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#150029322Wednesday, November 19, 2014 1:19 AM GMT

The zoo You are an animal, one who once roamed the wild, content despite competition from all the other animals. You were a rouge and a loner. You never thought about another home, or a zoo. But then one night there were people. They flew in big helicopters and dropped nets over the running animals. You were caught. You tried to escape, but it was no use. You fell asleep, waking up beside a fence. Outside, people watched you, sat down at benches and bought food. They watched entertainers and listened to a man speaking at a stage. A zoo. You saw your habitat was like home. It was good. It had food, water and the feel of your natural habitat. But you wanted out. Then a cheetah named Jackal showed you it. Jackal was leading speeches at night and he, along with Iris, a shy arctic wolf, would lead the animals of the zoo in a pack out of the zoo. He would navigate through the city and reach Magarian Falls, a place where you could all live. Will you trust Jackal and Iris? Rules - Follow Roblox rules, meaning no dating, cursing, ect. Nothing that roblox does not allow. - Please do not post any 1 liners. - Do not powerplay or godmod. You may fight one of a higher rank to try to gain their rank and they gain yours, but you will not kill that character, or injure them seriously. It's just a rank, and you are not allowed to find a way around this rule. - Don't be mad at somebody OOC because of something IC and vise versa. - Do not copy someone's character. Form Name: Age: Gender: Looks: Personality: Species: Strengths: Weaknesses: Disabilities: Other: My characters Name: Jackal Age: 2 Gender: Male Looks: Jackal is a slender, muscular cheetah with bright green eyes and a long tail. His paws are slightly wide, sharp grey claws poking out of them. His legs are very thin. He has round ears with a white tuft of fur coming out of each one. He has a golden coat, with spots up along his back, and a white marking that goes from the front of his hind legs to his chin. He has two black stripes running down past his black nose to his upper lip. Personality: Jackal is very cautious, but is brave and loyal. He is fierce and, being the alpha of his pack, would do anything to save them. Jackal is highly intelligent and doesn't like to battle, but will die defending his pack if he must. Species: King Cheetah Strengths: Speed, agility, high strength Weaknesses: Fire, can run fast for short time Disabilities: Has slight tear in left ear, as well as barely visible scar on his left paw. One claw is missing. Other: Nothing Name: Iris A.K.A. Snowflake Age: 2 to 4 years. Thought 3 years. Gender: Female Looks: Iris has round, alert ears pointed at the tip. She has a long fluffy tail and is plain white. She is slender and graceful, her white coat darkening and graying at her chest, creating a marking. She has pure white fangs and icy blue eyes, small white, strong claws poking out of the edge of each toe, which is curved to help her walk over rocks. Her coat is naturally very thick. Personality: Iris is very shy and graceful. She is kind and intelligent like Jackal, but is only cautious around her home habitat; Snowy arctic mountains. Species: Arctic wolf Strengths: Snow, rocks, agility among cliffs. Weaknesses: Deserts, dirt (she hates getting her coat dirty), challengers Disabilities: Blind in one eye Other: None
#150119758Friday, November 21, 2014 12:34 AM GMT

Jackal Jackal rose to his feet. He was tired, his green eyes not fully opened. He sighed and looked up at the bright blue sky. He saw that the zookeeper had already left meat for him to eat. He lived alone in the King Cheetah habitat. He was really rare. Jackal sprinted slowly over to his meat and picked it up in his mouth, darting back to his cave. He zipped across the sand, running in the shade of the small trees. He reached his cave and set his meat down, tearing off a piece. He was thinking hard, so he chewed slowly. He disliked the zoo. It was his second day here. He only knew one animal. He only knew that animal from night time, when he and that animal escaped their cages to talk. Jackal would soon speak about leaving the zoo and perhaps they could all leave. It was barely morning, but people were there. He sighed. He took a nap.
#150120656Friday, November 21, 2014 12:49 AM GMT

wolfy wolfer 21 both like a wolf not the brightest wolf eating working doing work nothing else
#150161052Friday, November 21, 2014 10:12 PM GMT

I'm not sure I will allow animals of both gender. I really like it to be able to clear. Like when characters are talking. I feel that he should have a gender.
#150161120Friday, November 21, 2014 10:13 PM GMT

Wolves can look different. They have coat colors and eye colors, and all do not look the same. I'm sorry I'm requiring you fix your form, but I just feel it'd be best.
#150163660Friday, November 21, 2014 10:56 PM GMT

(I would like to join in....with maybe two characters? :3) First one: Name: Valkyrie Age: 6 Gender: Female Looks: Valkyrie has pointed ears and a relatively normal tail. Her fur is charcoal grey, and she is stocky and well-built. Her claws are often broken and her teeth are stained from the hunt. She has brown eyes, and her coat is thick due to her place of origin. Personality: Valkyrie is ferocious and bad-tempered, and many of the others in her habitat are afraid of her due to her dominant behaviors. She does not like competition, and if anyone steps out of line on her watch, they are punished. She is, however, a strong leader, and a determined one at that. Species: Gray Wolf Strengths: Physical strength, hunting in forests, can endure cold Weaknesses: Poor runner/swimmer, hunting in the open, poor coordination Disabilities: Walks with a limp due to an old injury. Second one: Name: Nike Age: 4 Gender: Female Looks: Nike has a peregrine falcon's normal appearance: A black- grey hood marking on her head, tan-colored feathers, black-grey her back. Her eyes are a dark brown and her feet and beak are yellow. Her belly feathers and tail feathers have blackish-grey bars on them. Personality: Nike is witty and light-hearted. She is loyal and proud, and is hound at heart, no matter what the situation. Others in her habitat see her as the one who relieves tension and stress by saying just the right thing at just the right time. Species: Peregrine Falcon Strengths: Aerial maneuvers, cliffsides, aerial navigation Weaknesses: Flying over oceans, anything that has to happen on the ground, walking Disabilities: None
#150164050Friday, November 21, 2014 11:02 PM GMT

