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#153197245Sunday, January 04, 2015 12:43 AM GMT

Hello, my name is Awesomestarfire and my idea is a free chat experience for guests. My reason for this idea is because I was playing elder terminal (a train game)and a guest was stuck. I can tell because his train was stuck and I wasnted to tell him how to fix it but I couldn't talk to him! Maybe he wanted to ask for help but couldn't too. It ruined the game because I would always hit him then derail. Also roblox says be nice to guests because they're visitors seeing if they like the game. However, they won't enjoy the game much because they can't speak freely. They wouldn't be able to ask for help, nor can they socialize. This makes it not fun to play so please allow guests to talk freely.
#153197576Sunday, January 04, 2015 12:47 AM GMT

Maybe allowing guests to hear us but allowing them to talk no support because you can't report a guest.
#153197619Sunday, January 04, 2015 12:47 AM GMT

Give them hashtags, dow. Because trolls
#153198392Sunday, January 04, 2015 12:56 AM GMT

We can at least give them a more efficient starter chat where you instead click the chat you want to say. We need some sort of way to communicate though.
#153198512Sunday, January 04, 2015 12:57 AM GMT

Let them hear our hate...
#153198805Sunday, January 04, 2015 1:01 AM GMT

ive learned today that guests are bs and need to be removed
#153199091Sunday, January 04, 2015 1:04 AM GMT

But you have the word guest in your name.
#153199171Sunday, January 04, 2015 1:05 AM GMT

@above i said today i learned not twenty days ago st00pid
#153199383Sunday, January 04, 2015 1:08 AM GMT

Omg guest are nusenses
#153200263Sunday, January 04, 2015 1:19 AM GMT

Some guests are real.
#153201228Sunday, January 04, 2015 1:32 AM GMT

Don't let them hear, people are really rude to guest.

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