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#153455157Wednesday, January 07, 2015 3:58 PM GMT

Once again, I cannot stress how important it is you lock your articles and post them in Clans & Guilds. I've seen many of you posting articles in Clans & Guilds but not locking them. Locking an article is important, because you keep the trolls out. If someone likes your article and wants to tell you so, they should party or PM you. Just by locking this thread I kept the trolls out. Also, as Chuba7 mentioned in an earlier shout go check out the new Pinewood Builders website at PinewoodBuilders.net and don't forget to bookmark it. You also may have noticed that I have updated the PNN HQ description, if you didn't read it already you should go read it now before PMing me about PNN HQ... but as I am writing this sentence I am actually working on PNN HQ ;) Remember to PM me your suggestions! -Robby, PNN Overseer กʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ ก

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