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#149881927Sunday, November 16, 2014 5:31 PM GMT

So, I know what you may be asking yourself. "Pay models? What are those?" Well, to answer that question, you have to realize what a free model is. I'm pretty sure everyone that didn't just join yesterday knows what a free model is. Now, a free model is, as the name suggest, a model free for the taking. Well, I think that not only should you be able to make models for people to take, but also for people to buy. Now, you may be yelling at me(metaphorically), "No! Then I won't be able to get my completely free-modelled games on the front page anymore! DON'T DO IT!!!11!!!!one!!1!!". Well, that's exactly why I want this implemented. That way, people can't free model everything they want and get it on the front page. As people such as Janlari, or JuliusColes/JuliusColesV2 do. I find it completely unfair that you can make something neat, want to release it to the world to use it themselves, and then see someone get it on the front page without any reward to yourself. So, now, you'd be able to make models that you can sell, rather than give away. I mean, really, scripters can usually script and build games altogether. That's their source of cash. Designers can design clothes, and get an income. But, what about us hard-core builders that want a reward? Well, we make "Pay Models"! I mean, really, I make so many models, but not too many because I have no motivation. No reward to keep me going, or make them as detailed as possible. Now, we'd have that motivation! And yes, people could take a free model and sell it themselves. Or even take a pay model, and sell it for less to get more attention. But, I mean, really, doesn't everyone do that with shirts, pants, t-shirts, and other such things? It's not something you can stop, and this way, you'd at least get a bit of an income. Plus, it wouldn't hurt ROBLOX's income, either. Sure, we get some cash flow, but as everything else is, there's a 30% "tax". 90% for NBC'ers. So, people sell their really good models for a lot, people really want them. They buy R$, and vualah(SpellcheckPlz)! So, what do you guys think about it? Pros and cons, tweaks and addons, anything? Really just a, "Support", or even, "No support" helps, if not just for the bump, but to let me know what you think. And if you do, tell me why you specifically like or don't like it. Thanks for not "TL;DR"ing this. Unless you did, and are just happening to read this part... derp.
#149881984Sunday, November 16, 2014 5:31 PM GMT

Support Good luck on the idea!
#149882612Sunday, November 16, 2014 5:39 PM GMT

I wont support cause newbies need a place too! Not everyone can build with bricks...
#149882841Sunday, November 16, 2014 5:43 PM GMT

I support as long as there is still Free Models, as long as they make it BC only to sell a Pay Model. I believe if this will motivate builders to create models for places. But I would like you to consider this: - Trial Videos or Trials or some way to see if the item actually works. - Requests for specific Models. - Some sort of buff against copying.
#149882987Sunday, November 16, 2014 5:45 PM GMT

Happy, it's not that hard to learn to build. And if you can't, go play games. If everyone on ROBLOX had their own profession(Building, design, etc.), then there would be no players. And the players there were would be even more picky than they already are. And if newbies have such a problem, they can learn to build, or buy models. Not that hard. Really, I checked your games. You at least have a few good things, like Soccer. Now, tell me how annoyed you would feel if you saw your game being basically copied because you like to put out some free models? Do you know how aggravating that is?
#149883357Sunday, November 16, 2014 5:49 PM GMT

"I support as long as there is still Free Models, as long as they make it BC only to sell a Pay Model." I meant to bring that up, but, I forgot about it after going onto another track... "- Trial Videos or Trials or some way to see if the item actually works." Hmm. That would be kind of neat... But, it wouldn't be enforced. Just optional, like a game. "- Requests for specific Models." You already can. Just, ask a model builder. If they say no, fine, you can't force them to make something. "- Some sort of buff against copying." There will always be copying. You can't stop that. And, as said in the title, it's a concept. That means it needs tweaks and such, and is just a basic idea. An iteration. ... Did I use, "iteration" in the right context? derp.
#149883673Sunday, November 16, 2014 5:53 PM GMT

Trolls put game viruses and explosive scripts in models...
#149883679Sunday, November 16, 2014 5:53 PM GMT

Heck no.... I bet NOBODY would pay for free models... I hope the mods don't incorporate this into the game, it's a horrible idea.
#149884088Sunday, November 16, 2014 5:58 PM GMT

