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#153021871Thursday, January 01, 2015 11:36 PM GMT

Noctis Academy of the Arts and Sciences (NAAS) is a multinational K-12 educational complex located near Geneva, Switzerland. Funded by an anonymous philanthropist, it exists in order to give promising youth with extraordinary talents the best environment to nurture and form them into future world changers. Most of the people who are admitted into this academy start at the age of 5, and are taught for 13 years before graduating. However, the academy admits children and teenagers of all ages, so long as they posses a special talent. The teachers at this academy, who are referred to as professors, are trained specially to focus on each student individually in order for them to grow up and mature in the best way possible. This also means that schedules vary between all the students, as they are specialized to suit their talent. The academy is a large property that includes every facility that would be needed to suit the students, as well as plenty of options for recreation in their downtime. Transportation to the academy is provided with charter jets and a bus between the nearest airport and the academy itself. Students are allowed to go home for Winter vacation, and are sent home for Summer vacation for three months. I think I've given enough information, lets get on with the rules and character sheets: Rules: -No Mary Sues or Gary Sues -Minor god-modding is acceptable, but nothing major -Any kind of romantic RPing is at your own risk -No characters from other media -My word is law Character Sheet: Name: Age: (5-18) Gen: Appearance: Nationality: (Optional) Years Spent at NAAS: (Put zero if its your first year) Special Talent: Minor Skills: (Optional) Personality: Bio: (Optional) We can begin after we get three participants. The RP begins at the end of summer vacation, when the students are about to return to the academy. ~Rock is dead. Long live paper and scissors!~
Top 100 Poster
#153022122Thursday, January 01, 2015 11:40 PM GMT

One issue. If this school is for the super duper smart speshul snowflake kids how do they determine if a five year old is fit to attend? Special talents usually don't manifest at such a young age. I mean, my superior intellect and unmatched wit was not present when I was a mere five year old.
#153022568Thursday, January 01, 2015 11:47 PM GMT

@mage Actually, talent can manifest at a very young age. Mozart famously wrote his first symphony when he was four, and Picasso also began drawing at a very young age. Also, just take a look at the "Youngest" section of the Guinness Book of World Records. ~Rock is dead. Long live paper and scissors!~
Top 100 Poster
#153023016Thursday, January 01, 2015 11:54 PM GMT

Mozart wrote his first symphony at the age of eight I believe. Picasso finished his first majir painting at the age of 9 If I recall. Still very young. But older then the age of 5.
#153023205Thursday, January 01, 2015 11:57 PM GMT

@mage Well, yeah, you have a point. Should I fix the RP and repost it or just count it as an acceptable break from reality? ~Rock is dead. Long live paper and scissors!~
Top 100 Poster
#153023441Friday, January 02, 2015 12:01 AM GMT

Meh. You could just bump up the minimum age without posting another thread. I doubt many people are going to be making five year olds anyways, so I doubt it'll be an issue.
#153024775Friday, January 02, 2015 12:19 AM GMT

The minimum age has been changed to 10. ~Rock is dead. Long live paper and scissors!~
#153024927Friday, January 02, 2015 12:21 AM GMT

i thought the title was Noct's Academy of the Ass and Scissors.
#153027090Friday, January 02, 2015 12:52 AM GMT

Name: Noam "Naomi" Jewell Age: (5-18) 16 Gen: Questioning : Born Male Appearance: He has simple brown hair thats a pretty general type of hair, its short though has a bit of a wisp by the forehead. His eyes are boring brown and match with his hair colour and not really standing out. Though his body figure seems to be pretty feminine, his shoulders are smaller and his jaw is softer and less rigid. His body is general weight and skinny, with his height being a little taller than average. His teeth seem to be normal, though about three at the back are missing due to having them pulled out and his lips are pale pink and seem to be nimble with his small nose though by the nostrils he always thinks it looked a bit big and his nose seems to always be a small bit red tinted. His eyed are shaped in the same arch as his eye arch but are like his hair, a brown but a tiny bit darker than his hair. Nationality: (Optional) He is British, specifically English from the South. Years Spent at NAAS: (Put zero if its your first year) 0 Special Talent: Though a boy, and deemed mostly "weird" by society he specialises in Fashion and basically Clothes Designing. Minor Skills: (Optional) He can do some modelling, though not really an art and can draw other things. Personality: I don't really like doing personality, because it restricts my character from developing. Though he's mostly kind to people, but not really talkative to people. Bio: (Optional) No thanks.
#153027962Friday, January 02, 2015 1:06 AM GMT

