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#151367202Tuesday, December 09, 2014 1:28 AM GMT

im not even sure if i can win this war my production is borked as im trying my absolute hardest to keep my economy afloat, as well as ethiopias units causing havoc east of st petersburg ohhhh god [audience laffs]
#151367240Tuesday, December 09, 2014 1:29 AM GMT

Ethiopia is always scum they always declare war but I take most of their cities before they can get foreign support remember that ethiopia is scum beard man is a good ally
#151367296Tuesday, December 09, 2014 1:29 AM GMT

don't feel bad man i'll tell you something I accidentally nuked my own city once
#151367753Tuesday, December 09, 2014 1:36 AM GMT

Babylon beard man is already rip in kill because Shaka My only friend right now is Persia beard man but he's too weak to fight ethiopia. My only sea trading partner right now, which is good. Ethiopia has never pulled a scumbag move like this before. Ugghh I hate Ethiopia man
#151367925Tuesday, December 09, 2014 1:37 AM GMT

how many people are you at war with?
#151369413Tuesday, December 09, 2014 1:54 AM GMT

just korea and ethiopia but they have really strong armies more importantly my trade is cut off, production, happiness, economy is in the pits and almost everyone hates me and its bad [audience laffs]
#151372669Tuesday, December 09, 2014 2:30 AM GMT

ok so heres how it went down i captured ethiopia's size 9 city and lost a few units in the process sent my remaining army to try to attack the capital korean navy came up north and destroyed my siege units (god damn it) so now my army consists of mostly crossbowmen (longswordsmen are mostly rip in kill) persia met up with korean army and diverted them (very very good news, now i have time to take the capital) i dont know if i'll get them i hope i will [audience laffs]
#151372744Tuesday, December 09, 2014 2:31 AM GMT

#151375752Tuesday, December 09, 2014 3:09 AM GMT

I will try my best. Tomorrow
#151419774Wednesday, December 10, 2014 12:35 AM GMT

Okay. I got some great generals and captured the ethiopian scum capital. There is NO way I could invade Korea. He has turtle ships, and all coastal city, so my navy would get rekt, and since he has all coastal cities, he would have bombarded my army from the coast. So I pulled a scumbag move of my own: I used my 2 great generals to capture some of his territory with Citadels. I grabbed his Incense (first time with positive happiness in ages lol). That was all I needed as it would protect me from any assault from Korea possible. I also kind of grabbed some of his main food tiles so haha, sucks to be him. Then I created peace treaties with em, so that way Ethiopia wouldnt be blocking my trade and korea wouldnt be throwing units at me through the south. Did I mention that they gave me literally nothing? Oh well. Time to rebuild. Meanwhile, remember Poland? Yes, in this game he's that guy that picks himself right up even after he's been seemingly defeated... he spreads his religion like mad, and his religion controls 3/4 of the continent. He also has a really good port city. Well, at this point I'm a bit worried if he will get back at me. He gets insane GPT and a pretty big army. Oh well. I'll see. [audience laffs]
#151421806Wednesday, December 10, 2014 1:02 AM GMT

The world congress is founded. Problem: Most of the people on the other continent have denounced me. If they create proposals that harm me I'm just going to have to go on a warmongering rampage. [audience laffs]
#151422542Wednesday, December 10, 2014 1:10 AM GMT

Right now im really weak and everyone is suddenly being hostile well i have the largest empire as RUSSIA as well as the leader in science so when i find uranium oh boy all of you on the other continent are going to get screwed [audience laffs]
#151430057Wednesday, December 10, 2014 2:41 AM GMT

After a long period of rebuilding, Poland and Persia DOW'd me. PERSIA ALMOST GOT ME ALMOST Poland spread its army onto two fronts. One front had a large forest so they failed there to my gatling guns. Persia on the other hand... persia almost ended me. They were up to a size 12 city that had pretty small defense. There were so many units there and they quickly demolished everything i had there, and reinforcements couldn't break through their wall of gatling guns. Then Persia did a really dumb move. They sent some of their units on suicide missions to attack a better defended 15 size city. What. They could have taken size 12 if they concentrated their attack. Anyways, I eventually picked off some of their suicide units and that made their army a bit easier to manage. Now I want to take Poland, and I just got my riflemen and they don't have any. Attaaaack. [audience laffs]
#151430272Wednesday, December 10, 2014 2:43 AM GMT

I told you to be friends with persia man also, you should of asked for stuff in the peace treaty
#151433024Wednesday, December 10, 2014 3:21 AM GMT

Nah man Persia's just a backstabber and I knew something was up with all those excess units As for the treaties, they didn't have anything haha Ethiopia was confined to crappy tundra and as such had nothing to give me Korea was totally broke from war with Shaka. In most situations he would have asked for more but I think the ai wanted to concentrate everything on beating Shaka In other news, capturing Warsaw will give me a wonderful southern port. If I can capture it.
#151477622Thursday, December 11, 2014 2:16 AM GMT

pushed my gatlings forward and got warsaw. i guess persia freaked out and sold me a size 13 city... yippee! and thats how i became the most powerful, respected, and feared nation in the world- the war hyper-galvanized my army and i had the biggest army in the world. Later- I pursue culture and tourism. I've influenced almost half the world. I got high production into world congress events. Later still- I find Uranium. Only a stack of 2. damn. Oh well, still good enough for 4 bombs/ two missiles. Likewise, there seems to be an utter lack of coal in my empire. And being that I chose order (factories!) that's not good. But whatever. Now I have this game in the bag and the world at my fingertips. Largest population, most land, biggest army, and thanks to social policies, an enormous amount of happiness and gold. [audience laffs]
#151477777Thursday, December 11, 2014 2:19 AM GMT

Update: Problem. My empire is completely locked in. Ethiopia, Persia, Inca, Korea territory has expanded and I don't have any access to the ocean. None of them are selling me open borders. Ethiopia and Persia have units on nearly every occupiable tile I can see. Most likely war against Persia. [audience laffs]

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