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#150141382Friday, November 21, 2014 9:16 AM GMT

((Please submit a character form if you can please.)) You wake in the midst of what seems to be the woods. The smell of pine needles are heavy in the air. As you turn your head you see a thick blanket of snow. Atop of you lay a thin, green sweater. It was small; looking to be a females. The area was completely deserted. Nothing around you besides snow, trees, and a green sweater. As you stood up you stretched; it felt like you hadn't moved in years. Mumbling quietly to yourself you clutch the article of clothing to yourself. Who's could this possibly be?
#150141403Friday, November 21, 2014 9:19 AM GMT

CHARACTER FORMS: Name: A.g.e: Occupation: Gender: Height: Positive qualities: Negative qualities: Appearance: Family: Extra notes:
#150141574Friday, November 21, 2014 9:40 AM GMT

CHARACTER FORMS: Name: Shakira Loss A.g.e: 20 Occupation: First aid Gender: Female Height: 2 metres (six foot five) Positive qualities: She knows a lot about injuries and diseases Negative qualities: She is anxious of everything Appearance: Shakira has brown hair that is in plaits and has blue eyes. Shakira isn't a superhuman, but she does 'workout'. She is wearing a white t-shirt fades to pink from top to bottom (of course she's wearing the green jumper) and blue jeans with green and white runners Family: She moved out last year, but has 5 brothers, but she's the only girl (except for her mum) and of course both her parents. Extra notes:
#150158869Friday, November 21, 2014 9:37 PM GMT

#150159425Friday, November 21, 2014 9:45 PM GMT

CHARACTER FORMS: Name: Blade or The Unknown Nightmare A.g.e: Unknown Occupation: None Gender: Male Height: 6 foot 7 or in beast mode 10 foot 10 Positive qualities: Is indestructible in beast mode Negative qualities: Will kill anything Appearance: Black hair, Glowing red eyes, Walks with a limp, Always has torn clothes, Wears an eyepatch| Beast mode: Red fur, Scars with metal showing, Glowing red eye. Family: No one..... Extra notes: Erm.... Hai!
#150164129Friday, November 21, 2014 11:03 PM GMT

((Indestructible seems a bit OP. How about possibly changing it to "Tough, hard to beat." Otherwise, you're in!)
#150386212Tuesday, November 25, 2014 8:29 AM GMT

(Looks at your cs, cries)
#150496804Thursday, November 27, 2014 1:55 AM GMT

Name: Ronin Holloway A.g.e: Unknown Occupation: Bounty Hunter Gender: Male Height: 5'11 Positive qualities: Charming. Negative qualities: Somewhat selfish (Unless you become his friend) Appearance: Black trench coat. Red scarf. Black hair with a tint of red Family: He never knew his parents. Instead, he awoke to find himself in the ashes of a burnt village. He'd never got to find out what happen in the village and what happen to his parents. However, after hours of searching as a young kid, he was founded by a old man, who called himself "Xero". Now, adopted by this man, Ronin was taught the Arts of Omega and Xero. Omega being Xeros older brother. Omega's ability was to wield guns in a certain way, that no other mere human could copy. While Xero's ability was to wield swords such as a ninja. Now, taught, He left his house to become a bounty Hunter and spread his name all over the world. Extra notes: His Bounty Hunter abilities are: Sharpshooter L as in, he's very good using sniper rilfes or any type of artillery. Ghosting: The ability to spy, sneak, hide, and/or assassinate someone in stealth. (Hope this isn't to long. c;)
#150731770Saturday, November 29, 2014 11:37 PM GMT

(Do we Rp from the intro you made or something, cuz nobody hasn't posted anything. )
#150732550Saturday, November 29, 2014 11:45 PM GMT

Name: Chase Taylor A.g.e: 15 Occupation: Unemployed Gender: Male Height: 5'8 Positive qualities: Able to go long periods of time without sleep. Able to endure lots of pain. Negative qualities: Not very fast; Can't punch very good (but can kick) Appearance: Light brown hair, Gray-Blue eyes, slim, gray shirt, blue jeans Family: No family. Extra notes: Good with light weapons. (Can I have a Death Note? If so, I want that and Shinigami eyes)
#150733770Saturday, November 29, 2014 11:56 PM GMT

CHARACTER FORMS: Name: Henry Bellock A.g.e: 34 Occupation: Author Gender: Male Height: 1.08 Meters Positive qualities: Enjoyment of acquaintance, great at cooking, can tolerate pain. Negative qualities: Hates people who anger self, quite violent. Appearance: Slender yet beautiful, black hair, blue eyes. Family: (Genetic family unknown) Extra notes: Smokes and drinks quite often.
#150734507Sunday, November 30, 2014 12:02 AM GMT

Are we starting?

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