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#147780248Sunday, October 12, 2014 1:52 AM GMT

EBONY (Rebooted) ɪɴᴛʀᴏ •●• Journal Entry 1-(A scientist's point of view) "Life is a system. You're born, grow up, have kids, and die. Have you ever drove by the graveyard? See how many graves and tombstones there are? And yet, we don't know any of these people. What's the point of living? We're just going to die some day anyways. You go look for the fountain of youth, try to make a potion of immortality, just face it. You're apart of a cycle. But if you were given an option to change this; If you were given the choice to live in an alternate dimension where you could leave your mark on the world, and live immortally? Would you take it?" sᴛᴏʀʏ •●• Journal Entry 28-(A scientist's point of view) "We get millions of letters each day sent telling us about peoples' kids and how this opportunity would be great for them. Though, we only pick a select few. The 10 to 18-year-olds are taken into our headquarters; a large brick building. We hook the kids up to a machine. When connected, the portion of your brain that produces dreams is awoken. They're sent into a world where they can live forever and have a life. Each group of kids is taken to a different alternate reality; it is unique each time. When they get into this reality they lose memory of their time on Earth, only knowing what this world tells them. One group of kids we messed up on though. The machine malfunctioned, and we don't know where they were sent." Journal Entry 56- (13 years later, a scientist's point of view) "Today we found out where the group of kids were sent. I offered to be hooked up to the machine and sent to where they had gone. They had been sent to a place that I call Ebony." Journal Entry 57-(A scientist's point of view) "My pen is running out of ink, and I will quickly try to describe to you what Ebony is. It's a huge place! Towns are in ruins, fires spread, wild animals bark their heads off at you. After being here for about 3 months, I can say that the creatures are clones of what you fear most. Take spiders for example. It could be a human-sized, venom spitting monster. I think the only way for the kids to get out is to save this world somehow. I don't know how. It will be up to the kids to figure out. I wish my best luck to them. It will probably be nearly impossible. The children we sent were smart though. If you are a person on Earth, show this to the world. If you do, then maybe somebody will find out how to get them out. The kids will either have to embrace Ebony and change it, or wake up to reality." - The Journals end after entry 57. It is believed that the scientist died of illness, old age, or an attempt to go back to Ebony. ʀᴜʟᴇs •●• *1. If it's a lucid dream, then you will be able to summon items. This could include: small items and small weapons. I don't want people to overuse this so you can only conjure small things. 2. If you overuse the conjuring power you will get a migraine, and die if you continue to use the powers with a migraine. 3. No Gary/Mary Sues 4. Don't godmod (Ex: dodges bullet and kills) 5. Listen to me and any admins, what we say goes. *6. You won't remember your life before Ebony, but you will know that you were sent there from some other world with this group of people. *7. Most importantly, have fun! Admins: TheRealKhiione, ninjasquid1, anyone else we appoint ᴄs •●• You are one of the children going to Ebony. Name: Age:(10-20) Gender: Appearance:(Physical and clothes) Fears: Bio:(Optional) Other:
#147780317Sunday, October 12, 2014 1:53 AM GMT

#147780483Sunday, October 12, 2014 1:56 AM GMT

Yeah, I resurrected c: breaks are good
#147780526Sunday, October 12, 2014 1:57 AM GMT

it's a huge shame that the original never got really far, i loved the idea when that onyx person suggested it and i was so excited for the thread And here we have rock that looks like a face rock, the rock that looks like a face.
#147780615Sunday, October 12, 2014 1:59 AM GMT

Onyx is my alt c: me and ninja just tweaked it and made it better
#147780705Sunday, October 12, 2014 2:00 AM GMT

Ninja misses you. Expect a CS in an hour or thirty minutes.
#147780732Sunday, October 12, 2014 2:00 AM GMT

oh cool And here we have rock that looks like a face rock, the rock that looks like a face.
#147780963Sunday, October 12, 2014 2:04 AM GMT

