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#146545849Monday, September 22, 2014 12:04 AM GMT

local Gamesettings = game.ReplicatedStorage.Settings.Startup.GameSettings if Gamesettings.Spawn.Create.Value == true then local Spawn = Instance.new("SpawnLocation") Spawn.Parent = workspace Spawn.Name = (Gamesettings.Spawn.Name.Val.Value) Spawn.Anchored = (Gamesettings.Spawn.Anchored.Val.Value) Spawn.CanCollide = (Gamesettings.Spawn.CanCollide.Val.Value) Spawn.Duration = (Gamesettings.Spawn.ForceField.Val.Value) Spawn.AllowTeamChangeOnTouch = (Gamesettings.Spawn.AllowTeamChangeOnTouch.Val.Value) Spawn.TeamColor = (Gamesettings.Spawn.TeamColor.Val.Value) Spawn.Locked = (Gamesettings.Spawn.Locked.Val.Value) Spawn.Neutral = (Gamesettings.Spawn.Neutral.Val.Value) else print'Spawn is not needed' end It should name the 'Spawn' as the value of "Spawn" its a stringValue. 20:02:46.980 - String expected 20:02:46.980 - Script 'Workspace..inf', Line 15 20:02:46.981 - Stack End
#146546277Monday, September 22, 2014 12:10 AM GMT

point out what line 15 is please.
#146547963Monday, September 22, 2014 12:33 AM GMT

local Gamesettings = game.ReplicatedStorage.Settings.Startup.GameSettings if Gamesettings.Spawn.Create.Value == true then local Spawn = Instance.new("SpawnLocation") Spawn.Parent = workspace Spawn.Name = (Gamesettings.Spawn.Name.Val.Value)------LINE 15 Spawn.Anchored = (Gamesettings.Spawn.Anchored.Val.Value) Spawn.CanCollide = (Gamesettings.Spawn.CanCollide.Val.Value) Spawn.Duration = (Gamesettings.Spawn.ForceField.Val.Value) Spawn.AllowTeamChangeOnTouch = (Gamesettings.Spawn.AllowTeamChangeOnTouch.Val.Value) Spawn.TeamColor = (Gamesettings.Spawn.TeamColor.Val.Value) Spawn.Locked = (Gamesettings.Spawn.Locked.Val.Value) Spawn.Neutral = (Gamesettings.Spawn.Neutral.Val.Value) else print'Spawn is not needed' end It should name the 'Spawn' as the value of "Spawn" its a stringValue. 20:02:46.980 - String expected 20:02:46.980 - Script 'Workspace..inf', Line 15 20:02:46.981 - Stack End

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