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#148210450Sunday, October 19, 2014 3:09 AM GMT

Hi, I just wanted to inform Roblox and who ever else out there thinks it's cool to make everything too expensive, that's not not nice. So many kids out there aren't rich enough to afford this stuff. Hair, faces, morphs, and even clothes. And you guys pump up the prices. I get called a noob everyday, yet I have been playing Roblox for over 4 years, and I can't ever afford any hair and/or faces, and all Roblox does is pump up the prices. In this time and day, it's hard for families. I hope you guys don't try to turn my words around, and I hope they don't leave rude comments, but if you do, just remember that I hope you get the point of this post, and realize I'm just trying to create a thread to help the people that can't afford to buy robux and obc and stuff like that. Please understand, and Please try to lower you're prices Roblox 😊
#148211158Sunday, October 19, 2014 3:20 AM GMT

1. They do it to get money to run their site/servers 2. Bc is literally 6 dollars. 3. Your account is from 2013 4. Before you post that your account got hacked/term'd, I have the point to say that you're an idiot for letting that happen to your previous account. 5. And saying I'm BC won't help the argument. My BC expires tomorrow. 6. Items have a value 7. I don't even know why I have 6 points before this, but no support.
#148211342Sunday, October 19, 2014 3:23 AM GMT

Yet you're parents can affored The bc, some parents can't even afford the 6 bux, and the thing about my other account, that wasn't my fault, so im not an idiot for "letting it happen" and the only reason you have 6 reasons why "not to support" is because you're a spoiled rich kid
#148211538Sunday, October 19, 2014 3:26 AM GMT

1. I bet most people can afford 6 dollars. 2. The argument is only true if you lost your pa$sword, so no. 3. I get BC once in a while. 4. About most of the ideas made sense. 5. I'm not even rich. Literally got 12 dollars in my wallet+ some change.
#148211866Sunday, October 19, 2014 3:31 AM GMT

Guess OP gave up. Checked blurb. confirmed brony+oder
#148211899Sunday, October 19, 2014 3:31 AM GMT

1) So many kids live in foster care, so they can't afford it, you just stupid 2) If you don't agree, then why bother keep commenting? 3) I didn't lose my pa$$word the person was just a plain old hacker 4) What are you gonna say to those kids that actually can't afford it? Huh? You just gonna tell them to suck it up? You gonna try to act like the big man to poor kids that can't afford 6 dollars?
#148212233Sunday, October 19, 2014 3:37 AM GMT

awww did i hurt you're feelings?
#148214232Sunday, October 19, 2014 4:10 AM GMT

Agreed. @Soccer 2. It's only 200$. If you pay 6 dollars, you have to dole out seventy-two dollars... a year. Did you say you like trains? No, you don't. I like them. Choo Choo! Train -> -ooI ---THINKER OF LBC---
#148218016Sunday, October 19, 2014 5:29 AM GMT

Oh look, another child crying about how they can't buy all of the optional stuff without coughing up the dough. No support. BC and Robux buying is how Roblox stays afloat. Want all that awesome, cool looking swag? Cough up the dough or make a popular game.
#148218145Sunday, October 19, 2014 5:33 AM GMT

Roblox is about playing games, not coming up with a good character. Roblox is a business, and they need money. Do you have ANY idea how much it costs to run these many servers?
#148218437Sunday, October 19, 2014 5:41 AM GMT

Hey rocker I can afford Bc. I'm not a rich. Shush. 1:Roblox needs money to function ya silly. 2:Do some chores please instead of begging. 3:If your family can afford a computer they can afford 6 dollars. 4:#3 is true. 5:#4 is true. 6: I now have six points. Get rekt.
#148219878Sunday, October 19, 2014 6:32 AM GMT

roblox is free so dont complain
#148227886Sunday, October 19, 2014 1:06 PM GMT

okay, I'm not complaining, I'm just trying to point out the fact that some kids can't afford it, and I could afford it if i really wanted to, but i choice not to. See you guys are the reason i posted this, people like you don't realize that some kids actually can't afford it, and yet you guys will try to bring them down
#148228082Sunday, October 19, 2014 1:12 PM GMT

If they can't buy a month of BC, how do they have a computer.
#148229821Sunday, October 19, 2014 1:58 PM GMT

Maybe these kids don't you know have lives where the parent can spend a little extra money toward their roblox account. Cause I know plenty of people that have computers, but can't afford the rest of this stuff. and I'm not saying the whole system is stupid, I'm just saying that maybe they should lower the prices on the items, not saying the bc, and the obc, and tbc, just on the items.
#148230763Sunday, October 19, 2014 2:22 PM GMT

USD is a strong currency and where I live that's half a 100 Bill in my currency probably since the exchange got worse 1=12 6=72 GG roblox
#148230880Sunday, October 19, 2014 2:25 PM GMT

Those expensive things are optional by the way. The staff can price their items however high they want, they own the site.
#148231116Sunday, October 19, 2014 2:30 PM GMT

The game is about making a good game and hoping that people will like it, and that you will have fun. Not a dress-up game on the internet. It's entirely optional, and you could just wait a week and 3 days. Stop being so lazy and impatient, it's not something you need. BC, TBC, and OBC are entirely optional, so is clothing and such.
#148231267Sunday, October 19, 2014 2:33 PM GMT

3 Months later.... BC is a must you must have it to do anything here Shedletsky is flying over the angry mob with bags of money and is swimming in it in his private jet leaving Roblox bankrupt XD Apocolyptic scenario
#148233122Sunday, October 19, 2014 3:07 PM GMT

Support. The reason poor people have computers is because people donate. ------------------------Haters of the rich--------------------------- ------------------------Lovers of the poor---------------------------
#148234280Sunday, October 19, 2014 3:26 PM GMT

"Yet you're parents can affored The bc, some parents can't even afford the 6 bux, and the thing about my other account, that wasn't my fault, so im not an idiot for "letting it happen" and the only reason you have 6 reasons why "not to support" is because you're a spoiled rich kid" "is because youre a spoiled rich kid" i lost any bit of respect i had for op at that moment. you imply that hes "rich", simply because he has bc. theres obviously no possibilty he has a job to pay for his membership. i mean, im totally spoiled and dont work for my money and thats why i have my bc. right? no, wrong. you probably assumed, but i have to work for my bc. i have a job, and so do plenty of others. so quit assuming, and get a job to buy it yourself, instead of complaining to lower the prices.
#148234673Sunday, October 19, 2014 3:32 PM GMT

#148236846Sunday, October 19, 2014 4:09 PM GMT

What, do your parents use welfare and food stamps to live? If They got you a computer that can run roblox without cheating the economy, then they can buy you regular BC. It's 6 dollars a month. Also, I'm not necessarily rich. I'm a middle ground between rich and poor.
#148237510Sunday, October 19, 2014 4:20 PM GMT

Spoiled rich kid? Wow. They are not spoiled and rich just because they can afford 6 dollars. OP idea failed. Let the thread die.
#148237661Sunday, October 19, 2014 4:23 PM GMT

@Cedar No, we need to let them laugh at kids like this.

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