#149584828Tuesday, November 11, 2014 5:30 PM GMT

The police arch their eyebrows a little, but a Hispanic man told them to let you pass. He approaches you. "Sheriff Valdez, you the one that James called about? It's right in there, third floor we believe. We've been following CIA advice and we've made a blockade of crosses. Talk to my man over there and he'll let you pass. Just know that once you enter, we can't let you out of there unless we know for a fact that demon's banished. Keep this all silent to the civilians. The last thing we want is for the whole of the world to know that demons exist.
#149586213Tuesday, November 11, 2014 5:56 PM GMT

"It will be swift." Azrael responded coldly, as he continued his pace towards the blockade.
#149586579Tuesday, November 11, 2014 6:02 PM GMT

You enter the building, noting the amount of destruction everywhere. Crushed desks, ravaged walls. Whatever was here was big. You continue to see this destruction on the second floor, where you found the blockade in front of ruined steps. They let you pass, and you stand at the foot of the stairs, a wall of invisible holy energy behind you.
#149586961Tuesday, November 11, 2014 6:08 PM GMT

Gun hidden, Azrael stalked upstairs, searching for the unholy cretin.
#149587219Tuesday, November 11, 2014 6:12 PM GMT

As you advance, you see the whole rooms has been set up odd. The tables are turned systematically, and there are piles of stuff. You see nothing. "So, the silver has awaken?" You look up, to see some humanoid man lying down casually on the roof, like that was how gravity functioned. He wore armor that was a mix of rusty bronze plates and golden capes, with a helmet with many horns that hide all of his face beyond his red eyes with massive black, cat-like pupils. At his side was a quiver and a bow, and on the side of his belt was a scimitar.
#149588188Tuesday, November 11, 2014 6:29 PM GMT

The shadowed face of the cowboy stared at the demon without sign of emotion evident. He did not smile, nor frown, simply watched the demon as it watched him. "You seem like you've.. been around for awhile." He said coolly, his expression hard, "You might know who I am.. and what I do." He stood passively, making no move to attack as he watched the demon. "My name is Azrael, and I am your worst nightmare."
#149588429Tuesday, November 11, 2014 6:33 PM GMT

"Azrael? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the name. Allow me, to introduce myself. I am General Thazur, the right hand of Wrath and leader of his armies. You are nothing compared to me." Wrath? You have heard the name before. He is one of the seven demons of the Pantheon, albeit, he's been missing for centuries, maybe even millennia, not even his closest servants knowing his location. Things just got a lot more interesting.
#149588771Tuesday, November 11, 2014 6:39 PM GMT

"I am the Angel of Death, and the piper has played your tune." Azrael stated, before suddenly an explosion rang out as the gun the fallen angel had kept hidden under his duster fired at the head of the 'General'.
#149589036Tuesday, November 11, 2014 6:43 PM GMT

A sharp sound was heard as your bullet was stopped shock waves, and destroyed. "You may be the Angel of Death, but you're nothing compared to the favored servant of the embodiment of Wrath itself. Allow me to show you the powers of my master..." He stands on the roof, and stomps on it. The section above you begins to crack, seeming as if it's going to fall down.
#149590239Tuesday, November 11, 2014 7:03 PM GMT

Unwavered, Azrael stood in place as he brought the gun out. "Impressive," He said dully as he slid the gun into it's holster once more, "But that's why you lose. Favored or not, you're a servant."
#149591082Tuesday, November 11, 2014 7:18 PM GMT

"I'm gonna lose? How can I lose when I don't even need to fight. Frankly, you're only a silver. I find it quite insulting that you think you can pose a challenge to me. Oh listen to me, now I sound like Sulax. Oh well." The roof falls, and your head hurts as you are covered in stone, and dead bodies? AS you climb out you count thirteen dead humans have fallen on top of you, and one didn't fall, instead preferring to leave a hanging arm. "Now, I don't want you to leave bored, so I'm gonna give you your fight." The bodies start to float, the bones coming out of them and merging into a massive skeletal frame with a hunch. And then came the rest of it, but you already knew what was happening. A troll. You see, some demons, when powerful enough, can merge a mass of dead people into a giant abomination called a troll.
#149591818Tuesday, November 11, 2014 7:31 PM GMT

Quickly pulling his gun, he proceeded to blast a hole into it's knee.
#149592805Tuesday, November 11, 2014 7:47 PM GMT

