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#153367279Tuesday, January 06, 2015 2:26 AM GMT

Hi der What cool features and/or suggestions would you want to see in a survival game? Realistic cool features that you havent seen in any other survival games, but want to see implemented. Thanks for reading :D
#153371733Tuesday, January 06, 2015 3:18 AM GMT

Survival game as in... Zombie survival? Hunger games survival? Wilderness Survival? Disasters Survival? Specify and I can give some suggestions :)
#153371954Tuesday, January 06, 2015 3:21 AM GMT

#153371981Tuesday, January 06, 2015 3:21 AM GMT

Did you not see what I just said?
#153372899Tuesday, January 06, 2015 3:33 AM GMT

When i went onto the forum, to add a reply, no i did not see your reply haha. Its a game like dayz :P Just a typical survival out in the wilderness. M
#153373714Tuesday, January 06, 2015 3:43 AM GMT

Okay. I would very much like too see: Nice GUI (hunger,thirst,energy,inventory,death,newgame,loadgame,savefiles) Items (food,water,weapons,tools,objects) Map(s) (Either 1 very large very well put together map, or different custom maps) Crafting (weapons,bullets,bed,door,buildingitems,food,drinks,objects,tools) Trading (trading with players would allow a sort of market with value, aka brings more players) Tribes/Clans/Groups (group bases, group leaders, group gui, would bring MANY players) Animals (kill to obtain food, xp, crafting meterials, able to make pets) Dangers (Natural disasters, animals) Leveling aspect (must be certain level to craft,trade,build,hunt, etc) That's all, hope I've given you lots of ideas :)
#153381767Tuesday, January 06, 2015 6:04 AM GMT

With the hunger and thirst, i decided not to have guis for that. But instead will show if your character is thirst, hungry, full, hydrated. I reckon i have made a nice gui already for my inventory :D What do you mean for loadgame, savefiles? So that your character saves? I have added the first basic items in the game, and scripted a hatchet (hatchet model was a free model, but had no scripts in it, so i scripted it myself) I have a basic crafting mechanism, but when it comes to crafting objects, i will have a book you can find which will give the ability to create different objects like: [Walls, Doors, Stairs + more buildings] I might make it that you already start with that book, and can find missing pages which will be added to that book. Which will be semi-rear I love that trading idea. Maybe you can sell items to an NPC dealer, possibly in a randomised area, which will be pvp free. Each item has its own value, rare items will have larger value. Then from the dealer you can buy items from your currency you got. Possibly doing achievements in game will earn yourself some currency. I will be adding animals at one stage, moving ones. Maybe some animals will allow you to ride them like horses :D I also like the dangers idea, had thought about that already at one stage but forgot :P Thanks for all these ideas :D I appreciate it alot!
#153381921Tuesday, January 06, 2015 6:08 AM GMT

This is fantastic! I would for sure play this! What I meant for loadgame, savegame, savefiles is before the game actually starts you may create and customize your character (maybe you have 2 char slots and can buy more with robux) and save your character, when you come back to the game you can load your char. Maybe char gets deleted when you die? Idk but nice dude! Good luck!
#153381992Tuesday, January 06, 2015 6:10 AM GMT

Great idea! i love it! I will sure add that :D Thanks again!
#153386079Tuesday, January 06, 2015 8:48 AM GMT

#153391693Tuesday, January 06, 2015 1:24 PM GMT

#153392052Tuesday, January 06, 2015 1:44 PM GMT

A campanion
#153392219Tuesday, January 06, 2015 1:53 PM GMT

Would like to see good gui`s and make them sort of modern.. and just take your time in making a game [Skills or what?http://www.roblox.com/Cobra-racing-seat-item?id=198348878]
#153603409Saturday, January 10, 2015 12:37 AM GMT

Bump :) Thanks for all the ideas guys!
#153606153Saturday, January 10, 2015 1:17 AM GMT

A time/day system where it gets darker night would be nice, and it should be darker at night than day (using dynamic lighting) which would allow for some varied strategies. A season system and weather system would be nice. A temperature system which I affected by what I previously mentioned and additional things such as swimming or heat sources would make gameplay more realistic. Subsystem damage instead of a health bar would, possibly with even health effects (such as injuries), would make combat more strategy-based and interesting. A food spoilage system and methods to avoid it, such as items like salt or storing food in buildings, would be something new to ROBLOX survival games. If paired with a season system, this could make surviving Winter more difficult.
#153611892Saturday, January 10, 2015 2:34 AM GMT

