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#151240108Sunday, December 07, 2014 3:05 AM GMT

ok roblox we are tired of your crap while its nice that you guys are trying to contribute and all but it doesnt mean everything you do is awesome how about you let people test the layouts and allow them to send their opinions to the staff because changing the layouts every 5 hours is not very pleasant at least allow us to fallback to the previous layouts I even doubt you are listening this gestapo bullsht.
#151240203Sunday, December 07, 2014 3:07 AM GMT

OP has the balls the say the last sentence :o
#151240322Sunday, December 07, 2014 3:08 AM GMT

No matter how you get angry, it'll take Roblox 24 hours to start thinking about it.
#151245750Sunday, December 07, 2014 4:27 AM GMT

As rude as he is, I happen to agree. It's nice that Roblox wants to make things better but the truth of the matter is that they don't ask us first. First is was the studio change to the 2012 version. Then the change to the 2014 version. It's nice that they're making new, improved studios to help make our experiences easier but they fail to take into account the fact that there are people in this world who panic when change happens. I know that from experience. When the 2014 studio came out, I was so into the 2012 studio. I loved it. I had a system. A system that I was used to, and that worked for me. I remember it took me about 6 months to get used to the 2014 studio because of that feature where you didn't have to keep re-opening the object window to insert a new object. It kept messing with my head. Out of habit I kept trying to find the Object option to insert a new one, AND when I was done with it I kept trying to close it thinking it was bugged when it wasn't. I kept shutting down the studio accidentally. I had to get used to that. Then there was the website layouts. Does everyone remember this layout?: http://blog.roblox.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/MVCprimary.png Remember that? where everything you needed was literally 1 click away? (Not to mention the contests... Just saying) But now, without even asking us, they changed it to what it is now. Where, in order to find player made models you can't use the catalog anymore. You have to go to your Develop page and click library BEFORE being able to search it, whereas the old website was just go to catalog and search it. I'm not saying it's better or that it's worse. What I'm saying is that they won't allow us to choose for ourselves. In my personal opinion, I prefer the layout from that link I just gave to the blog. Robux and Tix icons were real icons. Appealing icons. They added a feel to Roblox that this new layout just takes away. Period. To add insult to injury, Roblox is so focused on trying to re-vamp everything that they're breaking everything instead. The character animations can no longer be disabled and the majority of Roblox made gear has been broken thanks to all the updates. Quite frankly I'm starting to believe that Roblox has no clue what they're doing anymore. Just fumbling around in the dark. Lost.
#151246168Sunday, December 07, 2014 4:33 AM GMT

@above I agree I think So I have an idea than can solve this So you know how in Studio you can change from old studio layout to new studio layout in the settings bar? They should do that with the roblox website. Where you can choose from different layouts
#151249486Sunday, December 07, 2014 5:29 AM GMT

"I even doubt you are listening this gestapo bullsht." How does one "listen" to text on a forum? I wonder. Also, get a chromebook. I can navigate the site no issue, no lag, no slowness. And if enough of the ROBLOX community does get chromebooks, then they might put ROBLOX on Chrome OS.
#151283367Sunday, December 07, 2014 7:18 PM GMT

@3Dwolf I'm not complaining that the layout is making us slower or anything I'm saying that sudden changes of layouts without our opinions is really stupid
#151283480Sunday, December 07, 2014 7:20 PM GMT

(sorry for double post) @3DWolf chrome os applications are web based while Roblox is not unless roblox got the kind of motivation to port their whole game to html5 I don't see that happening

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