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#153128777Saturday, January 03, 2015 4:06 AM GMT

-Characters that are 'mutated' to have some sort of special abilities/ a positive mutation, such as more strength, being taller, etc. Mutations should be a negative thing. Radiation and RAD-X doesn't give you super powers. -Characters who try to look cooler than they actually are. They try to act like they're the main character of After The Flash. -Characters that are below the age of 18 need to be destroyed. -Characters that have abnormally colored hair need to be destroyed. -RAF's spliced character. -Pretty much any char who you would only see in sci-fi movies (RAF's spliced character again, and some/ most of Malconer's characters) -Generic 'insane' characters who are just discount Trevor from GTA V. -Anyone who's character has a suit. Unless you're in the USCPF Intelligence Bureau, you should not have a suit. Even if you ARE in the IB, it would be super expensive to get a suit. I'm pretty sure they have better things to do than waste time and money on making a nice looking suit. If it's a torn suit from pre-war that armor was added to, I'm fine with it, and I would actually like to see that. But if it's just a normal suit, you probably wouldn't have it in a real apocalypse. I mean, why would you even wear it? It's just a beacon for getting mugged at CT, and it would be terrible for the conditions of the apocalypse. Who would walk around the desert in a nice tailored suit? Plus, where are you gonna find a suit tailor in the wasteland?

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