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#150155917Friday, November 21, 2014 8:43 PM GMT

There is mass reports of people crashing, the game shutdown, lagged, in The Mad Murderer. Please do not be alarmed and think this is a ROBLOX bug! There is a small chance it's ROBLOX's fault. It's even happened to me, twice in one hour, but for some users it's constant. What might be happening, is loleris's anti-exploit is detecting normal users as exploiters. Since loleris's game is the only one with this mass problem, it must be his game and not ROBLOX. His anti-exploit may be detecting users that are at '60/60' FPS and detecting them as speed exploiters, although this is not confirmed. This also could be caused by the anti-exploit detecting users because of how there computer acts when a certain thing is loaded(Examples: Map, Sound), and again, this theory is not confirmed. If this problem happens in other ROBLOX games for you, and persist, contact ROBLOX customer service, by clicking 'Contact Us' at the bottom of the site.

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