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#15034149Monday, October 05, 2009 7:11 PM GMT

this is space empires here you can post your allaince or empire or republic species weapons armor and ships you can fight alone or with an army of none real robloxians or you can join up with others you can join alliances and you can betray leaders and other members of an alliance republic or empire name: degiton age: 30 speices: human group: the empire of the protos weapons: Q39(_]_-] rapid laser rifle ship: kaminin shipdata: a protos heavy cruiser with 20 crewmen 4 hangerbays and 50 turbo guns it also has sheilds that are at 400% and a hull at 256% it can holled up to 900 fighters and 30 bombers in total empire data: the protos are a group of humans of 3 million or so empireships: protos heavy cruisers protos battle cruisers protos fighters and protos bombers empireweapons: Q39(_]_-] rapid laser rifles and ][;;]'/.,\ laser pistols planets: gadok egoje hegin and marsicinin tanks: protos walker tanks and protos battle speeders you can declare war on another group or make peace you can also attack planets with allies by your side
#15034179Monday, October 05, 2009 7:13 PM GMT

( I will join in a sec )
#15034866Monday, October 05, 2009 7:30 PM GMT

Name: Captain Lu-Yoshi Species: Luoshi Empire: Luoshi Empire Ship: Luoshi Explorer Ship Bio: one of the best known ships in the Multiverse. Can Hold 1000 crew members with 500 soldiers, 100 medics, 200 normal crew, and 200 guests. The Captain is not included in the 1000 crew members because he is not crew, he is the Captain. The ship has a 10,000% Sheild and 40 outside lazers with a cafe and armory
#15039623Monday, October 05, 2009 9:00 PM GMT

* 14 protos fighters and a protos cruiser land in your ships hanger and me and 13 gold armoured with Q39(_]_-] rapid lazer rifles get out of the cruiser* i wish to have a peace treaty with your empire lu-yoshi! as you can see i only brought my crewmen and 20 soldiers i am here to make peace not to fight a war i may not be able to win and we also ask something of you that you dont have to do: gadok is in need of food we need at least 15 crates of food we will pay you 100 >:" [ a type of money] in exchange for it
#15039704Monday, October 05, 2009 9:01 PM GMT

Captain Lu-Yoshi: we would accept it...but our president needs to accept the alliance but we can accept the mission *transmission* Luoshi President: greetings
#15053395Tuesday, October 06, 2009 12:30 AM GMT

*reply* great!
#15053497Tuesday, October 06, 2009 12:31 AM GMT

(this is based off a real game...........)
#15067295Tuesday, October 06, 2009 1:33 PM GMT

luyoshi thank you for bringing are main city planet some food you shall soon see 2 bombers 4 fighters and a shuttle heading towards your ship they are carrying the 300 [] this icon [] is the type of money the protos use and the protos have 10 planets in total egdar: main mining planet. hayer: main millatery planet. cadegum: main city planet. mobos: main ship building planet. zexus: minning planet. ereret: city planet. egdok: millatery planet. eriden: minning planet. fugitum: minning planet. wuqon: only exploration planet. egdar info: population: 500 miners: 200. soldiers: 100. tanks: 7. lookouts: 100. resourses: 3000 proton crystals. 2000 []. hayer: population: 6000. miners: 20. soldiers: 1295. lookouts: 234. tanks: 900. cadegum: population: 10.0000. minners: 200. soldiers: 200. tanks: 19. lookouts: 200. im sorry but thats all the info we protos shall share with you in at least 3 days a shipment of 400 proton crystals shall be dilevered by 23 fighters 2 bombers and 4 cargo transports
#15113488Wednesday, October 07, 2009 7:18 PM GMT

President Lu-Yoshi: hmm.........ok we accept the alliance....oh and out currency is Sporebucks or @ (lol i cant make the $ sign into the spore buck sign so the Sporebucks sign is @) President Lu-Yoshi: we will send 4 cargo ships with our finest Spice and one of our not so powerful lazer guns....because we need to know more about your species if you want our more powerful weapons
#15113569Wednesday, October 07, 2009 7:20 PM GMT

(Mine is Angolfia Leader is dan Population is 25,000 Fleet of soldiers is 15,000) Dan:Send a fleet of 5000 men to our moon.. (Our Angolfia Pounds sign is %)
#15113608Wednesday, October 07, 2009 7:21 PM GMT

( 5000 men O.o what are there hostial aliens on your planets moon O.o)
#15113717Wednesday, October 07, 2009 7:23 PM GMT

(No..its a big moon...) Dan:*Sat in office*Since we're only a republic...We will be here forever... Minister Lucas:Their are 4 Countries here...Jameos Del Measae...Jameos...Jamieson(Capital city)...Joshimania
#15113805Wednesday, October 07, 2009 7:25 PM GMT

Captain Lu-Yoshi: *transmission to Dan* greetings
#15113872Wednesday, October 07, 2009 7:27 PM GMT

Dan:*Tranmission back*"Good Evening" Minister Joshua:Sir...Jamieson has recieved a warning from Jameos...If we dont give them %75.000 They will declare war on us! Dan:Well whos their minister?? Minister Joshua:Lucas sir..
#15114106Wednesday, October 07, 2009 7:33 PM GMT

Captain Lu-Yoshi: %75,000!!!!! Thats alot!!!!!!!! *grabs blaster pistol* if you want us to help you if you go to war then we will *tells them that they are a Space Faring Empire or "Aliens" to you* *and asks if your civilization stage and want a monorith to help you*
#15114163Wednesday, October 07, 2009 7:34 PM GMT

Dan:Space fleet...destroy the moon...i want them 5000 soldiers back...we're at war... Minister Lucas:I declare war..
#15114212Wednesday, October 07, 2009 7:35 PM GMT

Captain Lu-Yoshi: *still transmitting* want us to help *points to bombs*
#15114234Wednesday, October 07, 2009 7:36 PM GMT

#15114282Wednesday, October 07, 2009 7:37 PM GMT

Captain Lu-Yoshi: ok..........
#15114311Wednesday, October 07, 2009 7:38 PM GMT

Dan:"We have 500 elite troops on Jamiesons team...we dont need help!"
#15114364Wednesday, October 07, 2009 7:39 PM GMT

Captain Lu-Yoshi: oh....ok?????
#15114432Wednesday, October 07, 2009 7:41 PM GMT

Dan:"Ahhhh,The Jameos Team is in our base" Elite Captain(Jamieson):*Firing*
#15114504Wednesday, October 07, 2009 7:42 PM GMT

Captain Lu-Yoshi: *sees the fight scene while still in orbit*
#15114576Wednesday, October 07, 2009 7:44 PM GMT

Dan:*Firing* Minister Lucas:When I win...i will become president... Minister Joshua:Never..*Fires Lucas in head*
#15114633Wednesday, October 07, 2009 7:45 PM GMT

Captain Lu-Yoshi and Crew: thats gotta hurt!!!!!!

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