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#151784245Tuesday, December 16, 2014 2:29 AM GMT

Hello, I am your Head Director TrapxViper! This is the first ever AFL report and it will cover all of the current news going on in the AFL! News: The AFL has just started up and surprisingly we are already at 40 members! Once we get 50 or 60 members we will start the draft! The Predraft combine has been scheduled to be on 12/20/14 at 5:00 Est! I advise all draftees to go if you want to be on a team. In other news we already have a jersey maker, some logos done, some team groups done, and some other groups that will help The AFL a lot. We will probably have the league start in no time. Next, this group has the fastest time to get started up! It got 40 members, four groups, logos, group info, teams, stadiums, and almost all teams with Head Coaches in two days! Thats amazing! But, of course it wouldn't of happened without all the great AFL workers! Everyone reading this right now, go to The AFL group and thank all the amazing workers. Thank you for reading the first ever AFL Report. This is Head Director TrapxViper. Good bye everyone!
#151785002Tuesday, December 16, 2014 2:38 AM GMT

yas ty 1st comment noobs
#151785070Tuesday, December 16, 2014 2:39 AM GMT

yas ty 1st comment noobs
#151785156Tuesday, December 16, 2014 2:40 AM GMT

ded leege "I swear, if something bad happens to my friends, I'll rip every tooth out of that shark and make it into the most beautiful necklace you've ever seen."

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