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#149281720Thursday, November 06, 2014 6:53 PM GMT

Hello, Fellow members of T.G.I Fridays. I would like to become your Vice President because I am skilled in many ways you may not see me using them all the time. This is due to my rank is stuck on 14, CEO I want something… New, if I have this luxury addition to myself I can do a lot more for you guys and help out a bit more instead of being around doing interviews. Serving. Ect; Please. Vote me for Vice President of T.G.I Fridays. Also I would like to thank our Chairman, Silverauthority of having this Election held. Please vote for me and Thank You.
#149283787Thursday, November 06, 2014 8:00 PM GMT

go away
#149337691Friday, November 07, 2014 8:45 PM GMT

Heh, Shut up.
#149346701Friday, November 07, 2014 11:17 PM GMT

Gtfo wrong forum scrub
#149381597Saturday, November 08, 2014 1:59 PM GMT

Ya wrong forum scrub here's he correct one: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=149253784
#149384661Saturday, November 08, 2014 3:11 PM GMT

#DJforVP Vote for my good friend DJ, he's a good guy! Known him for about a year, and I know he can change TGIF for the better!
#149385048Saturday, November 08, 2014 3:21 PM GMT

Shadow f-ck off you bish.
#149385428Saturday, November 08, 2014 3:30 PM GMT

Dude, wrong forum you stupid fegget
#149389124Saturday, November 08, 2014 4:36 PM GMT

Everyone shut up! I think he knows that this is the wrong part of the thread, but does it really matter?!! It's an election. If you're voting, then vote, if you're not, gtfo.

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