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#149709253Thursday, November 13, 2014 11:34 PM GMT

Backstory: The year is 1761, the Industrial Revolution has just begun, thousands of revolutionary ideas are being brought to your attention everyday, will you accept these new Revolutionary Methods or will you fight to maintain the past and its culture? Your a nation during 1761, your nation can be real or fake, it doesn't matter. This is my first time posting a roleplaying thread so help me out along the way. Rules: You must have a reason to declare war. Each page is a year. I will be the only one hosting events. Do not abuse your power and be fair. Your population will not be changed by itself. Nation Info: Nation Name: (Has to be something serious) Population: (Cannot be over 30 million) National Religion: (Has to be real) Capital: Second Largest City: Military Size: (Divide your population by 298) Notes: If you mobilize divide your population by 198 Things have consenquences

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