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#147715922Saturday, October 11, 2014 3:39 AM GMT

The year is 2334. You, along with seventy-seven other people, are boarding the shuttle, Messenger XVII, to take the first step to humanity exploring the galaxy. In the mission briefing, you were told that the shuttle was set to travel to Kessler 69b of the Kessler 69 star of the Kessler star cluster. Discovered in 2013 and proven to be in the "Inhabitable Zone," (the just-right distance from the star to make it possible to have water) you are on a mission, not just to detect life, but to form a permanent colony there. You say goodbye to your family, for you will never see them again. It is difficult, but the future of science is counting on your success. Once you board, you take your position in the shuttle, and prepare for takeoff. The engineer counts off the t-minus: "5...4...3...2...1..." The G-force from the take off prevents you from moving out of your seat. ---Rules--- No Trolling No Flaming No Spamming No Godmodding No Offensive language No Complaining No Defiance No Law Violation without consent of victim Respect is a cycle. Break it, and it won't come back to you. Risk rule: Romance, cyberbullying, or anything Roblox is against is AYOR. ---Character Sheet--- Name: Role On Board (Engineer, Pilot, Passenger, Etc.): Age: Gender: Appearance: Personality: Biography: Other: (I usually do long and complex things, but I decided to do something simpler. cheers!)
#147715994Saturday, October 11, 2014 3:40 AM GMT

#147718749Saturday, October 11, 2014 4:32 AM GMT

Name: Stanislav Mayakovsky Role On Board (Engineer, Pilot, Passenger, Etc.): Security officer Age: 30 Gender: Male Appearance: A muscular, tall and imposing man, Stanislav has brown, military-cut hair. He posses nearly pale skin and has green eyes. No scars or other markings to speak of. He usually wears a green army officer uniform. Personality: A generally cold, distant individual, who does not talk much more than necessary. Has a logical rather than emotional way of thinking. He is a good soldier and officer, and does his work well. Biography: Having served as an officer in one of the militaries back on earth, he was selected by his government to take part in the mission as a security officer aboard the spaceship. He held the rank of captain in an army, served as an infantryman. Other: None
#147718829Saturday, October 11, 2014 4:33 AM GMT

(Accepted. We will start roleplaying once the forum generates enough attention.)
#147719079Saturday, October 11, 2014 4:39 AM GMT

#147726349Saturday, October 11, 2014 8:41 AM GMT

Good morning, roleplay forum!
#147726768Saturday, October 11, 2014 9:04 AM GMT

breh where i come from its only 11:04 PM
#147726834Saturday, October 11, 2014 9:08 AM GMT

Thats the beauty of living on the east coast. It's 5 in the morning where i live.
#147726865Saturday, October 11, 2014 9:10 AM GMT

I live in an island full of people that have defend hawaii stickers on their cars and its 11:10 PM Don't worry, i'll make my CS tomorrow. I promise.
#147726970Saturday, October 11, 2014 9:16 AM GMT

Islands are cool.
#147727006Saturday, October 11, 2014 9:18 AM GMT

God I feel so jealous All I get here is heatstrokes, doomed timelines like, mesquite bites And all that for beautiful sunsets
#147727352Saturday, October 11, 2014 9:35 AM GMT

Name: Eliza Gray Role On Board (Engineer, Pilot, Passenger, Etc.): Engineer Age: 27 Gender: Female Appearance: Eliza has quite short strawberry blonde hair, which just falls down past her ears. Although her face is quite pretty, Eliza is not the kind of woman who would be described as "hot"; her looks are natural, and include rosy cheeks and straight eyebrows. Due to her line of work, Eliza has quite a slim body and is relatively strong (even though her physical appearance wouldn't suggest so). Personality: Eliza is generally a very blunt and straight forward woman, who will tell people the truth of their situation no matter what. Although she can lie when she has to, Eliza rarely ever does which occasionally leads to bad things happening to herself and her crew. To people she likes, Eliza is compassionate and will try her hardest to save them no matter what. Biography: Eliza was born into a relatively wealthy family, and soared through life easily. However, although Eliza's parents wanted her to follow in their line of work as lawyers, Eliza always had a knack and a love for technology and architecture. Her parents reluctantly sent her off to an engineering school, where Eliza met her first girlfriend Laurie. After two years of going out, Laurie broke up with Eliza because she was moving to Japan for a highly paid job in spaceship engineering. Eliza spiralled into depression after that, and began smoking and became an alcoholic. A year later, Eliza met her true love Janet - a science officer for the frontier - who got her to quit drinking. Unfortunately, this time the tables were turned as Eliza's gift for mechanics was recognised and she was offered a place on the Messenger XVII. Saying their tearful goodbyes, Eliza was once again separated from the woman she loved. Other:
#147783800Sunday, October 12, 2014 2:46 AM GMT

rose is accepted. let's see who else is coming...
#147797877Sunday, October 12, 2014 8:45 AM GMT

#147946601Tuesday, October 14, 2014 7:11 PM GMT


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