(9 (Base Roll) + 5 (Demon Hunter) + 5 (Silver Bullet) + 2 (Surprise) + 3 (Troll Still Forming) = 24 | Enemy health: 26/50) The troll roars as it's knee cap is shot of while it's leg still forms. Tharuz grabs his quiver and bow, jumping up (Or down, in his case) and shooting like a bullet out of the window. You should've expected this. You didn't have the patience to go and Valdez that building a wall of crosses only at the foot of the steps only blocks a route by the stairs. Demons can jump at whatever height they wish and still survive. And who knows what happens in Tharuz's case. (10 (Base Roll) + 20 (Troll Strength) + 2 (Distraction Provided) = 32 | Your Health: 68/100) As your attention was caught by the windows crashing by Tharuz's jump, the troll hits you with a roundhouse, tossing you across the room. (Time to explain the gun! You can hit with a melee attack for 1d8, but if you land a 7 or 8 your enemy is stunned. However, some large enemies, like this here troll, are immune to stun by melee. You can shoot an enemy for 5d3, however, you must have ammo to do so. You had ten at the beginning, but you used one on General Tharuz and another on the troll. Therefore, you have 8 left. Keep in mind, damage will be different for larger two-handed guns like rifles and shotguns. Sniper rifles also get a plus 50 instead of 2 for surprise boosts. Also, a small helpful fact, the troll hits for 1d10, and adds on 20 (Troll Strength) to that roll)
#149593251Tuesday, November 11, 2014 7:55 PM GMT

Firing a second shot at the trolls head, Azrael took a couple steps away from it. A crippled leg and slow movements means an easy avoidance of the beast.
#149593579Tuesday, November 11, 2014 8:00 PM GMT

(9 (Base Roll) + 5 (Demon Hunter) + 5 (Silver Bullet) = 19 | Enemy Health: 7/50 | Your Ammo: 7 (Silver Bullets)) The troll take a shot to the eye, but isn't done yet. (Evasion Roll (For preparation and injured leg): Succeed) The troll swings a fist at you, but you just stepped back and avoided it like a bad arse.
#149594145Tuesday, November 11, 2014 8:09 PM GMT

Scowling, he strode forward swiftly after the General, slamming his gun into the skull of the creature as he passed it quickly to follow his prey.
#149594744Tuesday, November 11, 2014 8:18 PM GMT

(7 (Base Roll) + 5 (Demon Hunter) + 5 (Silver Weapon) + 2 (Severely Weakened Enemy) = 19 | Enemy Health: 0/50) The beast tries to dodge, but instead winds up taking the blow to it's throat, suffocating to it's inevitable death. As you look out into the General's trail, you see a collection of holes he shot through, and you realize that you wouldn't be able to catch up to him. All of a sudden you hear clapping coming from the stairs. "Well done. I think you scared off the General, too," says the sound of Agent James' voice from behind you. You know the General wasn't lying when he said that he left you because he'd felt insulted by having to fight someone he found weaker than himself. Odd behavior for a general of Wrath.
#149607772Tuesday, November 11, 2014 11:19 PM GMT

Not all anger is outward. Azraels thought held in his moment as he turned back towards the Agent. Slowly sliding the silver pistol under the shadowy cloak-like veil into it's holster, the fallen angel's rough features hardened as he looked at Agent James. "Wrath," He grunted, "Found your other problem.." His features darkened for a moment as he let the words drop out.
#149608823Tuesday, November 11, 2014 11:35 PM GMT

"No. Wrath's been missing for centuries, even millennia. We interrogates Tharuz plenty of times trying to force the information out of him, and even he didn't know. All he told us was that that member of the Pantheon went silent so many years ago. Right now Wrath's armies are being commanded by his closest ally, who is our other problem. But as I said, I'll tell you that when we evacuate my wife and grandchild."
#149609154Tuesday, November 11, 2014 11:40 PM GMT

"Let us go then, so I can do my work." He replied icily, motioning for them to exit.
#149610077Tuesday, November 11, 2014 11:52 PM GMT

As the car reaches his house, his wife and grandchild get into the back. You immediately start heading towards the airport. His wife help their grandchild walk into the plane, and he pulls you into the corner. "It's time you should be informed, isn't it?"
#149610134Tuesday, November 11, 2014 11:53 PM GMT

The fallen angel only grunted.
#149610616Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:00 AM GMT

"Very well, I'll tell you every relevant detail now, beginning with the history of the Black Smile initiative. Believe me, it sounded irrelevant to me at first, but in time I realized it's importance in the terms of the demons we've summoned. It started before the Black Smile, actually. All the way back to World War II. It was the day the governments first learned about demons. The Germans used them against Ally and Red Army troops. We won in the end, but we lost a lot of lives fighting something we didn't know how to fight. When the Cold War came, there came hypothesis that there would be a Demono-Russian attack. As such, we were formed to study ways to fight them. In time, we learned that only another demon could."
#149613812Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:43 AM GMT

Azrael remained quiet, his features stiff as he sat there.
#149615977Wednesday, November 12, 2014 1:11 AM GMT

"The Black Smile began in researching how to weaponize demons. As such a new form of war was created. Some call it unethical, but we call it demonology. We started small at first, only to the point of what was needed. But we grew larger, and larger, and then we found Belle. She was a fallen angel, touched by the power of her husband, leaving her capable of extraordinary things. She was the favorite wife of Pride, the closest ally of Wrath. We began to look and gather all who claimed to be of the armies of Pride and Wrath, include Tharuz and the general of Pride's armies, Sulax. Project Hierarchy was born, the experiment to summon Pride, and utilize his assets to remove demonology from war fronts forever."