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#152429338Thursday, December 25, 2014 10:39 PM GMT

Tl;Dr at the bottom. Hi guys, As veteran (08') of roblox, I've noticed something. Some of our games are not aimed at kiddys. I was 8 when I joined roblox, and well, when I was little some of the games frightened me, and others my parents didn't want me to play as they were simply too violent. So I suggest a future that will get more kiddys to play! 13+ games. All games are 12+ unless the owner chooses otherwise. What qualifies as a 12+: Horror (Don't want to scare little children) Any gore Violent FPS Whats ok: Paintball Sword fights with no gore Zombies (With no gore) Anything else Any dying with no gore Incentives: Obviously the market is larger for 12+ so there will be incentives to create Universal games. For example, a new way to get to number one, with a new category on the games page, U. What if someone abuses U and makes a violent game: Roblox can carry out their normal justice system. Thanks guys, post feedback below!
#152429444Thursday, December 25, 2014 10:41 PM GMT

horror & gore are too expensive for developers to make nowadays i'm not sure about violent FPS's
#152429510Thursday, December 25, 2014 10:42 PM GMT

Tl;Dr 12+ games for violent games. Universal games for non-violent.
#152429980Thursday, December 25, 2014 10:50 PM GMT

lolno you wont imagine how much CoD kids play these days. this wouldnt have any affect on them
#152430765Thursday, December 25, 2014 11:02 PM GMT

Kids can lie about their age, much like the little kids on CoD.
#152432486Thursday, December 25, 2014 11:33 PM GMT

This is more aimed at parents letting their kids play, so if they want their kiddies to play CoD, let 'em. If they don't want their kiddies to play CoD, probably don't want them to play robloxs version
#152434463Friday, December 26, 2014 12:04 AM GMT

in r2d blood is blocks. And, its the kids choice to play the horror game. Gore isnt PG-13 in movies, the first h4rry p0tter movie had blood in it and it was rated PG.
#152435250Friday, December 26, 2014 12:16 AM GMT

lemme guess you also want swearing and the ability to talk about the birds and the bees hmmmmm
#152436721Friday, December 26, 2014 12:44 AM GMT

This is actually a really great idea. Roblox isn't just for kids, but being able to exclude younger players may be useful for tackling things that shouldn't be introduced to children such as racism and other serious subjects. Is it okay to make a game that takes on the subject of racism seriously? Sure. But such a subject is not something for younger players. And the whole "The can fake their age" thing... Roblox is not held responsible for any harm or damage caused by improper usage of their software, which includes illegally editing files of the program, Incorrect usage of the program and ofcourse, using false information. This could only improve the site, protecting younger players from mature subjects, and allowing these said mature subjects to be delved further in in a proper manner.
#152439125Friday, December 26, 2014 1:25 AM GMT

Yea kids will lie about their age. Just like how 8-10 year olds are playing 17+ M rated games.
#152439880Friday, December 26, 2014 1:38 AM GMT

@blockzbuilderz i played dungeon siege 2 when i was 6 get rekt
#152440373Friday, December 26, 2014 1:45 AM GMT

@Blockzbuilderz Look at my post. If a kid lies about their age, Roblox is not to take the blame. This argument in invalid no matter how you put it, because Roblox takes no responsibility for any harm or damage caused by inserting false information. Besides, parents who really don't want their children to access these kind of things would make sure they couldn't access it. There's a reason companies have to add warnings to medicine and other possibly harmful things, because the consumer doesn't agree top anything when buying the medicine, unlike on Roblox where you agree their Terms of Condition, legally protecting them in case a child ate the medicine, or in this case used a false age to go into 12+ games.
#152441004Friday, December 26, 2014 1:54 AM GMT

+1 TehTechiePlayz l The ACTURAL techie
#152441861Friday, December 26, 2014 2:07 AM GMT

"Horror (Don't want to scare little children)" sorry, but no matter what age, you can get scared of something fake Twitter, @EverythingTUBE
#152442343Friday, December 26, 2014 2:15 AM GMT

@Nt Not at all... I even did a Tl;Dr...
#152442642Friday, December 26, 2014 2:19 AM GMT

Roblox would benefit and gain a lot of support from caring mothers, and mothers who don't give a toss don't lose can let their children play them. And people can get scared of things that are not real. Do you know how much the horror film/game/experiance industry is worth? The zombie industry alone is 5 billion USD, and horror is a further 7 billion USD per annum, so if people weren't afraid, why would we collectively spend 7 billion on horror films a year? Also, I'm not trying to change roblox rules, so we can swear etc, just help their youth policy.
#152442941Friday, December 26, 2014 2:23 AM GMT

Support, but kids may lie about age
#152443891Friday, December 26, 2014 2:36 AM GMT

"As veteran (08') of roblox," that right there made me laugh because you're from 2013 anyways, blood and gore doesn't matter because it's just blocks also don't forget about the cod tryhards and squeakers, they're not affected by violence
#152444397Friday, December 26, 2014 2:45 AM GMT

@Kevin, Many mains get banned. Many, many mains get banned.
#152444674Friday, December 26, 2014 2:50 AM GMT

I sort of support. It wouldn't hurt, but, kids can still lie about their age. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SammyMan09 - Add 1554 post ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ "U fried chicken wot m8" -Tenako 2014
#152444784Friday, December 26, 2014 2:51 AM GMT

"don't forget about the cod tryhards and squeakers, they're not affected by violence" lolwat? So many are affected. Do you know how many younger kids will pick up a stick, a few rocks, and throw them at me like they're a gun? And even more that get flint stones and pretend their knives. It does affect them, trust me. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SammyMan09 - Add 1554 post ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ "U fried chicken wot m8" -Tenako 2014
#152447820Friday, December 26, 2014 3:42 AM GMT

i wouldnt want to add swearing... Horror industry makes millions of dollars in a year. And its the kids choice to play the game. Roblox isn't the mother-friendly site. Its the site where kids can have fun and make games.
#152449080Friday, December 26, 2014 4:02 AM GMT

This will only entice people to fake their ages, although a majority already have.
#152449482Friday, December 26, 2014 4:10 AM GMT

what makes kids fake their age is their teachers keep on telling them not to put in personal information so good luck on restricting it.
#152464855Friday, December 26, 2014 11:08 AM GMT

This is aimed a parents, not children. Parents can easily stop their children faking their age if they want to. And trust me, it does effect kids, who are easily influenced by what they see. I mean, c'mon they believe Santa is really because parents told them so, and them see him on the TV, but then their mind is swayed as soon as the parents just go 'LOL JK U NUB'. AND I DONT WANT SWEARING! :P!

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