#150386667Tuesday, November 25, 2014 9:06 AM GMT

Let me re-phrase a certain part 2 things above, It matches with non-evolutionist science.
#150392570Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:23 PM GMT

I have two more things for you. 1. How is my logic faulty? Everything I said made sense, it merely goes against what you have been taught. 2. More on the whole theory thing you brought up... Gravity is a law not a theory, it is a law, because it has been proven. Law of Gravity. Darwinian Evolution is a theory because it has not been proven, there is no actual scientific evidence. Let me make a point here though about the fossil layers. If I am not mistaken the majority of dinosaur fossils are found in africa? Think about this. It is believed the the garden of eden was in the middle east. After the garden of eden, it would still be 100s of years till man every moved down there, but since according to the Bible (which I believe, Im just being careful with my words for moderation purposes) God created animals all over the earth. SO considering that biblical timelines and other facts tell us that around that time mans average lifespan was 500+ years. So not a whole lot of people where dying. THEN you have the flood. Man would have possibly made his way down to africa by this point. With a global flood, layer after layer of fossil could've been laid down from the millions of dying animals and people. AND THEN you still have another couple hundred years before man ever made it back down to Africa. So, I could easily guess that that is inbetween 1,000-5,000 years of animals and dinosaurs dying before man ever made it there so LOGICALLY man would appear closer in the fossils. Also, the dating systems are biased as whenever they get a closer result they think "huh something must be wrong here because we all know that the earth has to be this old" without even examining the evidence. Im not saying they do that, but the systems are very biased. If they examined closer, there is a chemical out there (carbon-12 I think, Ill have to ask my friend the exact name later) that if the earth was millions of years old there would be no more of it, but there are still plenty of signs of it all over as it exists. (Probably has to do with its half-life or something, I haven't looked into that much)
#150392682Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:28 PM GMT

wow i thought only atheists were neckbeards
#150392689Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:28 PM GMT

One other thing to add, if evolution is true and we are here by accident, then everything you say and do is then a accident. We are living breathing accidents. The screen you are looking at is an accident. I once heard this little song in which they took the song "Jesus loves me" and added Darwinian principles to make it funny. "Evolution, this I know For Charles Darwin told me so Accidenta-lly alive, If you're weak you won't survive. NO resurrection. NO immaculate conception. NO (I don't remember this word) These thing I've been told are true BIG BANG!"
#150392728Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:30 PM GMT

what the heck is a neck beard?
#150392780Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:32 PM GMT

dog how are ya  
#150392798Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:33 PM GMT

NECKBEARD 1. (n) Facial hair that does not exist on the face, but instead on the neck. Almost never well groomed. 2. (n) Derogatory term for slovenly nerdy people who have no sense of hygene or grooming. Often related to hobbies such as card gaming, video gaming, anime, et. al.
#150392806Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:33 PM GMT

and who the heck is the dog? This is definitely a off-topic community xD
#150392833Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:35 PM GMT

indeed surprised no one tried to troll you yet, like b8 you. they don't like the threads like this around here, it often starts flamewar.
#150392943Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:39 PM GMT

So darwin made a theory about some Big Bang and evolution and everyone believed that theory? lel.
#150393092Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:44 PM GMT

STUPIDS YOU KNOW THE GIANT NINJA FOX CREATED THE WORLD Dog goes woof Cat goes meow Bird goes tweet And mouse goes squeak Cow goes moo Frog goes croak And the elephant goes toot Ducks say quack And fish go blub And the seal goes ow, ow, ow But there's one sound That no one knows What does the fox say? Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding! Gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding! Gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding! What the fox say? Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow! Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow! Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow! What the fox say? Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho! Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho! Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho! What the fox say? Joff-tchoff-tchoffo-tchoffo-tchoff! Tchoff-tchoff-tchoffo-tchoffo-tchoff! Joff-tchoff-tchoffo-tchoffo-tchoff! What the fox say? Big blue eyes Pointy nose Chasing mice And digging holes Tiny paws Up the hill Suddenly you're standing still Your fur is red So beautiful Like an angel in disguise But if you meet a friendly horse Will you communicate by mo-o-o-o-orse? Mo-o-o-o-orse? Mo-o-o-o-orse? How will you speak to that ho-o-o-o-orse? Ho-o-o-o-orse? Ho-o-o-o-orse? What does the fox say? Jacha-chacha-chacha-chow! Chacha-chacha-chacha-chow! Chacha-chacha-chacha-chow! What the fox say? Fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kow! Fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kow! Fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kow! What the fox say? A-hee-ahee ha-hee! A-hee-ahee ha-hee! A-hee-ahee ha-hee! What the fox say? A-oo-oo-oo-ooo! Woo-oo-oo-ooo! What does the fox say? The secret of the fox Ancient mystery Somewhere deep in the woods I know you're hiding What is your sound? Will we ever know? Will always be a mystery What do you say? You're my guardian angel Hiding in the woods What is your sound? (Wa-wa-way-do Wub-wid-bid-dum-way-do Wa-wa-way-do) Will we ever know? (Bay-budabud-dum-bam) I want to (Mama-dum-day-do) I want to I want to know! (Abay-ba-da bum-bum bay-do)
#150393110Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:44 PM GMT