"I bet NOBODY would pay for free models..." Well, first of all, they aren't free models. They're *pay models*. derp. And if they won't pay, good for them. But, the model makers don't lose anything, now do they?
#149884918Sunday, November 16, 2014 6:09 PM GMT

While this is agreeable, most ROBLOXian aren't able to build with bricks just yet and sometimes people tend to price their models expensively.
#149884942Sunday, November 16, 2014 6:09 PM GMT

#149885117Sunday, November 16, 2014 6:11 PM GMT

#149885801Sunday, November 16, 2014 6:21 PM GMT

"most ROBLOXians aren't able to build with bricks just yet" Really? It's not that hard. Maybe last year it was, but last year you needed C-Frame to put bricks inside eachother. Or to take it to 1/5 of a stud. But now, you can not only do that, you have solid modelling. Negating. It isn't that hard if you really try. If you don't want to waste your time, don't bother even trying Studio in the first place. "Sometimes people tend to price their models expensively." Well, at least they'd put their models out period. People'd be lucky just to have the ability to buy the models, let alone use them. "lolno" Thanks for giving a reason. Really helps with tweaking, y'know?
#149886046Sunday, November 16, 2014 6:24 PM GMT

Some people use free models for like welcome to my profile, Or for a roblox movie.
#149886098Sunday, November 16, 2014 6:24 PM GMT

-buys model- -inserts viruses in it- -republishes it for 2x the price- -advertises- -profit- nope. Error 404 - Siggy Not Found
#149886162Sunday, November 16, 2014 6:25 PM GMT

there IS a feture where you can disable pepole from taking your models just look at this one for a example http://www.roblox.com/School-Bus-item?id=187259973
#149886553Sunday, November 16, 2014 6:30 PM GMT

Support. People who have their models in someone else's game which is on the front page should get some sort of profit.
#149886905Sunday, November 16, 2014 6:35 PM GMT

Viruses can't be stopped anyways. If people are stupid enough to buy it without first checking it, that's their fault. And I never said you couldn't make models so nobody could take them. I'm saying, some of us don't like to make models that will never be used in our games, but will be abused in others' games. Like how JuliusColes/JuliusColesV2 and Janlari use freemodels to make games that get on the front page. No work besides inserting, and moving. So, now they could have a fee. Unless, the creator makes it free. Now, give me valid problems, then we'll talk. Because, so far, most of these have either been problems that are already there and you can't stop, problems because of idiots, or problems that aren't actually there because you didn't understand me.
#149887537Sunday, November 16, 2014 6:43 PM GMT

>buys model >republishes for lower price (or for free) >huehuehue all around Yeah, not gonna work well. No support.
#149887909Sunday, November 16, 2014 6:47 PM GMT

Crusader, please, read the whole post before replying. You just brought up a problem I did in the first original post. Seriously, stawp bein' a fr00b.
#149888196Sunday, November 16, 2014 6:51 PM GMT

People copies free models, sells it for 1R$.
#149889112Sunday, November 16, 2014 7:00 PM GMT

No support, can be easily scammed and sold for a lower price.
#149891767Sunday, November 16, 2014 7:34 PM GMT

There's no positives on this. The new people (i am fairly new) may not like the feature. 1. They have 10 tix if i do the calculations correct it takes them about a month to find out what print or function means. 2. from problem 1, why make a stupid idea there's no way a person is able to script or build without free models 3. Everyone will sell it. ITS NOT ABOUT THE MONEY ITS ABOUT WHAT YOU CREATE AND THAT YOU CARE ABOUT IT! 4. new people will spam emails to [email protected] 5. not many users will buy it these are 5 stuff you got to remember until you post a 'Paid Models' thread. Admins shouldnt do it or it'll do terrible damage to roblox's economy, community (everyone is BC) Roblox admin alt posted this thread lol!
#149891922Sunday, November 16, 2014 7:36 PM GMT

pm'd places on the front page instead of fm'd places? throughout time, people will continue to publish freemodels it won't prevent fm'd places on the front page
#149892436Sunday, November 16, 2014 7:43 PM GMT

Obviously, their are ups and downs for this suggestion. The problem is that roblox can't stop the down side from happening! But the idea can prevent crappy free models unless the models are barely affordable but not many people would buy that. Noobs are the problem! KILL THEM ALL!!!

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