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#149684151Thursday, November 13, 2014 7:46 AM GMT

What bugs me--players who think that ROBLOX isn't improving. You guys are kinda right, but only in one way. The community. The community is mostly horrible--but ROBLOX itself isn't. The community doesn't make a good game bad. (arma 3 altis life trolls, lots of 'em. DayZ trolls. DayZ people who hostage you and feed you rotten bananas.) Which really bugs me, in a lot of ways. There have been bad updates, almost encouraging scams; BC only games, for example. (note; I didn't put paid access there. Good update!) If you don't agree with the paid access being a good update, I can see why. It can encourage spam in a way-- but when was the last time you saw that on the "paid access" section of the games page? But it encourages some developers (or developer teams) to make games. If some players play their game, like it, comment on why they like it, makes more people want to play it. Especially if it's a good, if not, amazing, review/comment about the game. I'm not gonna note every bad update. Players from 2005-2010 think ROBLOX changed a lot, but only getting worse. Note; that's the community. You can now block players-- so there's that. Do you guys agree with me? or disagree with me? If you disagree with me; feel free to explain why. I'd love to see your argument. (This is NOT encouraging flames, if this is anything, it's a rant.)
#149684160Thursday, November 13, 2014 7:47 AM GMT

there shall be' no tl;dr version, mateys.
#149684162Thursday, November 13, 2014 7:47 AM GMT

I feel as if those people need to be taken to the land that Ocean Man understands. Ocean man, take me by the hand, lead me to the land that you understand.
#149684179Thursday, November 13, 2014 7:48 AM GMT

tl;dr but change is natural, every human being in their right mind feels they need to change every now and then so you can't exactly blame the devs for changing the site, if you had the same site since 2007 today, wouldn't you want to change a few things about it?
#149684187Thursday, November 13, 2014 7:48 AM GMT

i agree. the community has gotten too serious. some of this garbage just gets too heavy
#149684198Thursday, November 13, 2014 7:49 AM GMT

Agreed. I don't see anything I can disagree with in this.
#149684222Thursday, November 13, 2014 7:51 AM GMT

"tl;dr but change is natural, every human being in their right mind feels they need to change every now and then so you can't exactly blame the devs for changing the site, if you had the same site since 2007 today, wouldn't you want to change a few things about it?" "tl;dr" I recommend you to read it; but if ROBLOX was still exactly like the 2007 version, we wouldn't have Apocalypse Rising, After the Flash, etc. Some amazing games out there. Giant Survival ( i know it's not the original, but, ye ), etc.
#149684254Thursday, November 13, 2014 7:53 AM GMT

#149684257Thursday, November 13, 2014 7:54 AM GMT

Actually, I disagree there. While scripting has massively improved, builders have only gotten very good at building with no artistic intent. Symbolism and artistry is a lost skill upon them, and all that matters is the intricacy of what feels like a plastic world without the atmosphere or meaning to back it up.
#149684300Thursday, November 13, 2014 7:57 AM GMT

@DonFeskeral C-Framing was not in 2007, I believe. (unless that was 2006) But if ROBLOX still was in it's 2007 version, Apocalypse Rising wouldn't exist. Apocalypse Games, maybe. In 2007 the maximum brick capacity was around 5K-25K, I believe? Don't know the exact number... I just know it's low.
#149684326Thursday, November 13, 2014 7:59 AM GMT

You can capture atmosphere and artistic intent with very little bricks. More detail only really leads to prettier backgrounds for an empty hollow piece of garbage. Even the best builders have very little artistic intent, the concept of atmosphere and any real symbolic meaning in building and lighting is completely a nil concept.
#149684341Thursday, November 13, 2014 8:01 AM GMT

true, don. But here's where you're wrong--when you grab a game like Apocalypse Rising and Deadzone, it's not about how well it's built. It just has to be large. If, however, the map was small, it'd basically be a CoD remake with zombies, PvP, hunger, and thirst.
#149684357Thursday, November 13, 2014 8:03 AM GMT

