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#152858595Wednesday, December 31, 2014 3:00 AM GMT

New annie includes fkin twitter and f acebook
#152858636Wednesday, December 31, 2014 3:00 AM GMT

also not a redhead wasnt that annies big thing Backstreet's back, all right! ~ officially not trash² ~ #STOPSCUBICIDE2014 ~ hot mechs ~ chek ur privilege
#152858703Wednesday, December 31, 2014 3:01 AM GMT

"o no we ned 2 mak anni blacc 4 diversityy! 2 stahp racism 4evr!!!!!" are u, are u, hanging with ahhtree, they say he shot a mod who baned 3
#152858712Wednesday, December 31, 2014 3:01 AM GMT

Why did they have to make the new Annie have a different skin colour? I think they're trying to break down racial borders but the original Annie wasn't
#152858856Wednesday, December 31, 2014 3:03 AM GMT

"and we ned 2 elimin8 dady warbucs and replac hm w/ will smith :ooooo" are u, are u, hanging with ahhtree, they say he shot a mod who baned 3
#152859000Wednesday, December 31, 2014 3:04 AM GMT

if it was any other story maybe but the story originally was a freckly redhead Backstreet's back, all right! ~ officially not trash² ~ #STOPSCUBICIDE2014 ~ hot mechs ~ chek ur privilege
#152859283Wednesday, December 31, 2014 3:08 AM GMT

I watched the old one today It includes gamez And lots of stuff Haven't watched the new one yet, but I know its bad. Because the trailer
#152859372Wednesday, December 31, 2014 3:08 AM GMT

yeah but they actually got a black kid to do it which is actually the original thing You know what shape you are? A Rekt-tangle [ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ]
#152859445Wednesday, December 31, 2014 3:09 AM GMT

"Haven't watched the new one yet, but I know its bad. Because the trailer" actually looks kinda good I wanna see it Backstreet's back, all right! ~ officially not trash² ~ #STOPSCUBICIDE2014 ~ hot mechs ~ chek ur privilege
#152859543Wednesday, December 31, 2014 3:10 AM GMT

Ya but twitter F acebook Wow Exact phrase from the trailer: "WOW someone put a picture of annie on twitter!"
#152859594Wednesday, December 31, 2014 3:11 AM GMT

Mildly cringy but still looks like a fun movie Backstreet's back, all right! ~ officially not trash² ~ #STOPSCUBICIDE2014 ~ hot mechs ~ chek ur privilege
#152859992Wednesday, December 31, 2014 3:16 AM GMT

Tommorow tommorow I love you tommorow you'll always be a day away.
#152860049Wednesday, December 31, 2014 3:16 AM GMT

Also, the other one had a 9 year old actreas.
#152860373Wednesday, December 31, 2014 3:20 AM GMT

Monkeys ruined it.

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