I will be implementing day and night mechanics, possibly colder nights will bring more fog, hot nights will pretty much have no fog, but maybe something else? You will be able to create fires which will heat you up. At the moment in my game, i already have this damage system, if your arm gets hit by an axe, it becomes broken, which then limits you to doing stuff such as, if your arm is broken, you can not hold a hatchet, logs, or most other weapons. If your leg hits by an axe, or you fall off places and land on your legs, you will break your legs, which makes you prone. You won't be able to walk until you find/craft a splint. I will be working on a "dizzy" effect if you get hit in the head. I like this food spoilage idea, I might have a way for the player to craft a solar power system, and hook up a fridge you might find in a house. This can then be used as a container to store plenty of things, that won't go off. Maybe if your body is really hot, and you have a stored drink in the fridge, the cold drink will cool down your body faster than normal water. Maybe canned foods won't get spoiled, but fresh foods like fruits, berries, meat will be spoiled after a certain amount of time, if not maintained right :D Whats also going to be hard during the winter, is that there won't be enough sunlight for the solar power, and food will have a chance of spoiling :P Thanks for this!
#153612648Saturday, January 10, 2015 2:43 AM GMT

I think a non-realistic damage system would be cool, because sometimes I am playing DAYZ and someone runs up and kills me with 2-5 rounds which makes it really annoying, you pretty much get killed without warning, 1 person could take out an entire group.
#153615842Saturday, January 10, 2015 3:27 AM GMT

I think it would be realistic that if you get hit in the head, by a sharp axe you would die instantly. It is unfair but realistic. I made make a newbie version of my game and all items do less damage. Because like apocalypse rising, 5 headshots FINALLY kill the person. Where as 1, simply, would kill you :P
#153621139Saturday, January 10, 2015 4:43 AM GMT

Bump :)
#153630724Saturday, January 10, 2015 8:03 AM GMT

#153704875Sunday, January 11, 2015 6:45 AM GMT

Bump :D I am trying to make this game realistic :)
#154736427Tuesday, January 27, 2015 1:28 AM GMT

#154782524Tuesday, January 27, 2015 8:56 PM GMT

I've got a set of more ideas. There could be two types of melee weapons - blunt and blade. Blunt weapons have a higher chance of breaking bones (which increases the heavier/better the weapon is), push people back and can cause unconsciousness. Whether you die, go unconscious (although you'll be slightly injured too) or get a minor or no injury is random, but the chance could be decreased by some stats. Whenever you go unconscious, your screen goes black with only a message, death option (if you don't want to wait) and possibly a timer before you regain conciousness. The time could be at random ranging from a fraction of a minute to 10 minutes for gameplay reasons. You look dead and can be looted. The attacker can avoid this by further attacking the person, but newer players or those in a hurry could be in for a surprise. You also go unconscious from extreme hypothermia, where you could still be saved if the temperature gets hotter from a change of weather or because of another player. Blade weapons cause bleeding and have a low chance of breaking bones. Bleeding continues until the wounds is bandaged or it is healed (if it's minor). You eventually die if it continues too long. Wounds also have a chance of becoming infected if not sanitised properly, which decreases healing time and increases pain from it. Cleaning it with clean water until it's healed heavily reduces the chance. Disinfectants prevent any infection. Blood increases if you have over 75% hunger or if you use a blood bag, and being low on it makes your screen grey. Pain makes your camera shake with the severity depending on how much pain there is. Also, will existing dams and pre-built power generators be functional? I can imagine a group fuelling activating a power station (bonus if it's nuclear), which would probably be worth an achievement and make lights in pre-built buildings work as long as it's operational, as well as removing the need for solar panels if there's still fuel.
#159537225Monday, April 06, 2015 1:36 PM GMT

Bump These ideas are awesome thanks guys! :D
#159537292Monday, April 06, 2015 1:38 PM GMT

add a swag bar, so when it runs out u die

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