Name is mine violated violated jury action shall be taken Seriously, the story name is mine and the rp is similar to mine.
#150165155Friday, November 21, 2014 11:19 PM GMT

First off, wouldn't a zoo be a safe haven from the wild? 2. Even if you tried to escape, the entire National Guard would be on your ass, armed with M4 rifles and M16A4s and Tazers.
#150165875Friday, November 21, 2014 11:30 PM GMT

3. Even if you escaped, the zoo would be empty, and that means they have to get more animals. 4. Don't they have GPS tags on ye and tags in general? Even if you escaped, you'd be found because of that tag everyone can see. 5. There is no indication of timesetting/area. It's a nice idea, but it needs more work.
#150166964Friday, November 21, 2014 11:49 PM GMT

Name: Falco Age: 4-5 Gender: Male Looks: Black upper body, White underbody, yellow eyes, pointed beak, some missing tail feathers, burned leg. Species: Peregrine Falcon Personality: Loner, Serious, Hates other birds, mostly Bald Eagles. Strengths: Flying, jabbing people with his pointed beak. Weaknesses: Ground, Larger animals. Disablities: Limps mostly because of his burnt leg. Other:
#150167015Friday, November 21, 2014 11:50 PM GMT

Wait, I dotn want to join, nevverrrmind.
#150176337Saturday, November 22, 2014 2:23 AM GMT

Everyone accepted. I do not believe this is your idea. If you do not like this topic, why are you posting here?
#150177109Saturday, November 22, 2014 2:37 AM GMT

I'm providing constructive critiscm. And you're lucky I'm one of the nicer rpers. Though seriously, those are my reasons why i disagree with your story.
#150178667Saturday, November 22, 2014 3:04 AM GMT

If it's one good thing I'll say is that you dont rp like the newbies.
#150220888Saturday, November 22, 2014 8:55 PM GMT

I understand what you are saying, so I'm just going to clear it up now. The time is whatever I say in the rp, through Jackal or Iris's eyes. The setting is a zoo. It is normal, a temperate forest with a balanced temperature. In the habitats, it looks and feels however the character wishes. The zoo is safe, but these animals don't like it. They want the wild, they dislike all the attention everyday and the limited space. They want to be able to roam further, be free. I dislike it when people set up one liner rps with barely any grammar or correct punctuation and capitalization and spelling. I always set up my rps with a somewhat balanced set of all that.
#150221051Saturday, November 22, 2014 8:58 PM GMT

They could track the animals yes, but the animals would go far and keep going. The humans would most likely eventually stop trying. This would be because they would have no luck in getting, nor catching these animals and would have to get more, not focus entirely on the king cheetah artic wolf, and more that had escaped their zoo. However, not all would. Some would be caught escaping or choose not to leave in general.
#150224055Saturday, November 22, 2014 9:45 PM GMT

Form~ Name: Pasiphae Age:12 Gender: Feminine Looks: Her wingspan is 6 ft 11. She is pure white, her foot is black with white talons. She has mismatching eyes, one light blue one light brown. Personality: Most like a leader, friendly (at times), serious Species: Haliaeetus leucocephalus (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bald_eagle) Strengths: Her prosthetic leg is mad of metal so it is a good weapon. Weaknesses: High-jumping land animals can reach her easily. Disabilities: Can't walk very well because of prosthetic leg. Other: Only Haliaeetus leucocephalus at the zoo so far.
#150224900Saturday, November 22, 2014 9:58 PM GMT

By time period I meant decade this is set in, the place, like Moscow, Russia, or Chicago, Illinois. And I believe I mentioned gps tracking too. and I may also point out domestication. Animals aren't that smart. Once they're on a steady supply of food, they completely forget about how to hunt, because they're on a steady supply. So in effect, once you get out, you would die within a week. Trust me, I've been observing animals in the wild for years and have learned about them as well.
#150224965Saturday, November 22, 2014 10:00 PM GMT

Lol, you join ant random rp without regard for plot, do you? You're like my brother; if it's a cartoon movie with a horrible story its an automatic five stars.
#150226656Saturday, November 22, 2014 10:26 PM GMT

I only join rp's that I think are good.
#150226989Saturday, November 22, 2014 10:32 PM GMT

You mean the one's that have no plot at all?
#150227117Saturday, November 22, 2014 10:34 PM GMT

Yep, pretty much. :)
#150227326Saturday, November 22, 2014 10:38 PM GMT

I like the idea, I just think it should have been fleshed out more.

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