union and the union with Sweden from 1814 to 1905.
#146530691Sunday, September 21, 2014 8:40 PM GMT

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Top 100 Poster
#146530827Sunday, September 21, 2014 8:42 PM GMT

Harper, that vote was so lopsided, it pretty much quieted all talk about forming another independence vote.
#146530915Sunday, September 21, 2014 8:43 PM GMT

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#146532476Sunday, September 21, 2014 9:02 PM GMT

Well I understand their pain. I mean they were promised more powers, like the situation here and they were lied to, like the situation here. Also our vote was rigged, RIGGED I TELL YA!
#146532639Sunday, September 21, 2014 9:05 PM GMT

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#146533221Sunday, September 21, 2014 9:13 PM GMT

#146533259Sunday, September 21, 2014 9:13 PM GMT

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#146533315Sunday, September 21, 2014 9:14 PM GMT

Youtube videos of yes votes being put into the No pile.
#146533391Sunday, September 21, 2014 9:15 PM GMT

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#146533442Sunday, September 21, 2014 9:16 PM GMT

Bookies paying out bets before No officially won. People caught writing crosses on the no box on blank ballot papers. People being arrested for fraud.
#146533505Sunday, September 21, 2014 9:17 PM GMT

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#146533523Sunday, September 21, 2014 9:17 PM GMT

To make it sports related. Andy Murray is a Yes supporter. There.
#146533577Sunday, September 21, 2014 9:18 PM GMT

They won't investigate because a pro-british vote won. If there was a Yes vote and the same things happened, there would be investigations coming out the wazoo.
#146533641Sunday, September 21, 2014 9:19 PM GMT

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#146533800Sunday, September 21, 2014 9:23 PM GMT

"I mean they were promised more powers, like the situation here and they were lied to, like the situation here." except quebec wasn't promised that and the sovreignty dream has gone downhill bloc quebecois lost 43 seats in the last election, and only hold three seats in parliament. the parti quebecois lost the provincial election

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