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#152501285Friday, December 26, 2014 11:17 PM GMT

Remember get an 80% or higher on this quiz to get +5 extra credit points! 1. What does CFDA stand for? 2. Who was the CFDA founded by? 3. What company is the CFDA partnered with? 4. How many words are in the essay you must write? 5. Tell me how much profit 1st place wins. 6. Tell me how much profit 2nd and 3rd place win. 7. Any more feedback on the vodcasts? (Does not count as a test question.) Remember, PM stasismine your answers. If you would like to copy and paste this onto a message, that is fine or just put 1. and the answer, that works. Thank you CFA! Rainy and I also have worked out a system. One week she will post a video on her channel, and then the next week a new vodcast will come out. I hope you all enjoy this little trial. I think it will help a lot of you!

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