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#147135023Wednesday, October 01, 2014 7:40 PM GMT

I met her on a roleplay.. It was the best day of my life. We kept roleplaying on that same one for months without end, it was perfect. After a while, we started skyping each other, and using web cam. We was the same age, 17. After a while, I called her and told her that I liked her more than a friend. 'Rejected But then, a week or two later, we was d@ting. I had to leave for a holiday after a few months of d@ting, though. I came back. I found a message, "I was a guy all along" The OD'ing rule isn't to stop "fun", it's serious. don't do bruv don't do pece falcon lover luv
#147135071Wednesday, October 01, 2014 7:41 PM GMT

"I called her and told her that I liked her more than a friend. 'Rejected But then, a week or two later, we was d@ting. " i don't think it works like that add 87,383 to my post count - ChristinaWebs, firestar509. theone23, etc

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