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#147857194Monday, October 13, 2014 2:04 AM GMT

I can't see the puck It's hard to follow and if I'm not watching it on an HD TV screen it's basically impossible Plus I'm straining my eyes
#147857252Monday, October 13, 2014 2:05 AM GMT

ikr and it's hard following MLS and the european footy leagues, and NBA already, and i don't wanna follow any more sports or leagues
#147857267Monday, October 13, 2014 2:05 AM GMT

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#147857323Monday, October 13, 2014 2:06 AM GMT

its easier if you're at the game "I swear, if something bad happens to my friends, I'll rip every tooth out of that shark and make it into the most beautiful necklace you've ever seen."
#147857332Monday, October 13, 2014 2:06 AM GMT

Petition to replace hockey puck with bowling ball.
Top 100 Poster
#147857368Monday, October 13, 2014 2:07 AM GMT

That was my problem when I first got into hockey. instead of looking for the puck itself, I went after the players actions and movements, along with the back of the net if they do score.
#147857423Monday, October 13, 2014 2:08 AM GMT

Ebenton we already did, its called the RHL
#147857497Monday, October 13, 2014 2:09 AM GMT

Fox Sports tried a glowing puck in the late 90s....
#147857516Monday, October 13, 2014 2:09 AM GMT

That's why the ice is painted white.
#147857577Monday, October 13, 2014 2:10 AM GMT

yee dat y n hl shuld do eet two cuz rob lox hokeye > al,,..//,.//
#147857624Monday, October 13, 2014 2:11 AM GMT

@BML it's still not that easy to spot a puck though.
#147857810Monday, October 13, 2014 2:13 AM GMT

"instead of looking for the puck itself, I went after the players actions and movements, along with the back of the net if they do score." How can you intensely follow the game if you're making estimated guesses on where the puck is? You basically admitted you don't see shots until they hit the back of the net, which would be a major turnoff for me
#147857968Monday, October 13, 2014 2:15 AM GMT

if you go to an actual game you can see it, or if you play hockey yourself like me
Top 100 Poster
#147858073Monday, October 13, 2014 2:16 AM GMT

"How can you intensely follow the game if you're making estimated guesses on where the puck is? You basically admitted you don't see shots until they hit the back of the net, which would be a major turnoff for me" I just do. I don't know why.
#147858432Monday, October 13, 2014 2:21 AM GMT

I never honestly had a difficulty seeing where the puck is. "if i find out that razor teeth has been making fun of me, i'll turn him into cat food and lots of it"
#147860128Monday, October 13, 2014 2:46 AM GMT

#147860227Monday, October 13, 2014 2:47 AM GMT

wrong thing meant to post this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grOttsHuuzE
#147860282Monday, October 13, 2014 2:48 AM GMT

if you can't follow a black puck on a white surface that the camera is constantly following you might be blind lol
#147860329Monday, October 13, 2014 2:48 AM GMT

It's easy to see the puck when a player has posession of it or when it's being passed. I don't blame you for not seeing the puck when it's being shot because I can barely see it either and I always look at the area around the net to see where it went.
#147860427Monday, October 13, 2014 2:50 AM GMT

is this a real thing? i heard my friend talking about it but i never experienced this issue lol
#147860776Monday, October 13, 2014 2:55 AM GMT

Watch hockey for a while and you'll eventually get used to looking at the net whenever a shot is taken. I've been watching the sport for 17-18 years now so I've done that for a loooooooooong time.
#147860865Monday, October 13, 2014 2:56 AM GMT

i see the puck fine unless its shot when theres a goal i wait on the replay go poka go fite win
#147860896Monday, October 13, 2014 2:56 AM GMT

I'm like kap I have watched it so long I automatically follow the puck
#147860980Monday, October 13, 2014 2:57 AM GMT

"if you can't follow a black puck on a white surface that the camera is constantly following you might be blind lol" not really, the puck is pretty small, and you could only see it a few times in a game "A lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of a sheep." - Tywin Lannister | Former 12'er
#147861023Monday, October 13, 2014 2:58 AM GMT

I've never had trouble seeing to puck. It's just that I don't like watching hockey. "All my life I had to fight"

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