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#151956766Friday, December 19, 2014 3:26 AM GMT

A collection of ideas have popped into my mind recently and of course, that means I'm posting an Interest Check. Idea One: A science-fiction nation roleplay. An anonymous group of intergalactic-terrorists blowing up the central trading hub throughout all the powerful nations, leaving them baffled to whom did it and becoming very superstitious and paranoid. While you, minor nations trying to thrive and prosper, must now choose a side or risk staying neutral and being conquered for resources. Idea Two: A historical-fiction battlefront roleplay. It's 1949, four years after World War II ended, the Japanese betrayed Germany and Italy to conquer America and lead to the downfall of Germany. Now resisting their Japanese overlords, an American resistance plotting to attack Tokyo and assassinate Hirohito. First, you must campaign from Washington D.C to Italy and contact the spies which eventually leads to a dogfight over the South Chinese sea and the assault of Japan. Idea Three: A modern-day exploration roleplay. A group of minors leaving home and adventuring the world. And on your adventure you take anyone who wants the same things as you- to explore. Facing financial troubles and the dangers of the world, you must survive and do as you please- a freeroam roleplay. Idea Four: A classic civilization roleplay. In the Yucatán Peninsula, a tribe of mesoamericans has settled just outside a cenote and surviving off of insects, birds, game, and fruit. Just exploring the mysteries with secrets and puzzles from previous generations. So... yeah. Happy Saturnalia-Month!
#151957308Friday, December 19, 2014 3:34 AM GMT

1. Eh 2. YESYESYESDOIT 3. Eh 4. Eh I'd totally help creating firearms list for numero 2.
#151957527Friday, December 19, 2014 3:37 AM GMT

I find one thing wrong with number two. After the treaty on the Missouri, Hirohito signed an agreement with america were he would remain in power as emporer, but he had little power and the Japan islands were FILLED with American soldiers. Also you have to take in the account that we bombed japan to ashes, which means they probably don't want to attack anyone forawhile now.
#151957749Friday, December 19, 2014 3:41 AM GMT

Rock, after Pearl Harbour, Japan felt entitled to their power and overthrew Germany and Italy which in turn they used the trinity to overthrow America. It was before Japan was nuked. Happy Saturnalia-Month!
#151958029Friday, December 19, 2014 3:45 AM GMT

Since America trade embargoed japan on the desperately needed oil, wouldn't backstabbing your allies that control major European areas that have a lot of oil seem kinda stupid? Just saying.
#151958220Friday, December 19, 2014 3:49 AM GMT

Wait.. what? America embargoed Japan, yeah. Needed oil, mk. Europe, backstabbing your allies- winning- getting more oil. What's your problem? Happy Saturnalia-Month!
#151958294Friday, December 19, 2014 3:50 AM GMT

Oh. But the Germans could just blow up those reserves. But whatever, carry on.
#151958440Friday, December 19, 2014 3:52 AM GMT

'Twas a surprise attack though. After Pearl Harbour, Germany got cocky because the Japanese are all about precision and has never lost a war (Until WWII) so they didn't expect it when Japan backstabbed them and took their supplies swiftly. Happy Saturnalia-Month!
#151959171Friday, December 19, 2014 4:05 AM GMT

I would so want to see number two. Also, what kind of tech (specifically, guns) are we seeing here? Same as WWII, or some other stuff?
#151959323Friday, December 19, 2014 4:08 AM GMT

WWII classic tech. Happy Saturnalia-Month!
#151963420Friday, December 19, 2014 5:36 AM GMT

I like 3 and 4
#151963476Friday, December 19, 2014 5:38 AM GMT

number 2 literally makes no sense at all
#151964626Friday, December 19, 2014 6:14 AM GMT

Mario, it's a straightforward plot... everyone on this thread has figured it out BUT you. Happy Saturnalia-Month!
#151966015Friday, December 19, 2014 7:06 AM GMT

"it's a straightforward plot" so its an alternate reality where the nuke was never invented
Top 100 Poster
#151970804Friday, December 19, 2014 12:20 PM GMT

No. a "straight forward plot" does not excuse the complexly nonsensical plot of Idea 2. First, go look at a map. Notice where Japan is. Now notice where Italy/Germany is. How exactly does Japan "betray Germany/Italy?" Did they somehow sail all the way to Germany? Impossible. They'd never be able to supply their forces. Attrition would kill them and Japan would be isolated. Note the "isolated" bit. Allies are sort of important in war. Hirohito would have to be a complete moron to have done that (which he has proven he isn't.) And finally, Japan isn't Russia. Even if they somehow invaded Germany, they would in no way have the manpower or resources to fight off Germany, Italy, China, Australia, America, Canada, every other allied nation... And there is no way they could hold all that territory Oh, and as for Japan never losing a war... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Ch%C5%8Dsh%C5%AB_expedition
#151972285Friday, December 19, 2014 1:23 PM GMT

Mage, yes. I was sleepy so I might've made a few misconceptions and didn't value or research thoroughly. And Mario, you're obviously not reading through the thread, because I believe I stated that they attacked before America could bomb them. Happy Saturnalia-Month!
#151973731Friday, December 19, 2014 2:19 PM GMT

Do number 1.
#151975475Friday, December 19, 2014 3:25 PM GMT

FOUR FOUR! (No, not Tobias) I REALLY want a civ roleplay which won't die out in two seconds
#152002727Saturday, December 20, 2014 12:09 AM GMT

"because I believe I stated that they attacked before America could bomb them. " if america was attacked they would bomb them anyway how does being attacking suddenly cause all your nukes to dissapear
Top 100 Poster
#152003009Saturday, December 20, 2014 12:14 AM GMT

if america was attacked they would bomb them anyway how does being attacking suddenly cause all your nukes to dissapear I think she's trying to imply that Japan beat America before they could nuke them. But since the war ended in 45 I don't really see that happening.
#152003139Saturday, December 20, 2014 12:16 AM GMT

1) YES! 2) God no... 3) Eh, depends on how you pull it off, really. 4) Yes. I feel the most strongly about my opinions on 1 and 2. "Wouldn't the sentence 'I want to put a hyphen between the words Fish and And and And and Chips in my Fish-And-Chips sign' have been clearer if quotation marks had been placed before Fish, and between Fish and and, and and and And, and And and and, and and and And, and And and and, and and and Chips, as well as after Chips?" ~ Martin Gardner
#152003233Saturday, December 20, 2014 12:18 AM GMT

1.Yes. 2.Meh. 3.Not in my interests. 4.Yes.
#152003450Saturday, December 20, 2014 12:22 AM GMT

1 Science Science and SCIENCE!!!!
#152003774Saturday, December 20, 2014 12:27 AM GMT

The irony, Mang, is that you probably don't know all that much about science. "Wouldn't the sentence 'I want to put a hyphen between the words Fish and And and And and Chips in my Fish-And-Chips sign' have been clearer if quotation marks had been placed before Fish, and between Fish and and, and and and And, and And and and, and and and And, and And and and, and and and Chips, as well as after Chips?" ~ Martin Gardner
#152004057Saturday, December 20, 2014 12:31 AM GMT

Man, reading the section post made me want a nation roleplay. Someone make me one please? WW2, all that jazz.

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