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#152656295Sunday, December 28, 2014 9:33 PM GMT

essentially, a system similar to GroupService that can give you information on the servers open in your place it'd be like this maybe: local ServerServiceInfo = game:GetService("ServerService"):GetServerInfo() and that would return an array with the following layout: local game = { placeId_serverOne; placeId_serverTwo; placeId_serverThree; } Perhaps, with this we have the following API to go with it: instance ShutdownService ( ServerInstance -- a child of the ServerServiceInfo array ) The above function could shutdown a specfic server, performing the same task that is made when a game maker manually shuts down servers via the website. There are more possibilities, that's just one I came up with. This would also give people the ability to limit the servers in their game. (might be handy for clans) If you support, please post and keep this thread alive.
#152656335Sunday, December 28, 2014 9:33 PM GMT

^this support
#152657198Sunday, December 28, 2014 9:44 PM GMT

bring up my post

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