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#147842908Sunday, October 12, 2014 10:54 PM GMT

Before I start RPing, I want everyone to know that any opinions are open in this scenario. Try to avoid using Cuss Words (( Lol?)) and don't offend me or any characters in this story. Oh and please keep in mind that this is my first Roblox Forum. So. No Haters. :D Please enjoy :D [Plot] Emma Can't remember much after the Apocalypse. The family she was brought into Died after thinking to save a sick man, who in fact, was a zombie. Emma is now on her own walking far distances on the streets of a small town named Burington. Looking for Food. Looking for shelter. Avoiding people or any survivors. If there are any. The world has turned into a big enormous sh- *Clears Throat* Dumpster- Heh.... O.O Dumpster. [Back Story] Emma Sparrow is an orphaned girl. Her parents left her on the side of a highway when she was only 2 years old. She doesn't remember much about her parents except a photograph that was handed to her at age 8. She was brought into many foster homes and orphanages for girls... But none could find a family that wanted Emma. Although she went through a lot in her younger years, She is a tough girl, not like the standard everyday girls... Emma. Emma's different. She received more complex thoughts than other girls at the orphanage. She was brought into a family, The last one at that. Until The Apocalypse. The Break Out. Th- The. Zombies. -- Alright so Umm This is NOT the best I've come up with so far.... I know I've skipped a few years in Emma's life. I also need to make a more detailed plot and explain her life a bit more... But. I guess I will edit it a bit... The Character Details are below.-- Character Details... Etc. : ((Emma's Character)) Name: Emma Sparrow Age:Currently 16 years of age. Grade: She hasn't gone to school in a long time after the Break Out. Gender: Female Species: Human Appearance: Long brown hair parted into 2 ponytails (Sorta like Pigtails but not high pigtails) Brown Eyes, Short Denim shorts with fitted Brown Belt with buckle, a midriff, and also black medium sized boots. Fears: Being Alone. Finding Parents. Finding out Why Parents Left. Letting other's Down. Bio: ((optional)) Emma Sparrow is an orphaned girl. Her parents left her on the side of a highway when she was only 2 years old. She doesn't remember much about her parents except a photograph that was handed to her at age 8. Additional Information: ((anything else about your character goes here)) Emma doesn't make friends very easily. I will give you guys at least one chapter to RP off of. You can RP as Emma or as anybody else. For Example : 1.Some of the few friends Emma has made in the orphanage/Foster Homes. 2. People Emma's Met on her Journey of finding a shelter, food, a cure, etc. 3. You can RP as Emma. too... ((Make sure when you are RPing, Make sure before you start RPing, say which character you are. For Example, Emma:Blah blah blah... or :Jim "Hi." [Before...] One Day, Emma was playing chess with her roomate Ally. When Mrs. Cuphradge walked into the room. She looked at her notebook slowly putting her glasses on, She read upon one line and read aloud, "Emma Sparrow." She looked up then back at the notebook again. She murmured, "No... No. That's Not Right..." She spoke up. "Uh- Gather Your Things...Your Being Adopted." Something like that... Okay. Now. For Chapter One: ~~Chapter One~~ The Soldiers~~ I remember waking up to the sound of marching outside. It was the Soldiers. The soldiers never came unless, There was some sort of trouble... I sat straight up in bed pulling back my hair which was in my eyes. I looked outside my bedroom window and saw that the sun hadn't risen yet. I peered over to where my clock was on my desk, it read 6:25 AM. I saw the Red light shining which resembled the alarm that wakes me up in the morning. I set the alarm for 7:45... That is usually the time when Lily's parents woke up. Lily is my best friend, well, anything I've got closest to a friend that is. We met in the orphanage one day when her parents decided to adopt me. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. I scrambled myself out of my bed and sat on top my bed. I heard the Soldiers Muskets Hit against their belt. I peered through the window and saw a flickering street light. Then I heard Static, and then a voice. A deep voice spoke the words out onto the radio receiver and said, "Team, Hurry Up Now. They are fast and they've already killed about 66 people in this general area-" The sound was cut off by another voice coming through. It was not just one voices... Many. Screaming. I closed my ears trying to block out all the hurtful words being said and all the cries for help...The sound drowned out after the soldier's walked further down the street. I removed my hands from my head/ears. I looked down at the floor. Then to the clock on my desk. It now read 6:47 AM. I slowly opened up the door to my room without making any sounds. I stuck my head out into the hallway. Nobody was up yet. I closed my door with making only a small noise when I closed the door.I turned around and gathered some clothes together. I pulled out my suitcase out from beneath my bed. I always keep all my clothes in my suitcase because never have I had a family that keeps me long. It is for an extra precaution in case I'm sent back to the orphanage. I grabbed out a light green hoodie, a brown skirt, a blue crop top with a light green tan top underneath. I also grabbed other things.... ((O.O Don't want to name... o.o)) I walked into the bathroom which led into my room. I took a shower and got dressed. I went back into my room after doing my morning routine. I opened my door again and looked to see if anybody was up. I saw light shining underneath the door to the master bathroom. I quickly crept into the kitchen and took out a pop tart out from the pantry. I ran (Quietly) back to my room. I turned on my television and started eating my Pop tart. I flipped between channels Looking for my daily show. I finally found BBC [British Broad Casting ((I Think)) ] I looked at the screen and started watching Doctor Who. After, a long time of watching television, I dazed off to sleep. The last thing I remember seeing was The Doctor walking into the Tardis with Clara. Looking at the clock which then read 7:05 AM, I looked back to the television and then fell asleep. All Of A Sudden, I woke up to an earsplitting sound. It was my alarm. I Squeezed my eyes and covered my head with a pillow trying to block out the sunlight coming through the window. ((This is all I've Got so Far...)) Please Comment/Reply on your opinions. Please no hurtful comments...But Opinions** If that makes sense.
#147843899Sunday, October 12, 2014 11:09 PM GMT

i was expecting an rp u skrub But this is pretty decent. Just be mindful of the other people here in RP.
#147876821Monday, October 13, 2014 12:04 PM GMT

Oh- Uh... Sorry. I said that you guys can Role Play, If You Wanted. So... Yea. You can Create Characters if you like but don't try to change the story and/or the Back story. You now know the story and etc. So don't be changing stuff. The main character is Emma Sparrow... Enjoy.... :D

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