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#151412302Tuesday, December 09, 2014 10:58 PM GMT

He looks back at me for a split second then I stop looking at him. My face feels like one thousand suns bursting into one thousand suns, while erupting volcanoes' lava pours on it while the suns are eating ghost peppers.
#151412424Tuesday, December 09, 2014 11:00 PM GMT

someone did that to me like 9 times today
#151412434Tuesday, December 09, 2014 11:00 PM GMT

#151412443Tuesday, December 09, 2014 11:00 PM GMT

he obviously likes you ask him out scrubnugget ...just like 7th grade
#151412444Tuesday, December 09, 2014 11:00 PM GMT

dangiittt my grammar fails.
#151412446Tuesday, December 09, 2014 11:00 PM GMT

i actually catch my crush staring at me a lot of the time u silly goose
#151412495Tuesday, December 09, 2014 11:00 PM GMT

I'm not allowed to date I'm only in the fifth grade. sucks to be me.
#151412537Tuesday, December 09, 2014 11:01 PM GMT

i stare intensely at booty and when she looks i don't stop staring i want her to know im coming for the booty Welcome to planet earth ladies and gentlemen.
#151412600Tuesday, December 09, 2014 11:01 PM GMT

Wait WAIT WAIT! 5th grade? oh, oh god.
#151412656Tuesday, December 09, 2014 11:02 PM GMT

i basically do the same except its just when i daydream i cant daydream about robots without staring at someone
#151412671Tuesday, December 09, 2014 11:02 PM GMT

5th grade? ABANDON THREAD ...just like 7th grade
#151412753Tuesday, December 09, 2014 11:03 PM GMT

@chocolate Your siggy makes it funny. Damn, I forgot to add my siggy. | But, what if I don't want a siggy? | Is it logical that I want to go outside?
#151412881Tuesday, December 09, 2014 11:05 PM GMT

It gets more intense when you become a freshman.
#151412906Tuesday, December 09, 2014 11:05 PM GMT

#151413102Tuesday, December 09, 2014 11:08 PM GMT

I am in 5th grade too and signs say my crush likes me back. She is pretty, kind, smart, funny, and talkative. My type, although I am more handsome than pretty, like most of the male gender.
#151413265Tuesday, December 09, 2014 11:10 PM GMT

@lmad the guy i like is very good at sports, aaannd The only time he talks to me is either about kickball or something his friends were doing and I just randomly tagged along.
#151413270Tuesday, December 09, 2014 11:10 PM GMT

We used to sit together in math class and all we did was stare at each other. I am just like 'Okay, we aee too young for this, but boy is it enjoyable.'
#151413329Tuesday, December 09, 2014 11:10 PM GMT

I always walk home extremely fast so I don't have to speak with the jerks on my bus and my crush always runs pass me with his 7th grade friend (I'm in 8th). And I just end up staring at his @$$ all the way home. It's enjoyable I must say. Don't hurt me
#151413383Tuesday, December 09, 2014 11:11 PM GMT

*are @azure Same here, I am a hockey freak, but she isn't into sports, mainly worldwide activity, like Ferguson.
#151413461Tuesday, December 09, 2014 11:12 PM GMT

I stare at my crushes eyes.
#151413533Tuesday, December 09, 2014 11:13 PM GMT

@lmad my crush is a dumb dumb and is bad with intellectual content, whereas with me I'm in the gifted program. jussayinnnnn
#151413566Tuesday, December 09, 2014 11:14 PM GMT

I seriously do not get why she likes it. I prefer nature over human activity. So peaceful, and weather just strikes my head like lightning randomly every day, so I kind of understand, but really nature is more peaceful than my city life.
#151413666Tuesday, December 09, 2014 11:15 PM GMT

I do freshmen work in 5th grade, I'd say I am pretty gifted. lol Also, I stare into her eyes..., something about it just makes me wanna look all day.
#151413780Tuesday, December 09, 2014 11:16 PM GMT

@lmad I just moved from a city/suburb-like town to a more rural/suburbian-like town. I'm the new kid at my school.
#151413876Tuesday, December 09, 2014 11:17 PM GMT

"I'm not allowed to date I'm only in the fifth grade. sucks to be me." I'm done "i stare intensely at booty and when she looks i don't stop staring i want her to know im coming for the booty" That's exactly what I used to do

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