Dog goes woof Cat goes meow Bird goes tweet And mouse goes squeak Cow goes moo Frog goes croak And the elephant goes toot Ducks say quack And fish go blub And the seal goes ow, ow, ow But there's one sound That no one knows What does the fox say? Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding! Gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding! Gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding! What the fox say? Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow! Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow! Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow! What the fox say? Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho! Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho! Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho! What the fox say? Joff-tchoff-tchoffo-tchoffo-tchoff! Tchoff-tchoff-tchoffo-tchoffo-tchoff! Joff-tchoff-tchoffo-tchoffo-tchoff! What the fox say? Big blue eyes Pointy nose Chasing mice And digging holes Tiny paws Up the hill Suddenly you're standing still Your fur is red So beautiful Like an angel in disguise But if you meet a friendly horse Will you communicate by mo-o-o-o-orse? Mo-o-o-o-orse? Mo-o-o-o-orse? How will you speak to that ho-o-o-o-orse? Ho-o-o-o-orse? Ho-o-o-o-orse? What does the fox say? Jacha-chacha-chacha-chow! Chacha-chacha-chacha-chow! Chacha-chacha-chacha-chow! What the fox say? Fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kow! Fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kow! Fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kow! What the fox say? A-hee-ahee ha-hee! A-hee-ahee ha-hee! A-hee-ahee ha-hee! What the fox say? A-oo-oo-oo-ooo! Woo-oo-oo-ooo! What does the fox say? The secret of the fox Ancient mystery Somewhere deep in the woods I know you're hiding What is your sound? Will we ever know? Will always be a mystery What do you say? You're my guardian angel Hiding in the woods What is your sound? (Wa-wa-way-do Wub-wid-bid-dum-way-do Wa-wa-way-do) Will we ever know? (Bay-budabud-dum-bam) I want to (Mama-dum-day-do) I want to I want to know! (Abay-ba-da bum-bum bay-do)
#150393111Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:44 PM GMT

How to get stupid gullible atheists to run at you like maniacs: Make a post either titled "God exists" or "Evolution isn't real" You succeeded with the latter.
#150393132Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:45 PM GMT

OHHHH ok. Which reminds that I need to brush my teeth in a minute... I actually happen to study the battle of creation versus evolution. Its amazing how many people are deceived by the lie, but if you read the other guys comments he so far has resorted to calling my logic faulty, finding loopholes in my argument which I then clear up. Theory of Gravity, Im pretty sure that term hasn't been used since the 1600s or whenever Sir Isaac Newton found it... Heres a ironic thought. For 100s of years all the top scientists were Christians, and then all the sudden about 100 years ago they said "STOP Christians can't be scientists!" Here a couple of scientists on the list... Sir Isaac Newton Louis Pastuer and some others I don't remember right now. Don't forget people like Galileo confirmed biblical principles also, as the earth Im fairly sure somewhere in Job makes a reference to the earth being circular. ALSO heres a interesting question. Since information is nonmaterial and in all observed cases always requires an intelligent sender, how did all the information in DNA originate?
#150393141Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:46 PM GMT

Why don't you go to NASA and ask them these questions about the big bang or ask evolution experts instead of 12 year olds who ask Wikipedia for everything and only end up reading the first two lines and making a conclusion
#150393178Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:47 PM GMT

True and no one has been able to defeat me, nor will they be able to, for what I have seen in my own eyes that falls under miracles is undeniable, whether you believe it or not.
#150393223Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:48 PM GMT

#150393232Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:48 PM GMT

Because NASA is based in florida, and the people at NASA would be just as wrong, but even more stubborn. I live in the mid-west so Im not heading to florida (I think NASA is based in florida...) Either way, Im not getting my info from wikipedia, a lot of it is logic.
#150393264Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:49 PM GMT

Just some of the most notable christian scientists, Galileo Galilei Nikolai Tesla Sir Isaac Newton
#150393284Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:50 PM GMT

lock up your fourm threads cuz im coming
#150393310Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:51 PM GMT

Either way, all the information the 12 year olds are getting is the same information that the NASA engineers will have. There is no logical way for the big bang to work as it requires something to BANG in the first place. The concept of there being something eternal has to be accepted, because Nothing+Nothing does not equal Everything
#150393319Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:51 PM GMT

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#150393347Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:52 PM GMT

@DonkeyKongo2 Exactly.
#150393378Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:52 PM GMT

itt: op trying to comprehend a question that cannot be answered within the constraints of our forever limited existence we will never achieve and absolute munchkin
#150393382Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:53 PM GMT

Nikolai Tesla was a Christian scientist? Huh. I was unaware of that, that guy was awesome. "It is believe that Thomas Edison invented the push-up. HOWEVER Nikolai Tesla actually created it 5 years earlier under the title 'Tesla-Up'" - The Fact Core form Portal 2