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#148099656Friday, October 17, 2014 12:03 PM GMT

Bring back Player points status's on peoples profiles and clans! It was a huge was to boost morale and activity within clans, and got a lot of people spending e.e Fix the player points systems... they are all messed up... When I go into any game that I've made that used the player points system it says there's like 2 Billion in the budget... That's not right, nor good... -THE GeneralBailey "Blox out" Post "Support" Plox
#148099835Friday, October 17, 2014 12:11 PM GMT

No support. If you had kept up with ROBLOX updates you would know that ROBLOX has made it where games can give out an unlimited amount of player points, however global leaderboards were removed as well as the point total on profiles. I personally feel this is the best way to go as people were abusing the system for personal gain. This can no longer happen. Also, player points shouldn't have increased the amount people spent. You weren't meant to be selling them.
#148100213Friday, October 17, 2014 12:28 PM GMT

People were using the system for gain... We need people spending in order to keep the flow of money flying around; and not just sitting in the 40-50+ Million accounts on Roblox. I wasn't online for the updates, but when I came back I was immensely disappointed. I liked the Player points/clan system the way it was. And as to your "Unlimited" statement, you still have to buy dev products to get anything out of it. And just having individual game leader-boards sucks, because now I have to come up with something In-game that shows who's on-top and who isn't. Activity, morale, are two key factors in keeping Dev's, new dev's and old dev's as well as the people spending their money; happy. The player points system; whether being abused or not was allowing players to increase the ammount of money they made. Look at Berreza for example... His game made MILLIONS... That wouldn't have been possible if it hadn't been for the player points system at the time. People wanted cheap, free, player points and berreza provided the game that allowed them to get them, and have fun in the process. If it hadn't been for the player points system, berreza would still be a regular robloxian.
#148100996Friday, October 17, 2014 1:03 PM GMT

What are you on about? 1) People will spend money regardless of player points. It was against the rules to sell them, and any user gain from them had to come from them completing achievements. 2) No, you don't need to buy dev products to get anything out of them. I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, for unlimited is unlimited. You can award players as many as you like, without the need for purchase. 3) No, you don't have to come up with your own leaderboard. There is one shown on your game's page. Can you not see it? 4) Games shouldn't have been made popular because of player points but rather because the game is good. That's one of the reasons, to my knowledge, that global leaderboards were removed. Instead of people playing quality games, players would play games of questionable quality so as to excel in the amount of points they had.
#148101729Friday, October 17, 2014 1:32 PM GMT

DataStore is genius.
#148102112Friday, October 17, 2014 1:47 PM GMT

@OP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48rz8udZBmQ No support. PP is useless.
#148102394Friday, October 17, 2014 1:58 PM GMT

lol no pp was just for your free ego boosting so when roblox removed it you will all stop having an extremely inflated ego

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