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#147841895Sunday, October 12, 2014 10:41 PM GMT

Kodaline was a group of a few people who'd trade in blimps from city to city, until it was shot down in Steamson. Most died. A few months later, Kodaline became a divison of the Order for about 3 years, Until they figured out they where no better than murderers. At said time, the leaders of Kodaline rose up and reformed it, making it for the people and innocent, not for murderers. It was much smaller after the movement, but growing fast. Most Kodalinians are very strong aswell as smart. They had everything from Chefs to Fighters. They hold quite a sway in the peacefulness of Steamson, and are quite wealthy from some Cyrstals. The rest is still growing, and you could help change it.

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