I hope this doesn't fail like the original did
#147782190Sunday, October 12, 2014 2:22 AM GMT

marked, i loved this RP.
#147782325Sunday, October 12, 2014 2:24 AM GMT

#147782805Sunday, October 12, 2014 2:31 AM GMT

(bgfaufbawf i'm sorry the writer's block has got me real bad at the moment. someone make an awesome CS and totally show mine up pl0x) Name: Aaron Riley Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Aaron stands at about six feet tall, with a slim frame and not much muscle. His hair is dark brown, and medium-length. His skin is lightly tanned, but not enough to be seen as someone who's outside very often. His eyes are the same shade of brown as his hair, but he prefers to keep his eyes covered with a pair of sunglasses when possible. As for other clothing, Aaron typically wears a light jacket over a gray t-shirt and a pair of jeans. His shoes are a rather bland pair of black running shoes. Fears: Scorpions and Bio: I don't need no gosh-darn bio! Other: I don't need no gosh-darn Other section! [-Whales? Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew?-]
#147782905Sunday, October 12, 2014 2:33 AM GMT

accepted ninja
#147783292Sunday, October 12, 2014 2:38 AM GMT

Tracked. [ Am I the only one at first glance read, 'EBOLA'? ]
#147783726Sunday, October 12, 2014 2:45 AM GMT

Name: Arvine Malrice Age: 12 Gender: Female Appearance: Arvine stands at 5'6" feet with a rectangular body shape, that has no breasts and curves visible through her thick, loose sweatshirt, and floor-length skirt. Her skin is a pale brown, and her eyes are round with dark iris, with her pupil blending in with it. Her hair is a dark red, seemingly black or brown from a distance, and is usually braided in a long braid reaching down to her back. It isn't usual to see her neck covered and wrapped around with a white scarf she got from walmart. Her shoes are a typical brown leather boots, reaching to her knees, though all anyone could see from her standing up are the tips of her toes. Fears: Vampires, witches, ghosts, and such. Arvine is scared of her own mortality. Another fear, she suppose, is killing any human by accidentally, and going to prison. Bio: She would rather not talk about it. Arvine would probably think it to be obvious that she would have no friends, however. Other: Arvine is very superstitious, occasionally being cautious of her fellow beings that they too, might be planning to kill her for her blood. This leads her to be rather withdrawn, though excessively violent with her words towards people who merely /seems/ suspicious. Though she hasn't exactly tried to physically hurt another being, Arvine is completely capable of death threats, if only to protect herself from other beings. (heres another character that might seem cool, but it eventually turns out i suck too much to rp her correctly)
#147783776Sunday, October 12, 2014 2:45 AM GMT

(twelve i cant believe i forgot to change that age to 16 gdi pickprick)
#147784076Sunday, October 12, 2014 2:50 AM GMT

accepted pick
#147784696Sunday, October 12, 2014 2:59 AM GMT

[ Can I make two characters? ]
#147785005Sunday, October 12, 2014 3:03 AM GMT

if you can keep up with them, i guess
#147785408Sunday, October 12, 2014 3:10 AM GMT

Name:Hayden Fillimer Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Hayden is 6' 0" and 160 pounds. He wears a red button-up shirt and blue jeans, as well as a black knit cap. he has tan skin and dark brown hair. Fears: Hayden is afraid of heights, the dark, and, in the case of extraordinarily large ones, spiders and snakes. Bio: Hayden was born in Altoona, Pennsylvania (a rather small town) in 1997. He lived an average life, getting decent grades in school (especially physics.) Hayden was selected for this "Experiment" at age 17, and has been in ever since. Other:
#147785730Sunday, October 12, 2014 3:15 AM GMT

(@Ultimate, denied. Please put some more detail into your CS.) [-Whales? Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew?-]
#147823135Sunday, October 12, 2014 6:35 PM GMT

#147823214Sunday, October 12, 2014 6:36 PM GMT

marking, I'll read this later. If it's posted by Khiione, I already know it's goin' be good.
#147823400Sunday, October 12, 2014 6:39 PM GMT