@Al "Modeling"? What do you mean? ~Rock is dead. Long live paper and scissors!~
#153028006Friday, January 02, 2015 1:07 AM GMT

Well hes in fashion so ykno, he has skill in modeling for magazines, runway etc.
#153028058Friday, January 02, 2015 1:07 AM GMT

@Al I see. Accepted. ~Rock is dead. Long live paper and scissors!~
#153028168Friday, January 02, 2015 1:09 AM GMT

#153029107Friday, January 02, 2015 1:21 AM GMT

(Ha! Gaaa- no jkjk.. why you gotta be so gaa- no stop it) (mark)
#153074991Friday, January 02, 2015 4:07 PM GMT

#153076695Friday, January 02, 2015 4:36 PM GMT

Character Sheet: Name: India King. Age: 17. Gen: F. Appearance: India is quite tan in complexion due to her Australian descent. She normally has her trademark platted hair which is normally different each time since she re-do's it after it's gone all messy, though strands seem to branch out occasionally. Her hair is a brown chestnut, and her eyes the colour of a blue-ish navy. She's not that tall as her sister, Brooklyn who is about five six and over, she stands merely over five foot. There's not much to say as to her look is much more laid back than prim and proper. Nationality: Australian. Years Spent at NAAS: 5. Special Talent: India is especially good in Performing Arts, e.g, dancing and acting, especially in dancing as she prefers it much more. Minor Skills: She takes on music/singing like her sister, but it's more of a hobby. Personality: Well, I'd like her to develop but she's mostly interactive and gives a tye to anything, she likes to talk and gossip and that girly stuff, and normally jokes around more than being serious, which helps her be creative in her dancing. Bio: She was born in Australia, has a brother and sister (Brooklyn and Nathan). That's pretty much it, to be honest.
#153078336Friday, January 02, 2015 5:01 PM GMT

@wd Accepted.
#153078699Friday, January 02, 2015 5:07 PM GMT

i thought a five year old went to college once or something
#153078794Friday, January 02, 2015 5:09 PM GMT

Lol, Tort. Jenny Matrix wants the D... Brian D.
#153079061Friday, January 02, 2015 5:13 PM GMT

@wd +100 points for the VGHS reference. ~Rock is dead. Long live paper and scissors!~
#153079308Friday, January 02, 2015 5:17 PM GMT

@phoniex The ending was shjt though. Js. Jenny Matrix wants the D... Brian D.
#153082696Friday, January 02, 2015 5:59 PM GMT

Character Sheet: Name: Indigo Norths Age: 13 Gen: Male Appearance: A little over the average weight (Chubby) with a nice blue spikey hairstyle (similar to the Roblox hairstyle Beautiful Hair for Beautiful People but sticking upward rather than to the side) with creative clothing with many colors (except at school if it isn't allowed) Nationality: (Optional)Canadian Years Spent at NAAS: 0 Special Talent: Mostly an artist that paints above average abstract work hile also drawing scenes (Wedding, funeral, etc) for people who have just had a occasion then selling to people for a cheap price Minor Skills: Has the strange ability to do some basic gymnastics, reenacts history scenes very accurately, and as a very competitive swimmer Personality: Creative with a side of "normal". Likes change unlike the average Joe and can be agitated if you get on his wrong side but a pretty relatable person resulting in him having many friends. Bio: Was born in Vancouver, Canada and started walking at age 1 1/2 and talking fluently at 2 1/2 / 3 and began showing signs of liking history at age 5 after watching documentaries with his father. He showed signs of other hobbys such as collecting and trading cards at 7 but he quit them. He also started showing interests in art at 4 and became better and better. To this present day it all leads to him being good at all of these different things which is good.
#153084684Friday, January 02, 2015 6:27 PM GMT

@Han I'd say "Reenacting history very accurately" is NOT a minor skill. ~Rock is dead. Long live paper and scissors!~
Top 100 Poster
#153085081Friday, January 02, 2015 6:32 PM GMT

What exactly does "reenacting history scenes" mean exactly? If he were to reenact the death of Julius Ceaser would he pretend to get stabbed really well? Isn't that just simple acting? Or do you mean to say he can recall and remember historical events with a great degree of accuracy?
#153087834Friday, January 02, 2015 7:11 PM GMT

Basically good at acting but he enjoys history "plays" (scenes) most so that's why I included but basically yes replace it with acting.

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