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#152974450Thursday, January 01, 2015 7:34 AM GMT

i've got £540 and i'm buying cheap steam games "Peace under an illusion isn't true peace; it's only meaningful if the real world manages to accomplish it"
#152974960Thursday, January 01, 2015 7:45 AM GMT

Ur mom
#152975459Thursday, January 01, 2015 7:56 AM GMT

#152976170Thursday, January 01, 2015 8:10 AM GMT

smash, pokemon, and kingdom hearts
#152976477Thursday, January 01, 2015 8:16 AM GMT

Postal 2 Hotline miami Jazzpunk Last of us Fallout 3 (better on console and I thinkmpc version may b bugged) Wait for gta 5
#152976502Thursday, January 01, 2015 8:17 AM GMT

lol a lot of them "better on console and I thinkmpc version may b bugged" there are plenty of bug fixing mods on PC
#152976511Thursday, January 01, 2015 8:17 AM GMT

I added gta 5 even tho u said cheap cuz worth it Idk price of last of us but I know its good
#152976581Thursday, January 01, 2015 8:19 AM GMT

II mean like, there are unfixable bugs My friends fo3 wont start on pc without crashing And he cant delete load data Dont laugh at my games theyre good Jazzpunk is cool Postal 2 is cool Hotline miami is coo K
#152976667Thursday, January 01, 2015 8:21 AM GMT

nice job trying to stop me from replying "Dont laugh at my games theyre good" i didn't? "II mean like, there are unfixable bugs" the console versions are also riddled with bugs
#152976810Thursday, January 01, 2015 8:24 AM GMT

I never tried to stop you from replying Whered u get that from? And my bad when you said lol a lot of them I misread it to Lol at the lot of them Like your laughin at my list Also I know console version has bugs i never said it didnt Im just pointing it out for him
#152976894Thursday, January 01, 2015 8:25 AM GMT

"I never tried to stop you from replying Whered u get that from?" mainly because the reply button wouldn't pop up indicating that you disabled replies to that post "Lol at the lot of them Like your laughin at my list" oh i meant like "lol a lot of steam games are cheap" i wasn't laughing at your list
#152976953Thursday, January 01, 2015 8:27 AM GMT

Oh im on a tablet so I probably hit the disallow replies button while scrolling down My bad
#152987517Thursday, January 01, 2015 2:15 PM GMT

"smash, pokemon, and kingdom hearts" not a single one of those are on steam the first two probably never will be because they're nintendo the third one has a pretty low chance Spelunky and Cave Story+ are both <$20, and I think they're pretty fun. Spelunky also has a pretty large amount of replay value. Cave Story does as well, what with all the secret endings and whatnot. also spelunky is half off right now for $7.49

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