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#150109776Thursday, November 20, 2014 9:36 PM GMT

Just Your 'Average' Hero [ISRP] Origin thread - http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=149851864 Thread client – Bulldog1042 ----------------------------------------------------------- ACCEPTED/EDITED Application bio = Name: Rodrick Thompson Age: 34 Appearance(before the ‘release’): Rodrick is obviously a male. He is a short wiry man, barely towering at five feet. Even before the release he seemed very rat-like with his prominent long nose & somewhat narrow and receding chin that produces the rat-like look. He has small brown beady eyes, large ears, and a noticeable overbite. He has a pretty bad tanline, but most of the time it was covered up with coal dust from the mine he once worked at. After: Rabbit-like with inverted bended (long) legs. He has a considerable amount of fur growing sporadically on his body and the teeth + ears to match. Species: Beastman Personality: Rodrick often plays the part of a coward who is used to getting shoved around, and his feelings hurt. He chickens out a lot, but is very passionate when it comes to engineering. He is sly and relatively crafty, being capable of wheezing his way out of trouble. He is often unsure of himself and not a mirror image of a hero. He does have a hatred for bullies, in which he makes a shaky decision to try to help people, and did earn the respect of a few people. Starting area: Boston Bio: Rodrick was a miner for practically his whole adult life as when he was little his father got into the coal business. He often ventured into the mines as a child, and once or twice every while he would nearly fall to his death. As a child he was very courageous, which his memory of his past life may be affecting him now. But due to constant bullying at school by to his rat like features giving them something to pick on, hid his courage from himself and replaced with cowardice. He managed to get through highschool, despite two attempts at taking his own life, and immediately began working with his father at the coal mine. He was working with him up to the release. After the release he went from looking like a rat to looking like a rabbit – in a more literal sense. His nature was unfortunately not changed and he surrendered immediately to the vampire hierarchy. His skills in mining were translated into him becoming a slave footman and thus organising his captured brethren’s efforts although he was still maltreated by his captors and lessers alike. ----------------------------------------------------------- You’re walking down to your personally hollowed accommodation in a dimly lit underground hallway and you are tapped on the back. As you turn you register that it’s Bruno, a strong Humani digger slave with a sick taste for the perverse which you are already well aware of. He grins at you maliciously, “Ready for round two?”
#150118944Friday, November 21, 2014 12:21 AM GMT

Immediately I begin backing up while stammering," Bru-Bruno, please n-not today. I ha-have work to do." My mind scrambled with fear still manages to get the thought of, can I run away before he would be able to catch me?
#150148149Friday, November 21, 2014 4:26 PM GMT

His grin intensifies, "Well I have an hour off. You don't, son." He continues advancing towards you, slowly unzipping. He is perhaps 7 foot away from yourself (though he's a relatively slow mover).
#150171475Saturday, November 22, 2014 1:08 AM GMT

Suddenly, my mind became clear on the thing I must do, and that is to scurry off in hopes for him to not catch me. Quick as a rabbit, I turn and begin sprinting down the other path. Not paying attention to where I must go, I just decide to run away no matter the cost. (Not saying I get away, just that I turn to run)
#150197333Saturday, November 22, 2014 2:16 PM GMT

It's a dead end and he continues his slow advance. All of the accommodation doors are closed and you doubt anyone will help you. There is a small oil lantern beside you along with a boiled old fashioned kettle, but you also hear your faithful bluthound barking from a door that he is about to pass. You estimate he'd be on you in 10 seconds.
#150223255Saturday, November 22, 2014 9:32 PM GMT

Grab the small oil lantern, to hit Bruno with if given the chance. I know it will probably just hurt him, but it will give me more time.
#150242040Sunday, November 23, 2014 2:38 AM GMT

You smash the oil lantern over his head and his skin is covered in flammable oil before he ignites. He screams his lungs out and lunges for you, and the smell of his increasing blackening and charring flesh assaults your animalistic senses.
#150242573Sunday, November 23, 2014 2:46 AM GMT

The nauseating smell from Bruno's charring skin causes me to cover my nose, but seeing my chance, I dodge to the side of his lunge and go behind him to run away.
#150250018Sunday, November 23, 2014 4:43 AM GMT

You run past your apartment door and hear a mass of footsteps coming in your direction. The dying man collapses and an acrid smell floods the entire corridoor.
#150254403Sunday, November 23, 2014 5:59 AM GMT

Panicking over Bruno's death all I could do for a few seconds was panic. However, realizing men were coming I looked for a hiding spot as I kept on running, still really panicked.
#150254864Sunday, November 23, 2014 6:08 AM GMT

bull escapes mikk once again
#150255069Sunday, November 23, 2014 6:11 AM GMT

Meanwhile Aes wants to give his pecker off again too some poor soul. :)

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