#147825864Sunday, October 12, 2014 7:09 PM GMT

Name: Arya Gardner Age: 11 Gender: Female Appearance: Arya stands at 54 inches, making her a bit below the average height for her age. She is slightly on the chubby side at about 95 pounds. Her build is short and somewhat stout, with short arms and short legs. She gives off a disheveled image; her dyed, dark red hair is unbrushed and untidy. It falls in sloppy curls to her elbows. She proudly and poorly dyed her hair by herself to look like Little Red Riding Hood. The roots are brown, and hints of another shade of red can be seen where she ran out of dye. Most of the time her hair is either down or put into a hasty ponytail. Her eyes are a hazel color, greenish-brown. They tend to dart around a lot, making her seem guilty and scheming. Her skin tone is of a pale, creamy color, and her cheeks and nose are covered with freckles. Her outfit currently is a black t-shirt with a black puffy skirt and a black belt (are we sensing a pattern here?). She wears a black top hat over her red hair, and black dress shoes. Fears: She is scared easily, with fears of: public speaking, the dark, failure, intimacy, flowers, commitment, dentists, needles, being alone, clowns, water, and being touched Bio: no Other:
#147826380Sunday, October 12, 2014 7:16 PM GMT

ᴄs •●• Name: Yui Yeiser Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Yui is a petite girl, who stands at about 159 centimeters and weighs in at 47 kilograms. Her body holds very few muscle, barely evident at all. Her skin is a light beige, which looks delicate to touch. Her hair is a dark black, reaching to her thighs and stopping above her knees. Her hair is usually seen down and not tamper with. It's naturally straight, flowing down her back like a waterfall. Yui has light brown eyes with tints of dark brown. They give off a rounded appearance and are lashed by dark thin lashes. Her face is diamond-like shaped with a pointed chin and soft pink lips. Her clothing consists of a white turtleneck, which is covered by a dark purple camisole, a dark purple skirt, knee-high white socks, and light brown boots that reach up a few inches above her ankles. She also wears a white hat and a cream-colored scarf around her arms. Fears: Yui fears enclosed spaces, heights, storms, being alone, and sleep. Bio: No thanks. Other: Yui is some-what of a childish, but sweet girl. She can be protective of others when she gets to know them more and tends to act like a sister. She's kind-hearted, caring, and gentle; often avoiding arguments/battles. Yui also has a soft spot for fairytales, seeming to like the phrase: 'And they lived happily ever after.' ᴄs •●• Name: Yuuka Yoshino Age: 10 Gender: Female Appearance: Yuuka is a petite girl, who stands at about 130 centimeters and weighs in at 44 kilograms. Her body holds no muscle, considering her weight and size. Her skin is a light beige, which looks fragile to touch. Her hair is a brown Auburn, reaching to her shoulders and stopping above her armpits. Her hair is usually seen down and not tamper with. It's naturally straight with a cherry-blossom clip on one side of her bangs. Yuuka has dark blue eyes with tints of light blue. They give off a rounded appearance and are lashed by short thin lashes. Her face is diamond-like shaped with a pointed chin and soft pink lips. Her clothing consists of a frilly pink dress, knee-high white socks, and dark red slip-on shows that have a short heel. She also wears a white and pink ribbon on the back of her head. The top part of the dress has dark red lace trimming, along with featuring pink ruffles trimming. The dress sleeves are puffy on each of the shoulder parts, while on each arm parts, it fits the first half arm on each side. The second half arm on each side features three-layered, pink ruffles. The skirt is pink and layered with pink ruffles trimming. The ribbon is laced with pink trimming on the edges. Fears: Yuuka fears blood, bugs, the Supernatural, sharp objects, and death. Bio: Naw. Other: Yuuka is a very shy and soft-spoken girl, but will open up to people after a few days of being with them. She is usually playful or childish as she is still a child at heart. She dislikes arguments/battles, straying away from them at all costs. Yui also has a soft spot for stuffed animals, seeming to enjoy the comfort they give off to her when she's afraid.

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