Did I not just explain that you could establish atmosphere and artistic intent with lighting and sound? Where builders are good at texture, tone seems to be a dead concept upon these robotic "Artists"
#149684373Thursday, November 13, 2014 8:05 AM GMT

The less bricks you can build; the smaller the map has to be. Seriously. I'm not talking about well built places at this point. Like "All Gone(WiP)"
#149684407Thursday, November 13, 2014 8:08 AM GMT

Not necessarily. Bricks can be resized, and you can make decent buildings with scarce amounts of bricks.
#149684453Thursday, November 13, 2014 8:14 AM GMT

True; but with a game like apocalypse rising, it has to have quite a lot of bricks. If it doesn't most of the buildings WON'T be enter-able.
#149684507Thursday, November 13, 2014 8:20 AM GMT

This arguments already over? Lol I was tracking this.
#149684529Thursday, November 13, 2014 8:22 AM GMT

no I just realized I'm talking to someone who has no idea what tone and texture or tone and mood is it's pointless because he's just gonna "no your wrong because brickcount" the point is apoc is ugly as hell lets face it it's butt ugly it's boring to look at and pretty fugly. A game with artistic meaning would have looked a lot better, been a lot more atmospheric and far more interesting to play rather than garbage design and simple brick spam
#149684565Thursday, November 13, 2014 8:25 AM GMT

... i understand that. i'm just saying; games who have to have large maps, with loads of enterable buildings, require the necessary brick-count. normall 30-40k, unless it has a LOW amount of entere-able building. apocalypse rising ISN'T about "pretty buildings, ooohohh".
#149684578Thursday, November 13, 2014 8:27 AM GMT

Doesn't have to be pretty, it's the thought that counts ;)
#149684586Thursday, November 13, 2014 8:28 AM GMT

It should be though. With a few simple lighting changes it would have been substantially better. Right now it feels hollow and fake and mostly an oversized game of COD with hunger.
#149684600Thursday, November 13, 2014 8:29 AM GMT

There is no thought behind apoc. It's an plain shell with stolen game mechanics. We're yet to see a good RPG, and mainly because all the popular games are really just GMOD rip offs and dayZ clones. Really, games like build your own mech and the like should get the spotlight. Not this pseudo game half way minigame garbage that is a leftover problem of the past.
#149684626Thursday, November 13, 2014 8:32 AM GMT

It's nothing like CoD, with its (mostly) slow-pace combat. It has play-styles, too. "Friendly" "Hider" "Scavenger" "Bandit" "Runner" "Hero". 'Eh, you're entitled to your opinion. If Apocalypse Rising would have another map change, (god help us) with better buildings, to look more realistic, it would probably lag more. With the scripts of apocalypse rising causing some lag--imagine large, realistic, buildings? Take After the Flash (Rain) for example. Amazingly built. Not too much advanced scripts; basically the buildings cause most the lag there. Most of the buildings aren't even enterable, too.
#149684651Thursday, November 13, 2014 8:34 AM GMT

"There is no thought behind apoc. It's an plain shell with stolen game mechanics. We're yet to see a good RPG, and mainly because all the popular games are really just GMOD rip offs and dayZ clones. Really, games like build your own mech and the like should get the spotlight. Not this pseudo game half way minigame garbage that is a leftover problem of the past." Seriously? Apocalypse Rising is a good game, however, it's based off of DayZ, obviously. But it's nowhere close to DayZ-- other then PvP, Zombies, thirst/hunger, etc.
#149684693Thursday, November 13, 2014 8:41 AM GMT

You do understand your arguments boil down to "no yor rong" Have you considered explaining why a survival PVP game with zombies and hunger elements is different from a survival PVP game with zombies and hunger elements? For gods sake how many times have I said that lighting can easily make the game look better? Will you stop banging your head on the wall for a minute and read? Also, after the flash has very few scripts because the author relies on hand outs.

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