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#147832520Sunday, October 12, 2014 8:30 PM GMT

October 2nd, 2037 The planet Heidea, which was once called Earth, is a place bustling place with hover-cars and Heideains. But in the city of Chasio, it's a different story. It's a quiet, small place, with a population of about thirty-five thousand. And in the town of Reyn, it is narrowed down to only seven hundred. It maybe small, but it is as mediocre as any town in the United States. In the central part of the town is Ingrid High, named after Reyn Weas Ingrid, founder of Reyn. A new school year starts for the students there. Since people this millennium have school at the bottom of their list of things to upgrade with the new technology they have these days, it is as normal as it was ten or twenty years ago. No matter how dull the school is compared to life outside of it, it is still an acceptable place to learn. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your job as students is to make it through the school year without being bullied to death, go through severe emotional breakdowns, and practically go insane about a silly little relationship. There will be parts of the storyline broken up into to days, bells, etc. I will inform the roleplayers when they will take place. Ex: Bell 3 over! All students report to next bell! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ex: Day is over! Gather belongings and exit the building! (Once this is said, the after-school part of the thread will begin. You may visit, talk, and interact with each other after-school hours. Just stay off the premises. I will tell everyone when the next school day will start. The school schedule is the same as it is in real life for most of us. Five days in school, two days off. Remember that.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ They're many different roles to take in the school. But some are limited. Administrators: There will be one Principal, one Vice-Principal. Teachers: There will be Teachers for each bell. One for Science, one for English, one for Math, one for History, and four P.E teachers, one for each grade level. (There are two gyms.) Elective Teachers: There will be one for Band, one for Chorus, and one for Orchestra. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Student Roles: Remember, all roles can be male or female. "Jocks": Athletes, sometimes pushy. Will not bully, although sometimes will harass the littler ones. Try's to stay focused in school, but not before flirting with a girl or two. "Nerds": Smarter ones, picked on the most. Will try to defend themselves, sometimes getting away from a bully about to send underwear up there butt. (wedgie) Always does their best in school, but stays away from crowds. "Bullies": Just down right mean. Do not need to defend themselves, and loves giving a quick wedgie or swirlie to a nerd if it makes them happy. Doesn't care for school too much, but enough to stay in it. "Cheerleaders": There's another word I could put into the quotations, but I'd most likely be reported. Sassy to anyone except friends. Does exceptionally well in school, but doesn't pay too much attention. "Wierdos/Nobodys/Everyone Else": Just as normal as normal can get. (not that normal, but average with a characteristic that makes you, you) Friendly. Will stand up or sit down when they feel like it's necessary and does averagely well in school. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Student Schedules: Freshmen: Bell 1: Elective Bell 2: Gym Locker Break! Lunch! Bell 3: English Bell 4: History Locker Break! Bell 5: Math Bell 6: Science Sophomores: Bell 1: Science Bell 2: History Locker Break! Bell 3: Gym Bell 4: Elective Locker Break! Bell 5: Math Bell 6: English Juniors: Bell 1: Math Bell 2: History Locker Break! Bell 3: English Bell 4: Science Locker Break! Bell 5: Gym Lunch! Bell 6: Elective Seniors: Bell 1: English Bell 2: Math Locker Break! Bell 3: Gym Lunch! Bell 4: Elective Locker Break! Bell 5: Science Bell 6: History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Form: (ONLY I ACCEPT PEOPLE IN!) Students: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Bio: Grade Level: Role: Other Information: Teachers: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Bio: Administrative Position: Other Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I will post this forum the administrators/teachers: web.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=147777899
#147832634Sunday, October 12, 2014 8:32 PM GMT

*has school shooting* *kills everyone* ggrektnore
#147832827Sunday, October 12, 2014 8:34 PM GMT

Look this repost was specifically to change grammatical errors in the first post and start again without any trollers... then again, I don't think a report will actually stop that... Oh well. :l
#147832865Sunday, October 12, 2014 8:34 PM GMT

Give it a few days. I'm sure people will join.
#147832966Sunday, October 12, 2014 8:36 PM GMT

Thanks for the support. :D Will you join?
#147833250Sunday, October 12, 2014 8:39 PM GMT

IMPORTANT NEWS: Every time there as a change to the administrators list, I will post a new link. I almost forgot that. :l
#147833391Sunday, October 12, 2014 8:41 PM GMT

#147833575Sunday, October 12, 2014 8:43 PM GMT

Is that a yes or no, then?
#147849687Monday, October 13, 2014 12:24 AM GMT


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