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#149805532Saturday, November 15, 2014 4:36 PM GMT

Take a look at this item for example: http://www.roblox.com/Gold-Ingot-Reflection-Demo-item?id=187104265 The first one has no reflection, while the second Gold Ingot does. 1: Every time reflection is added, it removes the value of the brick's original color into a Blue-ish color. So what Roblox could do is to make a concentrated "Saturation" Color Level (It makes the original color twice the color, depending how much Saturation you use, but there is still a limit tho!) instead of making reflecting models blue (It's connected with the sky.) For Example: If you look at my gold ingot model (Link), the one with Reflection is still the original color of the first gold, but it still removes the original color. In Short words, if a brick is Red, the reflection should be like if the SKY IS RED instead of BLUE. (But the Skybox color doesn't change at all) 2: The Reflection is always showing the sky, even if inside or near any models When you play games like "Robbing a bank" that has gold inside a vault with reflection on it, it still shows the sky color. Now I don't know if it's easy to make a feature like this but reflection items should show the reflection of items nearby. (May not be easy, and if it did existed it may cause massive lag, depending how large the Reflecting brick is.) 3: We should be able to modify what does the brick REFLECT. Yeah, I find this really annoying when reflecting bricks show EVERYTHING (But not bricks) like a mirror, there should be a feature in the reflection settings where you can select what the brick or a item can reflect. For example: Sky Box [□] Sun Light [☑] Point/Spot Light [☑] (Remember that the clouds and the sky CANNOT be separated, they are both in a SINGLE image) That is all I have for now, expect more improvement suggestions in further threads like these ones. Support?
#149805644Saturday, November 15, 2014 4:38 PM GMT

Reflection is based off of the surrounding skybox, not the objects around it. They demo'd this in the past. It's a good suggestion, but reflection is not broken, just not used how it should be. Suggestions and Ideas's Official Suggestion Rater Add 4k to my PC
#149809245Saturday, November 15, 2014 5:30 PM GMT

#149813522Saturday, November 15, 2014 6:29 PM GMT

#149876631Sunday, November 16, 2014 4:11 PM GMT

Bump 2
#149876899Sunday, November 16, 2014 4:16 PM GMT

Support. I agree with the third point. It may take a looong time to actually develop reflection's behavior in this particular manner, but of course, and update is an update and it would be worth the wait.

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