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#149350513Saturday, November 08, 2014 12:16 AM GMT

Welcome to the Group!Please take the time to read through these simple rules and guidelines to ensure that you know how things work here. As long as you follow these simple rules, We should have a successful group. 1- Respect all other group members. If you fail to do so, It will result in a depromotion or other consequences. 2- Listen to all HR's and Heath3380. They all mostly incharge of this group. Following these rules and doing as told is a good way to be noticed an earn a promotion. 3- If you see a problem with the group, PM it to Heath3380 or an HR and they'll solve the problem. 4- Please attend all meetings that you are asked to. If you cannot make it, Simply PM Heath3380. Not attending without checking in with an HR can result in depromotion. 5- The most IMPORTANT rule, Have Fun. Don't let others ruin this experience for you. 6- If someone is abusing their privliages, Let someone know. If someone is personally bothering you, Inform an HR ASAP and we'll solve the problem. Thanks, Heath3380.
#149350544Saturday, November 08, 2014 12:17 AM GMT

GOD DAMNIT OP THIS IS NOT THE PLACE TO POST YOUR STUPID GROUP RULES "at night, the weasels go AAH"; sitar is 2legit; http://www.roblox.com/Whitevalk-item?id=184265737
#149350593Saturday, November 08, 2014 12:17 AM GMT

can i not respect all group members
#149350788Saturday, November 08, 2014 12:21 AM GMT

lmao i see a problem with your group Heath3380 wrote at 11/7/2014 6:20 PM it exists and its a waste of bandwidth on the site "at night, the weasels go AAH"; sitar is 2legit; http://www.roblox.com/Whitevalk-item?id=184265737
#149350824Saturday, November 08, 2014 12:21 AM GMT

I didn't ask for your opinions, Thank You xD
#149350826Saturday, November 08, 2014 12:21 AM GMT

i sent that to her lol waiting 4 reaction "at night, the weasels go AAH"; sitar is 2legit; http://www.roblox.com/Whitevalk-item?id=184265737
#149350894Saturday, November 08, 2014 12:22 AM GMT

i didnt ot is now c&g
#149350908Saturday, November 08, 2014 12:22 AM GMT

tracking op is an oder mlg post|pro noscoper|noot noot|http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=146846399 i am the dictator of ot
#149350909Saturday, November 08, 2014 12:22 AM GMT

@Heath3380 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dbR2JZmlWo [Apieceofabrick120 riplol] [Some bah dee once told me the world is gon nah roll me]
#149350949Saturday, November 08, 2014 12:23 AM GMT

was this her first post 'bout a week ago

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