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#151660228Sunday, December 14, 2014 6:13 AM GMT

Your name: Lucas "Ghost" Vacetti Your weapon(s) of choice: Nothing Your appearance: Lucas has fair colored skin, as a man from Italy. He shaves his head clean, but has dashing eyebrows as well as sea green eyes. His face in general just makes him look like the nicest man in the world. Of course, this was just a genetic advantage in his style of play. Lucas usually wears normal civilian clothing, but has a nice suit hanging around for the more higher up targets. Lucas, however, always wear the same black gloves that covers his fingerprints. Your age: 35 Your personality: Lucas is a man of many personalities, a trick he trained himself with. His true personality is rather monotonous, bland and straight, as if he was a robot. However, during work, he is able to blend in either as a formal businessman, a rich politician, a normal citizen, or a beatnik in the streets scared of everything. And any additional information you wish to provide: Lucas's understanding for the human body is impeccable; how it can die, where the soft spots are, and many deadly facts. His knowledge for it is so advanced he even developed his own form of killing called "embolising". What happens is when two points on the wrists are pressed within an exact length, in a very specific time, a large air bubble forms, which begins its travel up into the heart, causing cardiac arrest and death. This seemingly unknown tool leaves almost no evidence, which is why Lucas has been named the "Ghost". "Thank you for submitting your application Mister Vacetti. I've heard a lot about you. Anyway, your first target will be a man by the name of Helter Skelter. Here's his file. http://nomoreheroes.wikia.com/wiki/Helter-Skelter I'll give you a bit of time to prepare" -Sylvia
#151660601Sunday, December 14, 2014 6:21 AM GMT

(Damn. Arenal makes me look weak af) -Jason- He looked much more intimidating than any of my targets I have killed. My first plan is to befriend him some way, maybe in that "worshipping" sort of way...
#151660776Sunday, December 14, 2014 6:25 AM GMT

(To set the scene I suppose) (You're in your apartment, the one supplied to you by the UAA) The phone rings. The number doesn't seem familiar, but it could very well be Sylvia calling
#151660909Sunday, December 14, 2014 6:28 AM GMT

(I went in this ISRP not knowing that it's based on a game. I dunno how I'm supposed to be fighting a guy with a mega gauntlet and two guns)
#151661098Sunday, December 14, 2014 6:31 AM GMT

(It's very anime-ish) (And you'll be set in an area with spots to take cover) (Helter can also be very cocky, and may unknowingly go "easy" on you) (Plus, they're made miniguns. He'll run out of ammo fast)
#151661425Sunday, December 14, 2014 6:37 AM GMT

(I'll try as best I can to ok make fights unbaised as possible) (I'll be accounting for strengths and weakness of your character, and adjusting enemies fighting styles so that you may be equal on the field)

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